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Active Member
Feb 23, 2008
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Goulburn Valley, Victoria
so, I've had my first reptile(eastern beardie)for about 4-5months and am slightly discouraged from the world of reptiles. Maybe just bad luck but my first beardie was kinda dissapointing in the aspect of being energetic and fun. What I wanna know is if I should get a central beardie to go with my eastern because they are more common and I haven't yet found an eastern of the same size. I would get a female central to ensure no crosbreeding went on.
Beardies bask most of the time.. If you wanted something to "play with" you should get a dog or something.. You can't really play with a reptile, sure you can bring him out and let him sit on you etc. but there not meant to run around all day etc.. You shouldn't put 2 a inland and easten in the same enclosure, just get another easten.. They shouldn't be in the same cage either.
...maybe I was misunderstood. By fun I mean one that will actually move around when I handle it, instead of it just sleeping in my hand with it's eyes closed.
...maybe I was misunderstood. By fun I mean one that will actually move around when I handle it, instead of it just sleeping in my hand with it's eyes closed.
Oh ok, I misunderstood you sorry, The beardie should explore if you put him on the couch etc.. Maybe it is lazy.. Mine is lazy in the enclosure.. out of it she is running around the living area (of course with me watching)
you can't really play with a reptile.Unless you've had it for a few years and it is tame.
My Clanky boy is an eastern and he had a girlfriend but she died:(:'(
He is pretty energetic and loves running around the carpet.
Clank never falls asleep on my hand, he is 4 yrs old.

whenever i see a beardie the first thing i think of is "lol oh god sooo lazy" they remind me of obease couch potatoes. their wide neck being huge turkey neck and their wide body from birds eye view being a huge beer gut.

that doesn't really discourage me though, it's good sometimes to just be able to handle your reptile on a couch and just have it 'chill' with you. My coastal carpet won't sit still the bitch, i always gotta grab her before she tucks herself under the coushions and i loose her. resulting me in either shoving her down my shirt to keep her warm and sit still or put her back in her enclosure.

i'd be pretty happy with a lazy beardie (sometimes :p) keep it as a positive that he's comfortable enough around you to fall asleep. (especially while he's elevated above ground and constantly being swayed [i'd imagine])

Try cat toys, ie; ones with the sticks with the feathery bit on the end, my beardies love to chase them! (make sure you dont let them actually eat it) It might make him a little more active.. :)
whenever i see a beardie the first thing i think of is "lol oh god sooo lazy" they remind me of obease couch potatoes. their wide neck being huge turkey neck and their wide body from birds eye view being a huge beer gut.

that doesn't really discourage me though, it's good sometimes to just be able to handle your reptile on a couch and just have it 'chill' with you. My coastal carpet won't sit still the bitch, i always gotta grab her before she tucks herself under the coushions and i loose her. resulting me in either shoving her down my shirt to keep her warm and sit still or put her back in her enclosure.

i'd be pretty happy with a lazy beardie (sometimes :p) keep it as a positive that he's comfortable enough around you to fall asleep. (especially while he's elevated above ground and constantly being swayed [i'd imagine])


Haha my coastals EXACTLY the same, but when I put her back in her enclosure she tries her best to make it out the lid before I close it.
once I actually lost her in the couch, was the scare of my life, I had to rip the couch apart to my mums disgust when she got home lol, took me from 9pm till 3.30am the next morning to get her out, didnt see her until about 3.
to answer previous questions, she is about a year and a half old, temps are 32-35 in the hot and 25-30 in the cool. She spends most of her time in the cool end. Maybe it's just brumation
so its temps.. the constant heat will be exhausting her!
at that age she could have a proper brumation
which will allow her to revitalize for the coming season of heat
reptiles need to cool down for optimum health

head height under basking light...38-40* end 23* during the day
not heat at all at night!
Just checked the temps and hot is 25 and cool is 21. I turn lights off at 8:30pm and on at 7:00am. The heat lamp comes on about every 15 mins to regulate temps
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