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Those pics are not of very high quality animals. I've seen pics of some on other forums and they have been smokin! The problem is that many of them develop all that black tipping, when you see the animals that don't have that muddy look i guarantee you you will fall in love! They look basically like the hottest jungle you ever saw but with green instead og yellow/gold.
craig.a.c said:
I like my snakes pure.

Not having a go at you craig but simply a question.
What is it about them snakes that you dont like? is it the colors or the fact that you know that they are hybrids?.
IF there were pure snakes that looked like that would you have a different opinion?

As I said just a question that would be interesting to know the answer :wink:
ugly mongels, all of them imo.
i think boa thinks the one in his avatar is nice, i recon its ugly.
I'm with you Trueblue - soon we'll only be able to rely on wild-caught stuff for genetic purity. Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean it SHOULD. It will only take a generation or two and nobody will know what they've actually got. Hybrids are at best a waste of space, at worst very damaging for herpetoculture in the long term. But there seems to be little consideration for the future here anyway...

Pythoninfinite said:
I'm with you Trueblue - soon we'll only be able to rely on wild-caught stuff for genetic purity. Just because something CAN be done doesn't mean it SHOULD. It will only take a generation or two and nobody will know what they've actually got. Hybrids are at best a waste of space, at worst very damaging for herpetoculture in the long term. But there seems to be little consideration for the future here anyway...


I am looking forward to breeding when I get the chance but dont worry I wont be mixing snakes to make nice patterns and colors.

How do you guys feel about crossed dogs and cats??
Hope you've got heaps of both Gordo!!! Though once the discussion gets to this stage it usually peaks very quickly (and nasty too...) then the thread gets locked if we're lucky. But I know I'm right...

... and I didn't know you could cross a cat and a dog... now that would surprise me... I would still have no interest in a dog-cat cross though.

The only real problem i have with hybrids are those between elapids and morelia species. It's just too dangerous IMO, Imagine someone catching what they think was a carpet python only to be injected with a lethal dose of taipan venom. Just my opinion :twisted:
*Puts on flame suit*

(PS. I already had my fore proof suit out because i had a circuit racing meeting last night, so i is ready) :lol:
It will only take a generation or two and nobody will know what they've actually got.

Jamie, I think this will be due to people NOT being HONEST with what they sell. We are getting it already with the children's family. I have seen a few Mac x Childreni or Stimi x Childreni and sold as one or the other. How many Intergrades have you seen being sold off as Pure Diamonds.

If you breed a Darwin x Jungle - SELL it as a Darwin X Jungle. I like designer snakes and I think they are a thing of the very near future. I too would be sad to see Locality lost, this is why I believe Breeders should be HONEST. Unfortunately, you and I know very well that this is a HUGE ask.
Thor1 said:
snakes4me, i dont think you can actually cross cast with dogs.

LOL... thats not quite what i ment :oops:

Im not trying to start that hybrid argument again I just wanted to know what it actually was that people hated about them.

p.s Thor1 what is a cast?. :wink:
Actually I don't HATE hybrids, I am just very suspicious of the mentality the seeks to produce them, and as Glimmerman implies, as long as the doer is honest about his animals, there would be a reduced problem. I am passionate about pythons, especially Morelia, within that genus are some of the most beautiful snakes in the world, just as pure species/subspecies. I am always looking for exceptional PURE animals (and exceptional is a very subjective judgement I admit). I would be EXTREMELY annoyed if I was sold an animal which turned out to be genetically contaminated because some d***head wanted to reinvent the wheel. And this WILL happen down the track - those interested in only one or two pet snakes see something pretty (appearance is all they care about), buy it and forget about it's provenance when it's passed on, so it's origin is forgotten in one generation. And not all hybrids are distinctive looking, many will have major characteristics of one parent or another, so can be very difficult to distinguish from a pure animal, but will pass those foreign genes down the line FOREVER. As Glimmerman implies again, and it is my opinion also, that over half the "diamonds" sold these days are carpet hybrids of some sort. I don't believe that those of us who like pure species of known provenance will ever muck it up for anyone else, but those who knowingly hybridise species and subspecies will eventually do huge damage to the genetics of our captive populations of snakes, and will muck it up for EVERYONE.

I just love carpondros, to be honest it doesn't bother me in the slightest what others think of them, I've never been much of a follower. That snake I have as my avatar is just one of the most beautiful snakes around.
I'm all for people not liking them, it is a free world after all but I do object to being labelled untrustworthy purely because I like them as has happened in the past.
Everyone has the right to be narrowminded :lol:
I agree wholeheartedly, as I have said 99% of my snakes are pure to the best of my knowledge and true to locality as best I know. They will obviously stay that way but I ca still appreciate something else for it's beauty and by the way that is one UUGGLLYYYYY snake you posted :lol: :lol:
Disregard what you think of hybrids, even though I'm not sure this is a hybrid, just look at the photo of a snake. Why is this ugly but a young Jungle or coastal is beautiful ?

Glimmerman said:
Jamie, I think this will be due to people NOT being HONEST with what they sell. We are getting it already with the children's family. I have seen a few Mac x Childreni or Stimi x Childreni and sold as one or the other. How many Intergrades have you seen being sold off as Pure Diamonds.

If you breed a Darwin x Jungle - SELL it as a Darwin X Jungle. I like designer snakes and I think they are a thing of the very near future. I too would be sad to see Locality lost, this is why I believe Breeders should be HONEST. Unfortunately, you and I know very well that this is a HUGE ask.
It's not people like you that concern me Boa, you are what I'd call "aware". It's the casual pet keepers drawn to "something pretty" that worry me - they don't keep records and they're not interested in anything but the looks. There would be no problem at all if the genie could be put back in the bottle at will, but once it's out there, that's it. There can be no going back.

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