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One adult can be taken out and played with regularly

What I want to know is how people with lots of adults in tubs as pets can do this and still say their 'babies' are happy???

Let me get this straight...

You think being "played with regularly" makes your snakes, or rather, "babies" happy? You also state that "babies" are not happy when they are in tubs, and you are asking (actually, challenging) how people who choose to keep animals in adequately sized tubs can state that their "babies" are happy?

You have got to be kidding!

I've given my opinion on the matter on previous pages and highlighted the facts (not airy-fairy theories, but facts) that demonstrate how my animals are more than properly cared for. The thread has now deteriorated, and the last few pages is full of judgemental garbage, and anthropomorphistic dribble.

I'm out.
Because I have so many slitherers sometimes I am forced to used tubs for short periods
If the snakes are still taken out and handled they are fine
But if they are left in the tubs for long periods their temperament changes

I have only had snakes since early 1970s
So I dont have that much experience?????
My question was - what motivates these people to keep such large collections and why are they keeping reptiles at all? I am not knocking them, I am just curious, that's all.

In reptiles i only keep around 13-15 but i keep many hundreds of invertebrates, scorpions, spiders, stick insects, snails, roaches, crabs, crayfish, shrimp etc etc and all but a few, mainly aquatic species, are kept in tubs. The reasons being, its cheap, its easy to clean, alot easier to work with then hundreds of heavy glass or wooden tanks and often its the only way to keep the animals healthy, in some cases even alive. I still gain much enjoyment from my collection and honestly i much prefer the look of a clean tub or melamine tank compared to a horribly tacky "landscaped" enclosure. My animals appear to be healthy and thriving just as much as snakes and other animals kept in "landscaped" enclosures and there is no evidence what so ever to say that tubs are bad for a snakes health weather it be physical or mental health compared to "landscaped" enclosures or visa versa. As i said my animals all appear to be just as healthy as their counterparts in "landscaped" enclosures and i get plenty of enjoyment from my collection the way it is. Why cant it be personal choice, why does it have to be "tubs are bad"
Because I have so many slitherers sometimes I am forced to used tubs for short periods
If the snakes are still taken out and handled they are fine
But if they are left in the tubs for long periods their temperament changes

I have only had snakes since early 1970s
So I dont have that much experience?????

Experience is irrelevant if your claims are clearly not based upon fact.

Here's a theory for you: perhaps once left alone for a little while, your animals being to get used to and enjoy NOT being hassled all the time, hence the change in temperament next time they see your hand coming down to drag them out of their enclosure and ruin their peace and quiet..
"so i dont see a critical problem with keeping snakes in tubs if you have to...and i LOVE reptiles,"

The question is why would you have to????

I have NO problem with keep a snake in a tub for a short period because of an emergency
But to keep a lot of adult snakes in tubs for extended periods makes me wonder why they bother if they profess to LOVE snakes

i keep snakes in both enclosures and tubs. the reason i keep in tubs is room and also so i can move the snakes i wish to breed to a cooler part of my house. im yet to see any difference in the snakes i keep in tubs against those kept in enclosures. im also yet to see any proof as to why snakes cant be kept in tubs. im not saying you or anyone else is wrong in how you keep your snakes, but im sick of people judging those that keep snakes in tubs as not having a love for their snake/s or the hobby, or just in it for the money. we all have our opinions and this thread has run its time, its now time for it tobe closed before it gets anymore personal to some. cheers to all
As a demonstrator I need to keep my snakes in habitats because it keeps them happier and healthier
My snakes are well known for being both curious and happy to be handled
I dont think they would be like that if kept in tubs

It is very interesting that you used the words 'convenient for me"
How about good for the snakes??

My snakes that are kept in tubs are just as friendly and curious as my snakes in larger enclosures. I dont see how that as anything to do with what they are housed in to me that seems more to do with the time spent with the animals. I'm sure 5 snakes in tubs having time spent on them will be alot calmer then 200 snakes in large enclosures.

Whats wrong with convenience? If the snakes are healthy then why cant we also think about ourselves?
Snakes are fine in tubs if you let them out to explore and exercise...But if they stay in the tub and don't get out,I dont think thats right.I think enclosures are the best option...
"so i dont see a critical problem with keeping snakes in tubs if you have to...and i LOVE reptiles,"

The question is why would you have to????

I have NO problem with keep a snake in a tub for a short period because of an emergency
But to keep a lot of adult snakes in tubs for extended periods makes me wonder why they bother if they profess to LOVE snakes

I only use tubs for yearlings and hatchlings and small species of snakes :)........theres no way i would keep a 4.5m Olive python in a tub nor a 2mtr bredli... i wouldnt have the time to take them out every night to slither around for a couple of hours,nor the eyes to keep watch if you got more than one snake..and i personally like them having space to stretch out..but for those people who say they do have the time to take their snakes out every night to move around..then i dont see a long as they stick to that routine,but i could imagine it would be a hassle,always making sure your snake got its daily move around (and sun)...

..what reason??.....well for 1.. same reason u said lol..........emergency or if you have to..due,temporary enclosure for hatchies,for reasons that could be "building your enclosure,waiting for it to be delivered..waiting for it to be built.. quarantine ......thats some reasons why some one would have to :) ....... i see your point tho! but i still wouldnt say ALL those who use tubs as enclosures for large pythons dont LOVE reptiles :S ...
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You have got to be kidding!

I've given my opinion on the matter on previous pages and highlighted the facts (not airy-fairy theories, but facts) that demonstrate how my animals are more than properly cared for. The thread has now deteriorated, and the last few pages is full of judgemental garbage, and anthropomorphistic dribble.

I'm out.

Your fact was that their brain has certain structures and from that you made ASSUMPTIONS (not fact). So no, you voiced your opinion, I welcome that. But don't stick a label on it as fact, if you have no way of proving it as such.

Oh please! It's got everything to do with this discussion. It all boils down to time management.

Or it may boil down to having more pets that you know/have time to look after?
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Some threads on APS can drive the unwary to alcoholism.
As a result, I am jobless, 5 times divorced with 15 kids (somewhere), no real family to drink my red wine with and the dog died last week. Life is a ........ but thanks for reminding me all that Nicole.

Colin, pull the curtain please. I will decide when to close a thread without your advice thanks michael :D
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Your fact was that their brain has certain structures and from that you made ASSUMPTIONS (not fact). So no, you voiced your opinion, I welcome that. But don't stick a label on it as fact, if you have no way of proving it as such.

Re-read my posts, that is not even what I was referring to. Even so, I stated that there are certain structures that are absent, and I am certainly not making assumptions, this is fact as outlined in many scientific papers - get off the forums and have a read of these some time and perhaps you will understand a little better.

You are making statements that people that keep their animals in tubs are "lazy" and are not caring for their animals properly - these are ridiculous accusations with absolutely no substance and as such, I agree with Colin: settle down buddy.
Re-read my posts, that is not even what I was referring to. Even so, I stated that there are certain structures that are absent, and I am certainly not making assumptions, this is fact as outlined in many scientific papers - get off the forums and have a read of these some time and perhaps you will understand a little better.

You are making statements that people that keep their animals in tubs are "lazy" and are not caring for their animals properly - these are ridiculous accusations with absolutely no substance and as such, I agree with Colin: settle down buddy.

Not fired up so don't ask me to settle down. Also, I wouldn't call me your buddy ;).
Im closing this thread before it gets any more out of control and personal than it already has.
settle down please people. thank you
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