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Active Member
Nov 30, 2005
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Sydney, NSW
Hi everyone,

My name is Kathy & I'm new to this forum. My husband's name is Stu & we will be sharing this account. I will be doing most (if not all) of the posting & Stu will probably just read the discussion forum.

We are the proud new owners of a 7 month-old Intergrade Python (Diamond x Carpet). His name is Salazar & awfully cute. We are first time reptile owner so in all likelyhood there will be lots of questions from me!

We live in a small apartment in Parramatta (western Sydney) with our young son Sebastian (he is about 20 months old at the time of writing).

I am 23 & a full-time stay-at-home mum & wife. My interests include reading (anything & everything, especially non-fiction stuff about pythons, history & child development), sewing (embroidery mostly these days as Sebastian likes to press the foot pedel on the sewing machine & make me scream! :lol: ) and spending time with friends. I'm a "Goth" which makes for some very challanging sewing projects & some pretty awsome music. I don't go clubbing much these days (it is a bit hard to find a baby sitter who will stay until 3am!) but still enjoy getting together with other people in the "scene".

Stu is 30 & works night-shift at a hotel in the City. He also has a love of reading (mostly sci-fi & fantasy). He is a complete sports nut! He plays cricket during the summer with a church team & will watch just about any sport on TV (except lawn bowls!). He is a big-time python fan (it was his idea to get one) & just loves our little serpent-friend.

I think that's all the major stuff now. Hope to get to know you all better.


Nice to have you KathandStu, Intergrade(sic) huh, you folks know how to get in deep straight off dont you. :twisted: :roll: :wink:
Check past topics featuring intergrades
Welcome to the site. Feel free to ask all the questions you like, there are plenty of good people here that will help you out.
What snake are you planning to buy next? :p
Peterescue: Jump straightin the deep end? Us? Nah! :lol: I don't believe in half measures!
Greebo: Not sure I have the space/money for another snake yet but I definatly won't stop at one!
Supposed to be in the original post...

Oh here is a photo of Stu, Myslef & our son Sebastian. (I couldn't work out how to edit my original post to include this photo. :(
Hi Kath & Stu. Cute babies, both of them! I'm new to this site too. I've only been registered since Saturday, but have learnt so much off it already.

Welcome both to it, and snake-keeping! And as Greebo mentioned, let us know when the next one comes along. It's sure to be soon!

Cheers, Lily
KathandStu said:
I'm a "Goth" which makes for some very challanging sewing projects & some pretty awsome music.

Yeah, like what kind of music? REAL goth music :p or the fake crap like Marylin Manson.
Serpenttounge: An emphatic NO to Marilyn Manson! *Shudder* :lol: I'm more into bands like *takes a deep breath* Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, The Gathering, Liv Kristine, Dead Can Dance, Subterranean Maquerade, Within Temptation & My Dying Bride. Should I suppose you are a fellow "Goth" *tounge firmly in cheek!*
I love Nightwish, Within Temptation, Leaves eyes and Theater of Tradegy(both with Liv Kristine), Type O Negative, Lacuna Coil, Cradle of Filth, Tristania, The Sins of Thy Beloved, Elis, Virgin Black, Therion and many Back metal bands. I've been trying to get some of The Gathering's albums. I hear their album "Mandylion" is good. Liv's sister is in a band called Midnattsol and i'm trying to get their album "Where twilight dwells". Also trying to track down bands like Lullacry, The Vision Bleak and Ambeon. :D
Here I am!!! the Cure (I've seen them a LOT of times), Bauhaus (I saw them in 1997), Sister of mercy, Dead can dance, the Cult, This Mortasl coil, Depeche Mode and many many more!
Hi kath and stu... How cute is Sebastian in that photo... what a classic!

Welcome to APS...I am sure you will have fun here....(I do!)

An emphatic NO to Marilyn Manson! *Shudder* I'm more into bands like *takes a deep breath* Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, The Gathering, Liv Kristine, Dead Can Dance, Subterranean Maquerade, Within Temptation & My Dying Bride. Should I suppose you are a fellow "Goth" *tounge firmly in cheek!*

oh, so your not in to rap music then.... Damn!! I thought you may actually be alright too. ;) :) :)

Welcome by the way. Reptiles are very addictive so start saving :) :)
Welcome guys but be warned. Sleep - gooone. Need to spend too much time here. Just look at the times of a lot of these posts. Stu - work - sacked - you will be on here all the tme if you work nights. One snake - give yourselves a head butt. You don't join this sight and stay with one snake. As Lily said, she's been here since Saturday and now she has about 30 and you should she what she is up to next. So with Stu out of owrk, no sleep and in need of more snakes you finances will also be shot. So please. Get out now while you can for the sake of beautiful Sebastian. OR Welc :D ome to our wonderful world full of friends and helpers.


Pfft.. everyone knows Hard Trance is the best genre of music.. :lol:
Serpenttounge: I have to applaud you music choices! I love so many of those bands! Brilliant music. I find I have to be in the right mood (read: slightly manic) to really get into some black metal bands but I can definalty appreciate it. My favourite The Gathering album is their live acoustic album called "Sleepy Buildings" it is beautiful & you really get to hear & appreciate the singer's voices.

Peterjohnson64: Lucky for Stu his work involves constant broadband acsess & very little to do so he won'thave any problems spending hours every night on here! Me on the other hand...well I have early mornings (thanks to a small child) to deal with so I think I'll be suffering the most! :p I know you are right about snakes being addictive but (fortunatly) at this point we are still pretty broke from our first purchase so whilst I am certain there will be more snakes it probably won't be for a while. :wink:
[quote=" at this point we are still pretty broke from our first purchase so whilst I am certain there will be more snakes it probably won't be for a while. :wink:[/quote]

Donations needed folks before these people get quite ill!!!!
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