Inbreeding Bearded Dragons

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It's not a mistake. It's fully intentional , for valid reasons. The Authorities would have to allow collecting from the wild in all states if we all made the decision not to inbreed.
There's simply not enough different bloodlines available for your fantasy to work.
Thats fact.

no, your simply not capable of understanding that each dragon has its own genetics, and how out sourcing works.

the amount of wild bearded dragons is beyond comprehension. hundreds of thousands die on our roads annually, the amount of wild caught that could be used to fulfill a full scale non-inbreeding program is possible, but you need to resist from breeding siblings. it is completely possible, after all the majority of the human race does it..

its like taking 30,000 humans to go live in space, being initially unrelated its possible to start spaces first breeding program and equivelate over hundreds of years to have 5 times as many humans, still unrelated, and even further.. millions..

you just have to search for someone and keep records so you dont hook up with your sister or cousin.
Some people need to do a bit of research :rolleyes:

Those who keep saying that inbreeding produces weak and defective animals - let's see some proof?
Some people need to do a bit of research :rolleyes:

Those who keep saying that inbreeding produces weak and defective animals - let's see some proof?

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Imbreeding bearded dragons is pretty pointless unless you have abinos or something different from the norm. Geez its not like its expensive to just buy another one to breed with.....
Imbreeding bearded dragons is pretty pointless unless you have abinos or something different from the norm. Geez its not like its expensive to just buy another one to breed with.....

too right!!!
Kirby clearly you do not understand.

The very first translucent beardies to ever pop up - were they robust and healthy? NO.

Inbreeding of stock that is healthy and robust, with no genetic defects, does NOT lead to weak, deformed or mutated offspring. The translucents were never robust to begin with, so that doesn't count. You are also disregarding the fact that Adenovirus in rampant in the United States yet does not exist in Australia.
Although I'm not for or against it...I certainly wouldn't be doing it continuously over and over again..I've had some questionable beardies in my day lol either they were inbred or seriously brain damaged :p! trying to eat light bulks for no reason etc..
On the plus side with line breeding sometimes you end up with the most gorgeous pure markings/colors..that can't be achieved by pairing unrelated beardies..
US dragons arent only dying from adenovirus, they seem to be alot more prone to MBD, RI's and basically everything else that kills dragons,..

i cant imagine that their deaths are all husbandry related considering beardys are so easy to care for.
Wow, I've opened up a can of worms here.
I'd just be too scared to risk inbreeding beardies, I'd be scared of what might come out of the eggs. Maybe that does mean I am a bit naive.
If I could bring myself to doing it, I'd actually love to, because I think if I back-bred my beautiful orange/yellow male to his orange/yellow mother, they would produce such beautifully coloured babies, but like I said I just wouldn't wanna risk it, I'd rather spend more money (which I don't have much of) and outsource.
when the first few trans popped up, they inbred it to create more.. it became significantly weaker..

this is a valid point.
that statement in its self proves you yourself have not done your research.

Lmao. So now you are claiming we have adenovirus in Australia?

And you missed my point. The translucents were WEAK to begin with. They were not healthy and robust when the mutation first occurred. So how is your example valid, or in any way relevant to this discussion? It's not.
just because your 'thing' was weak, doesn't mean every other one was..

the line was weakened and in desperate need of outsourcing.. so they did.

noting your 'lmao'... you are completely ignorant to the subject at hand.
Ahh kirby strikes again.

Seeing you try to palm yourself off as some self proclaimed expert why dont you tell everyone just how many beardies you have bred in your life?

Let me answer for you .. NONE.
My "thing" has absolutely nothing to do with this topic :lol: Now you are really clutching at straws. As usual, Sensei Kirby, your claims are rarely backed up by anything of substance. To quote Becs, "Crouching Dragon... Flying Bullsh-t" :)

And you never answered my question. Are you saying we have adenovirus in Australia?

By the way - where do you think all the albino Darwins came from, considering there was originally just a single female? I guess they are all weak, deformed, mutated, infertile... poor sickly little things, dying all the time.

i never said any of my comments on inbreeding were from experience. if you read my posts properly i stated some US lines and their problems, as well as some information i had read and based my opinion on. i never stated IMO.

i can have an opinion, but you CodeRed must have experienced inbreeding yourself right? lol
yes, Adenovirus is evident in Australia.
Inbreeding Beardies

Hi All,

I will begin with one simple point, every breeder of every animal in the world has back bred at some stage, knowingly or not.

Humans in some cultures back breed, every marriage.

All in all it has created some new colour variations in many of the outcomes and in some instances has caused the outcome of certain 'defects' i.e. Albino, Learning Difficulties etc...

How many of you have heart problems in both your mothers and fathers side of the family?? or Diabetes, Cancer, High blood pressure etc etc etc... Do we as humans ask these sorts of questions when we ask someone out? Yet we still have babies... with adoption, how can you be certain the girl/guy your with isn't your brother/sister, uncle/aunty etc etc..

To back breed/ inbreed, whatever you like to call it is something that has occured around the world for Billions of years, after all life stemmed from single celled organisms...

To the choice to back breed lies withthe breeder, or with the animals if they are kept as colonies.

Colonies in captivity are no different to those in the wild, in both cases limited genetics will for generations be present. Yet still species exist, and thrive in their habitats.

As climate change specialists and historians of wildlife will tell you, those animals that are extinct are not so from genetics but from humans and the effect humans have on the world.

Greg, if your choice is not to inbreed then so be it, that is completely your choice and commend you for standing on your morals.

Those of you that agree with Greg, I also commend you for beliefs.

Those of you that agree to inbreed, I also completely agree with you standing for your morals.

However, those of you on both sides that have condemned each other on your stance I think need to take a step back and act rationally and with some regard to the fact everyone has the right to their own opinion.

I personally line breed those that share the most desired variants, however I also seek out new 'blood' that shows the variants I wish to have. I believe it's all a give - give situation.

To do nothing but inbreed will over time, (generations and generations and generations), have a detrimental outcome. In saying this, how many of you from time to time downsize your collections for various reasons and then purchase again when circumstances change?? This in itself brings in new lines.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I commend once again those that have, however bare in mind how many will not share their views for fear of retaliation.

That seems to be a common view shared by many that I have spoken to that are members of AussiePython, they don't speak up and don't share their knowledge becasue they are affraid of potentil repercussions. Just spare a thought for those you scare off by being so adament with your own opinions and thoughts that you attack others that don't share it.

Thanks all for reading and if you have greivance with anything I have said please feel free to PM me and we can discuss it privately.
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