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Not so new Member
Jul 24, 2007
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if you know some is getting wild caught reptiles should you report them or name and shame them on here
i dont ever think name and shame is the way to go unless it effects other people.
i would report them and let the right people deal with it : )
then again if they were to sell or breed from it then it would be better to warn potential buyers
What are the rules for wild caught. Is it a definate no-no or do you need a special license?
Wild caught animals are allowed to be kept if captured on a licenses.

These licenses are only avail in NT and WA.

Most Keelbacks are still wild caught, Golden GTS are generally wild caught.

As are some night tigers.

I have all three plus a wild caught carpet, but it was a WIRES rescue from a suburb in Sydney
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I guess its up to you to decide mate.
Obviously you would want some proof to support your claims rather than just slandering names. With regards to legally caught/trapped reptiles, i don't think there's anything to hide on the matter, it's where a lot of hobbyists turn to for some of the more difficult species to obtain. I got some of my Blueys from a legal wild caught source from interstate.
Agree with Tiliqua, without proof it can backfire.

You'd want to make sure they don't have a license.

Just remember that it wasn't long ago that most reptiles kept had been illegally wild caught, and if people hadn't done it, we wouldn't have a licence system at all. Selling wild caught animals illegally or ruining habitat to get them, well thats a totally different thing.
Someone naming nand shaming is fraught with danger, without proof you could find yourself in a civil libel matter. Report your information to the relevant authority.
if you know some is getting wild caught reptiles should you report them or name and shame them on here
Another do gooder trying to save the world from the terrible people who catch reptiles illegally. Nevermind the millions that get run over by roadtrains and cars every year. Mind your own buisness.
The way I see it, we pay for our permits and we pay for our animals, why should people get away with doing it illegally? I'd dob them in, like I always do.
It's a shame I don't have any proof on some of the respected people in the reptile community who pay for wild caughts and just pop them on their papers as NI and sell them off. Taking from the wild is one thing, taking for profit disgusts me no end.
I believe the majority of reptile keepers in this country have at some stage knowingly owned a reptile that was caught illegally, either by themselves or a friend. I'd like to see how many people would knock back a green python on paper for say $500 that they knew was collected from the wild. Not many. All the hypocrites will no doubt start posting saying no way. But i dont believe it for a second.
yer that would be hard but it would be the same sort of temptation of an exotic animal but the fact its on paper would get alot more people to buy
re keeping

Yeh Ryano,it was a way of life for us oldies catching reptiles before they were protected,even now the onley really significant facts ive read over the last few years was the result of Pilbarra pythons catching womas in the wild,if they havent published they ought to.:)
well i think most people on here do it or have done it in the past
Well i dunno about reporting them straight off, talk to them and let them know what they are doing is illegal and what could happen if they are caught. Some people might just not know there is licensing, because unless you actually look to see if there is any or someone tells you theres no other way of knowing.
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