I used to hate cats. But now......Post your cat!

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If you can't afford a cat tunnel try empty boxes. My cats go crazy with them.

Our cats love boxes too :D

My cat was very amused when I put ping pong balls in the bath tub, he had fun for ages! I bought them some new toys the other day, a couple with feathers on the end and a couple of toy mice. My mother's cat loves the fake mice. I bought the toys with the feathers because my cat has a thing for the feather duster lol.
boxes (otherwise known as cat traps) seem to be a great toy for almost every cat, I had 9 boxes scattered around the living area few weeks ago and the cat was loving it but since we could barely walk anywhere I squashed a few to throw out....I got the worst evil looks for days lmao.

Don't know about your bro's kitten Kev' but my little one seems to love anything shiny so foil of all kinds rolled up are a winner, any balls that she can grab (scraggy or rubbery types) and about 30-40mm in size are also a favourite, her favourite toy to date though came from the xmas bag the missus did up for her, it's a little $2 key ring fluffy monkey I just took off the ring. Checking through all the cheap shops for any toys is easiest.

Other than the tunnels, most cats also love the 'cat condo' lol I bought a really good one its almost 2m tall, about 1.6m wide when spread out fully with 4 levels on each side and 3 places to sleep or hide and most of the uprights are scratching posts too so it's definitely getting used.

hope 'mr' wednesday and your dog learn to get along too :D
Great pics and info guys :D Keep em coming!

Oh yeah, any tips on toilet training? So far he has peed on my bed twice :eek:
And he didnt even move from it! He just sat in it lols. I didn't know what he had done until I picked him up and saw the puddle under him, lols
He has a Kitty Litter tray, which is in my brothers room, as this is the room she mainly lives in.
Next time she wee's, should I soak it up with paper towels, then put the paper towels into the litter tray?
I once trained a dog like that, lol, no idea if it would work with Wednesday....
I'd just make sure that after each meal and every time she wakes from a nap or starts sniffing around put her in the litter. She'll soon get the drift!
Its pretty easy to litter train cats. They naturally want to dig and scratch when they toilet. Just keep taking him and standing him in it. especially after he wakes up from a sleep (First thing in the morning) You can get his front paws and just dig in the kitty litter with them. This might encourage him to go. Persistence is key and remember, the closer eye you keep on him now, the sooner he will figure it out! :)
Thanks guys.
My irresponsible brother has gone away for the weekend, lols, typical, everyone else looks after his cat more often then he does.
Hopefully I can get him litter trained by the time he gets back, as i know my brother is easily distracted and can never follow through with things he starts, litter training i'm sure is one of em, lol
Just put the kitty litter in a place nearby and always leave it in the same spot.. I have mine in the laundry, which is further away, but that just means you have to take the kitten in there more often. And if you see him scratching or trying to dig on the carpet or bed. Straight to the kitty litter lol!
I got really lucky with my kitten, the lady we got her from had a large outdoor aviary with a spot that wasn't paved so she put in wood shavings and the mother cat used that as the toilet area and the kittens followed suit, all I did was buy a small bag of wood shavings and mixed it with the normal litter (within 30 mins of being home she had a little feed of what she was used to eating and was using the litter tray) it lasted about 3 weeks and after that she learnt well enough and still used the litter tray, doesn't get any easier lol.

as mentioned have the tray somewhere easily found and by the sounds of it not in your brothers room, and also mentioned before keep a vigilant eye on him and rush him to the tray every time and before you know it he'll use it on his own. it took me 2 months and 4 moves to get the litter tray where I want it just to make sure it was used every time so don't worry about it being somewhere as you can easily move it in a fairly short time ;)

full points for all your effort so nice to see people who have love and care for any and all animals.

I've always been a dog person, and never wanted a cat.
Then after watching episodes of the trailerpark boys, I changed my mind, I didn't hate them anymore (obviously Bubbles was my fave character)

Then 2 days ago, my brother brought this little cutie home:

I fell in love with her instantly, she is soooooo cute! He named her Wednesday.

My brother and his workmates rescued her along with 2 of her siblings.
We think she is only a couple weeks old, so my brother is playing the part of her surrogate mum, lol

Stray cats that live behind the back of the warehouse where he works gave birth to them recently. Anyways, there was fear of them being run over by the forklifts and the big boss was gonna take the babies to the RSPCA. So my brother and 2 other workmates took one home each instead. Sadly, kitty number 4 was ended by a forklift :(

We're currently feeding her with a bottle, and have a vets appointment tomorrow.

Just wanted to share the cute photo with you. She is just a little bit bigger than a can of coke lols

Anyways, we've never had a cat before let alone a newborn-ish one, so we are taking it to the vets tomorrow.

I feel kinda bad for her being away from her mum, but she seems o have accepted us as her family :) And we figured it would be better than leaving them to run around in the warehouse where they can get hurt, and grow into a feral cat in the wild.

So any tips for a new cat owner.I already know the one about danger to natives so we will put a bell on her, feed her well and raise her as an indoor cat.

Oh yeah, post pics of your kittys too, i'd love to see em :D


About a month ago now my brother brought home a stray who he named Thursday :)


The black one is my turtle shell :)


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full points for all your effort so nice to see people who have love and care for any and all animals.

I do love all animals, though I never thought I'd ever want to have a cat. But I am a sucker for all baby animals, I just find them so cute, haha, their impossible to turn away lol
If my bro brought home an adult cat i'd be like "cat, so what!" lol

Wednesdays claws are really sharp, like razor sharp, and i'm copping alot of ouchy stinging scratches lols
Can I cut them? Using normal clippers, and keeping away from the pink area? I remember being told i could do so with my dog, never did though, always got the groomers to come round and do it, lols
Our house is all tiles or woodfloor, nothing to wear them down so her claws really are bothering me, lol, i'm willing to try doing them myself

About a month ago now my brother brought home a stray who he named Thursday :)

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The black one is my turtle shell :)

Lols, really? Did he get him on a thursday? Maybe my brother and your brother are friends, haha
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cool, ill pick one up tomorrow and give it a try. She seems to allow me to hold and inspect her paws so i dont think there will be much hassle doing it.
We did try to do our dog, but he wont let anyone touch his legs or feet lol, he'll bite you before that ever happens lol
haha don't underestimate by the old toms Kev..

I still bear scars 4 years on from a bite that left 3 puncture wounds in my wrist.
Not great quality pics but the only ones I have on the laptop... heres 'Cindy' (short for Cinderella... my 3 year old named her ok!)


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This is my cat Chickin (yes I know it's a weird name :p). He's a burmese and he's very much an in your face kind of cat. In fact, he's currently sitting right in front of me demanding attention. He's pretty smart too, he's learned how to open the sliding wardrobe doors, he opens the pantry door, he worked out the screen sliding doors, and he's pretty close to figuring out the front door, he jumps and hangs on with his back feet in the fly screen and his front paws wrapped around the handle 'cause he sees us doing something with that and the door opens.. won't take him long to work out what to do. He also opens drawers in the kitchen and the coffee table and sits in them. He likes to wait at the sink until you put the plug in and fill it up a little so he can drink. He only goes outside with a harness, I just tether him to 'his' tree and he's happy as just sitting there in the sun. He knows what the harness is, if I go and get it, he'll come running and sit on my lap and try and shove his head through it to put it on and starts purring like mad. He's also learned what time I get home and 5 mins before I get home he starts pacing between the window and the front door and greets me with a yowl as if to say 'hurry up it's my dinner time!' lol.





he wasn't so impressed about the jumper (it's the dog's jumper, I just wondered if he'd tolerate it)

I would definitely not encourage your kitten to bite, I let mine bite as a kitten and we thought it was cute that he would chase our feet under the blanket... and then summer came around and the blanket was now a sheet and the pouncing hurt a fair bit, lol. Also he now bites a lot when playing, and hard! I cut his claws, otherwise I'd look like I shoved my arms in a blender. He's not a fan of having his claws cut though, so I'd suggest making sure it's a good experience for your kitten, get someone to distract him with tasty treats while you do it, and if he doesn't like it, I'd only do one paw at a time so you're not holding him down to get them all done.
This is my cat Chickin (yes I know it's a weird name :p). He's a burmese and he's very much an in your face kind of cat. In fact, he's currently sitting right in front of me demanding attention. He's pretty smart too, he's learned how to open the sliding wardrobe doors, he opens the pantry door, he worked out the screen sliding doors, and he's pretty close to figuring out the front door, he jumps and hangs on with his back feet in the fly screen and his front paws wrapped around the handle 'cause he sees us doing something with that and the door opens.. won't take him long to work out what to do. He also opens drawers in the kitchen and the coffee table and sits in them. He likes to wait at the sink until you put the plug in and fill it up a little so he can drink. He only goes outside with a harness, I just tether him to 'his' tree and he's happy as just sitting there in the sun. He knows what the harness is, if I go and get it, he'll come running and sit on my lap and try and shove his head through it to put it on and starts purring like mad. He's also learned what time I get home and 5 mins before I get home he starts pacing between the window and the front door and greets me with a yowl as if to say 'hurry up it's my dinner time!' lol.





he wasn't so impressed about the jumper (it's the dog's jumper, I just wondered if he'd tolerate it)

I would definitely not encourage your kitten to bite, I let mine bite as a kitten and we thought it was cute that he would chase our feet under the blanket... and then summer came around and the blanket was now a sheet and the pouncing hurt a fair bit, lol. Also he now bites a lot when playing, and hard! I cut his claws, otherwise I'd look like I shoved my arms in a blender. He's not a fan of having his claws cut though, so I'd suggest making sure it's a good experience for your kitten, get someone to distract him with tasty treats while you do it, and if he doesn't like it, I'd only do one paw at a time so you're not holding him down to get them all done.

He is gorgeous. But more importantly, where did you get the jumper? Ben, my tonk would look ultra cute in that!
He is gorgeous. But more importantly, where did you get the jumper? Ben, my tonk would look ultra cute in that!

My mother actually got it for my puppy so she could copy the pattern and make him some more, so I have no idea where she got it. I assume it was a pet shop, but I'm not sure which.
This is my cat. Her name is Vincent and she is treated like a princess...she also has an identity issue because she is female with a male name!




^^having a snooze next to me while i'm in bed crook as a dog!
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