Injured Tiger Snake

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Snake Catcher Victoria

Almost Legendary
Mar 10, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
This little tiger was bought to me by the owner of the young cat that roughed him up.
I am going to assist shed tonight as it seems to be sticking over the areas that the cat broke the skin.
The snake seems healthy and alert and im hopeful of a fulll recovery.
Ive been bathing it but the stuck shed skin is very stubborn to move.
Good luck Mr S'man, what a gorgeous little fellow, I hope he makes a full recovery :) I am glad the owner of the cat enlisted your help Crystal
Good luck, Baz:)! As you no doubt aware, a shot of antibiotic wouldn't go astray, cats have foul mouths.
I gave him a shot when he came in.
Fortunatly i have some ready loaded syringes of antibiotic in the freezer that my vet gave me when I had a
copperhead of the same size came in with cat injuries,
That snake didnt make it but these injuries seem more superficial and im a lot more hopeful with this one.
He's such a little fighter to
Thats what I thought to Steve, Ill have to take him to see Shane tomorrow annd we will figure it out then.
It does look like a burn or a graze of some sort and Im thinking the cat has picked it up after being previously injured.
Be nice to see pics after his shed, good luck with him mate
Good of the owner to turn it over for some help. Hope it makes a full recovery or as close to it as possible.
He did eat a fuzzy mouse on the weekend and is still bright eyed and bushy tailed.
ill take hime to see Shane before i let him go.
Ill get some more pics of him to Richard :)
Any updates, Baz (or pics)?

Here is another littl update, this guy is quite healthy now, apart from the skin and the healing injuries.
Not very often I get a little cat attack victim like this that pulls through as they usually succumb to septicemia from the cats mouth.

Another nice save, Baz, welldone:)! Hopefully this will go someway toward making up for that poor old Phillip Is Copperhead?!
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