I.D? I just found this gecko

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The laws regarding animals on the noxious list in NSW are tricky because one person from DPI will tell you things such as carp need to be beheaded once caught while others will tell you it's "strongly recommended" that they be killed but you under no legal obligation to do so.
It's pretty much the same as the laws regarding catching certain fish species in closed season, some DPI employees will tell you that it is an illegal act in itself to remove the fish from the water if caught while others say catching is fine but must not be kept or molested :rolleyes:

In short DPI are clowns.
It can go against a persons morals or religion to kill an animal so I would be incredibly surprised if there is any legislation stating a legal obligation to do that. I'm confident enough to bet on that, but I love to be proven wrong :)

States have different rules for animal ethics. Fish are an example of a class of animals that are treated under different rules than other vertebrates. In SA the vertebrate ethics doesn't cover frogs. However it's pretty safe to say geckos can't be compared to fish, because they're reptiles - surprise, and the ethics that apply to reptiles are likely to also apply even if it's exotic.

Some of the reasons for animal ethics and laws are to ensure animals aren't treated inhumanly (being euthanized inhumanly by un-skilled people, being cared for by un-skilled people etc). If the general public (with no training) are encouraged to take it upon themselves to kill AHG's, who's to say they can correctly ID them in the first place? When the public is involved, as in Cane Toad round-ups people are trained in ID and the toads are brought back to be checked before being killed.
I was just arguing a point. I don't really care what she does with it :)
I'll sell it to you (;

I have no use for a gecko so he can go in the garden tomorrow

I have no use either but you seem to have missed the point of the responses. It is not a native gecko so to release it is irresponsible. Hand it over to someone else. One of the wildlife rescue groups will take it from you.
Yeah it depends on the state, species etc but generally noxious species have to be destroyed (only when 110% you can identify the species) or handed in.

But before you kill it, you have to capture it. Without an ID on it, you would have to assume it's wildlife, and it's illegal to interfere with wildlife, so you can't touch it.
So legally, you're not allowed to catch it, but if you do manage to catch without disturbing or interfering with it in any way, and positively ID it (no flash on the camera, that would upset it, of course), then you have to kill it in a humane way.
You know, it's funny, DSE didn't mention anything like that to me. The general attitude seems to be "give us some money, then go figure it out for yourself."

To the OP, I am not an expert, but it does look very similar to AHG that I've seen. Personally I would kill it, I'm not a huge fan of noxious pests. If you don't want to do that, realistically I can't see that much of an issue with it being re-released into the garden. I know it's not going to help the situation any, but I don't think one Asian House Gecko being allowed to live is going to speed up the ecosystem's descent into hell.
I have no use either but you seem to have missed the point of the responses. It is not a native gecko so to release it is irresponsible. Hand it over to someone else. One of the wildlife rescue groups will take it from you.

Okay buddy.

But before you kill it, you have to capture it. Without an ID on it, you would have to assume it's wildlife, and it's illegal to interfere with wildlife, so you can't touch it.
So legally, you're not allowed to catch it, but if you do manage to catch without disturbing or interfering with it in any way, and positively ID it (no flash on the camera, that would upset it, of course), then you have to kill it in a humane way.
You know, it's funny, DSE didn't mention anything like that to me. The general attitude seems to be "give us some money, then go figure it out for yourself."

To the OP, I am not an expert, but it does look very similar to AHG that I've seen. Personally I would kill it, I'm not a huge fan of noxious pests. If you don't want to do that, realistically I can't see that much of an issue with it being re-released into the garden. I know it's not going to help the situation any, but I don't think one Asian House Gecko being allowed to live is going to speed up the ecosystem's descent into hell.

Yeah, I dunno. I don't want to kill it and don't have the time to take it to wildlife people.
If I just let it go..its not going to make any difference from if I had never found it lol

Some people are getting too worked up :p
Okay buddy.

Yeah, I dunno. I don't want to kill it and don't have the time to take it to wildlife people.
If I just let it go..its not going to make any difference from if I had never found it lol

Some people are getting too worked up :p

Please don't release it.
...to release it is irresponsible. Hand it over to... One of the wildlife rescue groups will take it from you.

The poor guy was trying to be the good Samaritan and responsibly SAVED it from the cat...

People's opinions here got so complicated, I bet next time he won't even care and go into trouble!
(I know I wouldn't)

It was caught in the wild, it should return to the wild, native or not, that's where it was born!

There are billions of those up here... Do you think 1 tinny guy AHG is going to make any difference? - NO.

Not even EPA is doing anything about them either!!

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The poor guy was trying to be the good Samaritan and responsibly SAVED it from the cat...

People's opinions here got so complicated, I bet next time he won't even care and go into trouble!
(I know I wouldn't)

It was caught in the wild, it should return to the wild, native or not, that's where it was born!

There are billions of those up here... Do you think 1 tinny guy AHG is going to make any difference? - NO.

Not even EPA is doing anything about them either!!

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I always love reading posts like this, I have a very strong "inkling" that -Peter may know a thing or 2 about the processes involved with things like this.

Secondly your posts seem to intentionally go against the general consensus just "because". How about you step back from your keyboard and realize there are people here who not only have a lot more experience with reptiles than yourself but also work in the catching/relocating sector.:rolleyes:
I love it when they show up here in Melbourne...

The best response so far...

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lol cant bleve this thead has gone on so long if it were me i would have not worryed about postIng it the guy dose not know 100%that it not native then i should be let go as id from pics is hard none of us can be certen it is ever no matter how experanced we are my gess it was ahg but i dont like to be wrong and find out it was native
It was caught in the wild, it should return to the wild, native or not, that's where it was born!

Would you apply this argument to feral cats?

There are billions of those up here... Do you think 1 tinny guy AHG is going to make any difference? - NO.

Actually, one individual can make a difference when it's at the edge of its range. In Brisbane it probably wouldn't, but Sydney is very far south to find Asian house geckos - and every individual you release could potentially set up a breeding population and contribute to the species gaining a foothold and further increasing its range.
Throw it in the freezer might be against animal ethics and people will have a cry but less time consuming then walking outside than it is walking to the freezer lol
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