It's like a cat fight, but with bunnies :(

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
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Sadness :cry:

My poor little (slightly cranky-pants) bunnies, had a bit of a territorial fight last night (leaving both bunnies, plus Ben and I bleeding :(). Baby bunny Charlie ended up with a cut eyelid and visited the vet for the day today. Poor little scared thing :( I feel like such a bad mummy :(

Decided to kill two birds with one stone and got the poor thing desexed at the same time :( I feel like the cruelest person in the world :( He's been such a good boy and was very co-operative with the vets... I'm sure that has something to do with him being so adorably hugable, even with his puffy eye and shaven belly & stitches.

So much ouchiness for such a cute creature :cry:

Both bunnies (and Ben & I!!) will be fine, but for the next few days at least, Charlie and I will be sad and ouchy (I'm only ouchy coz he's my little baby and it feels like I'll be torn apart until he's all better again).

Just wanted to get it off my chest... thanks :?
Aawwww, sounds like sad indeed.
I am getting a bunny soon, I'm very excited :D
They are so adorably cute and fun :)

In hindsight though, getting two boy bunnies at different times was probably not the smartest move. They've become a bit territorial as Spring has hit :(

Good luck with your bunny Kelly!!! They make wonderful pets :)
Got some pics of your bunnies Erin? I would love to have one, but they are illegal up here in QLD :(
First 2 are Charlie (obviously not from today, he's not looking too photogenic today!), and the last 2 are Frankie. Charlie is my little baby. He's about 5 months old, and Frankie is about 11 months old. They're both so cute... Especially when they sit on their hind legs and clean their faces with their front paws... It totally melts me every time!!

I love the shot of Frankie on the harness! i also have bunnies (miniature lops). i decided to call the male "Lester: the sissy pirate" & the female "Mix-o"(short for myxomatosis).

In conclusion, your not a bad mummy,at least you gave your babies respectable names!
Hahahaha... Mix-o is a terrible name!!! No offence... I mean it's clever, but don't you feel like your dooming the bunny by naming it that?!

And why the sissy pirate???Does he have a patch and a wooden leg... or even better, a stash of treasure?!

I named Frankie after my favourite magazine, and Charlie after the ABC kids show 'Charlie & Lola'... I plan on my first beardie to be called Lola... which I figure works even if it's male, you know the song... hehehe...

Both my bunnies have harnesses now... Can't wait till it's nice and sunny all the time so I can take them out more!
i had a similar thing happen when i used to have guinea pigs the father and son got in a fight and the father ended up with his scrotum torn open:shock:
Lol I knew a stallion who jumped a fence to try and get to some mares, got caught on a picket and basically gelded himself :shock: :shock:


Your bunnies are super cute, Erin! Stupid QLD laws... :(
First 2 are Charlie (obviously not from today, he's not looking too photogenic today!), and the last 2 are Frankie. Charlie is my little baby. He's about 5 months old, and Frankie is about 11 months old. They're both so cute... Especially when they sit on their hind legs and clean their faces with their front paws... It totally melts me every time!!


i just showed some of my 7 foot plus coastals the pics they licked thier lips :p
I'm glad you're all the way up in Cairns Scorps!!!

That sounds so ouchy Alex C & Miss B... I'm glad my bunny had anaesthetic for this one!! I'm pretty sure he's not very glad about the whole situation at the moment but I'll try to cheer him up with your stories!!
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