huge king cobra must see

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
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sunshine coast QLD
this is off a doco i watched ages ago its where this south african want to find a karge adult king cobra at the end of the show he finally finds it check out how big it is remember they can get 18 foot this guy is pretty big [video=youtube;x7XY3dMVNhg][/video]=
Yeah that’s Austin Stevens (my hero). Actually on tonight’s show (repeat) he was in Australia looking for a Perentie and on the way he found a BHP and it was calm as.

But yeah this guy is crazy but in a Steve Irwin kind of way where I think he loves what’s he’s doing so much he gets a little too carried away and forgets about the dangers involved. He’s jumped off a really huge steam boat (I think it was 3 stories high?) and into the Amazon River because he saw a snake, he’s been bitten by a cobra (ands was so calm about it all that it was scary), he was trying to catch an Anaconda in the water (which nearly drowned him) and he’s done heaps of other crazy stuff that I can’t remember either (Oh Oh Oh… Like when he crawled into the cave full of 30+ Rattle-Snakes in hibernation when: a) he is an out-of-control claustrophobic and b) there was so many and he the cave was so small he basically had to be careful not to step on any).
can you please start posting the links in the right area? interesting weblinks and stories in the off topic section
and so do alot of the other weblinks, even if its reptiles related weblink it goes in the weblink section
that guys nuts!

amazing vid,...thanks fro posting it! :)
F ing crazy lol thats all I can say but what a nice huge snake I love them big, huge...
lol I know what your thinking lol .... that tooo hahaha

can you please start posting the links in the right area? interesting weblinks and stories in the off topic section

Who died and made you moderator of the posts :p

Geeeeez - someone hasn't had his fruit jube this morning...
I have been watching that austin bloke and got to say he a nut job , seen him the other night holding a snake in his mouth while he reaches for his camera , after falling out of a tree holding the snake .
yeah ive seen him get bitten by a cobra.Goes to hospital and then goes back to find it again.This dudes crazy
I personally don't rate him, half his stuff is staged!
Although I still watch, go figure!!!
Austin Stevens is a *******.

He pokes snakes with sticks and holds their heads with tongs so they can't bite him. I saw him get a boa out of a tree and throw it between his hands like a tennis ball.

Oh, what a hero!
I have been watching that austin bloke and got to say he a nut job , seen him the other night holding a snake in his mouth while he reaches for his camera , after falling out of a tree holding the snake .

I am not surprised :|
That was a huge King cobra around the 14 to 15 ft range, and they get even bigger then that one. I was told by someone that the Cobra shown belonged to the Singapore Zoo.

Who said half his shows are staged. Get a life. They are 100% staged. Each episode is written like a novel with the climatic ending in every episode. Bwanna, a member of this site supplied all the snakes for his far north queensland episode. Its quite funny to hear the lengths they go to to stage every bit of the shows.
Atleast he admitted to realising that it just wanted to get away.
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