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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2010
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Western Sydney
This is getting serious now I think, people are starting to look at me strange! In the space of about 3 weeks we will have acquired 3 new snakes (jungle, diamond and a md) as well as a new baby beardy.

We are yet to pick up our MD, which should be this weekend I believe. After that, we really no longer have the room! Lucky they are all so cute!
just wait till it really kicks in...

now in my place the snake have more rooom than i do..
and to make it worse, were in my shed all my toys were, are now my breeding rats for feed all the snakes
Haha, you're certainly addicted. Same thing happened to me. I bought my first snake 2 years ago and I only intended to have one. Now I have 8...
My wife & her Geckos own upstairs of the house, She also owns the room downstairs & so my snakes take up most of the rest, we used to have a dog But now we don't ,or I would be sleeping with him, I now have the back yard & if I say anything thats where I sleep too!!!!!
me and hubby have finally found we have something in common! so i guess niether of us wants to stop for now lol
This is getting serious now I think, people are starting to look at me strange! In the space of about 3 weeks we will have acquired 3 new snakes (jungle, diamond and a md) as well as a new baby beardy.

We are yet to pick up our MD, which should be this weekend I believe. After that, we really no longer have the room! Lucky they are all so cute!

OMG tell me about it, with help from this site and my love of all things weird and wacky ive aquired (in the last 2mths) Albino & Hets Darwins, Sand Monitor, Mertins Water Monitor and 2x Kreffts river turtles, and thats on top of my B/H Python and Freshwater crocs. Its Become beyond a joke lol I GOT TURTLES IN MY WALK IN ROBE:D
Wait till you get the shakes when you find that critter you have been after and you know you shouldn't, you do then it needs a friend of course!!
Explaining how the new pet appeared out of nowhere to a non-herper partner certainly tests your creativity, "Oh it must have had a full-size adult baby" or the golden default chestnut "Dunno".
Welcome to the hobby :)
Wait till you get the shakes when you find that critter you have been after and you know you shouldn't, you do then it needs a friend of course!! Explaining how the new pet appeared out of nowhere to a non-herper partner certainly tests your creativity, "Oh it must have had a full-size adult baby" or the golden default chestnut "Dunno". Welcome to the hobby :)
LOL Sounds familiar, my wife scared of her own shadow so she not a big fan of the reps. Hence I only ordered one freshwater croc but there was complications with delivery and two turned up, and i couldnt send it back they were friends.
Feb last yr I had to move on my reps because of private rental. This time last yr I restarted my collection with one gecko, Today I have

4x Thick-Tails,
2x N.Wheeleri,
2x N. Levis Levis,
4x S. Ciliaris
2x Stimmies

Bazinga ;)
I said when I got my coastal boy, I would only have the 1.... Yeah right, that went out the window real quick...
Now I own 4 coastals, 3 coastal x jungles, a Murray Darling, a Childreni and as of tomorrow a Jungle baby :)
This illness sounds very familiar. In the past 2 weeks we have bought our first 2 snakes (a yearling Jungle & a yearling Spotted) & 2 Beardies... my drum kit has been relegated to the garage to create a herp room :)
Well in the last 3 weeks, we have acquired, 19 blueys, 1 spencers monitor, 3 lace monitors, and another 8 blueys coming and a colletts snake, they are not mine, except for the colletts, just looking after them for a mate, but our house has gone from 30 herps to 60. Lol
sooo glad its not just us then! not sure if its a good or a bad thing that we both really enjoy them as it means there is no reasonable person to say no!

marcmarc: love the comment re need a friend. was just thinking that last night with our beardy!
Haha like a true addict your looking fir people to blame for your addiction. I know what you mean I started with 1 now have 5 lol
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