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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hello all,

Our family used to have 3 rabbits. One for my little brother, one for my sister and one for me. All of them recently passed away, except mine.:? 2 deaths in 3 days!! The first was India, my little sisters rabbit. We just found her dead.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: She appeared healthy, they were no cuts on her either. Her only health issue was buck teeth [ A condition in rodents when the teeth grow the wrong way, and you need to trim trim them every now and then. If you let the teeth grow the wrong way, the rodent will have trouble eating. ] But we did trim them, so eating wasn't much of a problem for her. Does anyone know why she died? I figured she died in her sleep.

Then a couple of days later, my little brothers rabbit, Sandwich, died as well!! It was nasty, as we watched her as she passed away. My dad and my siblings were watching TV when my dad heard a screeching noise. We were attracted too the balcony where sandwich lay on her side, making loud grunting and squealing noises. She was also writhing around on her side. She was having trouble breathing. There was straw stuffed in her mouth, so I thought she was choking. My dad held her jaws apart while I stuck my fingers in her mouth and tried to pull out all the straw. [ Yuk!! ] But sadly, all attempts failed, and sandwich died just about a minute and a half after we went to her.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Does anyone know how she died?


Aww... RIP Sandwich and India :(

Do you think they had some sort of sickness (on the inside) or did the die of old age??

I wonder what it was :|
must have been the neighbours cat...:)
sounds like they werent vacinated. sorry to hear about that.
Possibly calici or mixo if there was no bite evidence.....however hot weather can knock them down, heat stress can make them just slip away or induce organ failure, sounds like the second one may have been having a heart attack. Regardless of how they went im sorry for ur loss but im sure wherever they are now they know how much u luved them.
I am so sorry to hear about your pets. But it does sound like either Myxi or Calici virus. You MUST ensure your hutch is mozzie proof (easier said than done) & get your remaining rabbit vaccinated. Warm hugs to you & your siblings. It is never easy losing a family pet but 2 is just so unfair. XX
awww R.I.P sandwich and India you should have had them vaccinated. i have rabbits of my own but i have no idea what could have caused it...............sorry for your loss
Any Poisons around? Rat bait or anything like that? Snail bait on grass they were eating?
Just a thought...
I can almost guarentee it was heat stroke.
its not so much the temperture of the bunny or the hutch but the water, if its warm they wont drink it and alas they die a most horrid death.
I would move your bunny into a cooler spot and make sure he has plenty of cool clean water for him to drink.
Sorry to hear of the bunnies death.
we lost a few last year while we were away and a neighbour was feeding them.
Cheers DG
This is a very old thread Snakebuster. What made you bring it up again? Is your 3rd bunny still alive and well?
This is a very old thread Snakebuster. What made you bring it up again? Is your 3rd bunny still alive and well?

I dunno, someone asked a question, so I answered it, but it turned out I already had! The third one jumped off our balcony and made a happy escape to freedom. [ the balcony was only 4 ft tall, not the balcony of an apartment 100m above the ground!]
begesus u had me shocked then for a second
I dunno, someone asked a question, so I answered it, but it turned out I already had! The third one jumped off our balcony and made a happy escape to freedom. [ the balcony was only 4 ft tall, not the balcony of an apartment 100m above the ground!]
I can almost guarentee it was heat stroke.
its not so much the temperture of the bunny or the hutch but the water, if its warm they wont drink it and alas they die a most horrid death.
I would move your bunny into a cooler spot and make sure he has plenty of cool clean water for him to drink.
Sorry to hear of the bunnies death.
we lost a few last year while we were away and a neighbour was feeding them.
Cheers DG
I agree, high heat can knock rabbits or guinea pigs out in the blink of an eye. And given it was in Jan, I'd say they both died of heat stroke, very sad.
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