Is it a good idea to put 2 different snakes together?

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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i didn't feed the quoll to the snake... killing a quoll is a $10,000 fine where i live ok, the snake got in a quoll cage which a quoll had been trapped in...

Maybe you could ask your mum to get a photo of you trapped inside the quoll know just so we have an idea on what exactly happened to the snake? Just be careful not to lose an eye though, some doctor may decide it best to keep you with their pet croc......because, well they like cuddles too.
Okay, simple question for you, if I may.... You say, and I quote: "if they don't like each other they can move to other cage if they're not happy together" - without human interference (yours, no doubt), how can they do this? You're keeping them together, aren't you?

"i've had my olive for about 12months now and the coastal i've had for about 3 months..." - I'm assuming you've had them together all this time? You wait until NOW to ask your question "Is it a good idea to put two different snakes together?"...

"i know my snakes better than anyone else does so don't tell me whats right and whats wrong or whats best for them.... i know whats best for them ok!" - So.... why ask the question if you "know what's best for them"? I'm going to lean toward a positive here, and suggest you had an inkling, niggling doubt in your mind that what you were doing was, in fact, wrong, hence the NEED to ask your question... If I'm right, then THANK GOODNESS, there is hope for you!

That is all! :)
as i said before i have 2 cages. about 1m long 40cm high and 40cm wide. they are connected buy some PVC Pipe..... they are free to move from cage to cage if they are not happy with eachother.... but everytime i see them they are always curled up next to each other or onot of each other...
Ok I think this thread has gone on long enough. You've been warned one may eat the other one maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but in time to come you should be made fully aware, and understand the risk you are deciding to take with the pythons in question .... enough said ... not worth of 12 pages .... If you can't take in the information people are telling you so be it .... but this thread is now closed
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