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Ok I asked this before but you did not answer me since you breed them is their any chance of me getting a burtons off you because I really want one and I have only seen them for sale at an expo and that is the only time I have ever seen them for sale before also do I need an advanced licence to have them?

Dont take this wrong way but from reading your posts you really dont sound ready to keep a burtons. I suggest more research into the species and also other species which have similar dietary needs. It would also benefit you if you were to befriend some burtons keepers and learn from them by asking questions, if your lucky you might have someone who lives close to you willing to let you come around and learn that way also but dont get your hopes up.
Ok - that does it!!! The next time I want to know about a species I am never, ever, ever going to start a thread asking about it! I got some very sensible answers from intelligent people who pm'd me, gave me good advice and sent me in the right direction to continue my research. Everyone else has taken this thread and ran around with it like chooks with their heads cut off. Enough already. Go to bed. Now.
Ok so I need a basic licence witch I have but I still don't know where I can buy one anyone know any breeders?

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Don't stop stating threads its just with this one we got caught up in each others opiuon and got a little bit of topic next time I'm sure this want happen.
Ok - that does it!!! The next time I want to know about a species I am never, ever, ever going to start a thread asking about it! I got some very sensible answers from intelligent people who pm'd me, gave me good advice and sent me in the right direction to continue my research. Everyone else has taken this thread and ran around with it like chooks with their heads cut off. Enough already. Go to bed. Now.

So aside from all of the other rubbish you got the information you wanted?
Seems like in the end you got the result you wanted so I would call it a successful thread.

Hopefully reptiles4me has learnt something too but time will tell and I have my doubts. Sorry reptiles4me I won't sell you one until you have more REAL experience.

I like my animals too much.
Well people do say that they are difficult to keep but I believe I can manage to look after and/or breed them.

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If you don't want to sell me a burtons then I don't mind but when you claim that my experience is not real than its stats to annoy me. So do you know any other breeders that might be a little bit more willing then you not that I have any negertive thoughts or anything like that about you of course because you have been really helpful at times.
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I am also a keeper of Lialis burtonis and understand the difficulties in keeping them.

Reptiles4me, I think you need to slow it right down and take your time. Stop rushing yourself - you're not an expert in these matters. I'm sorry but I'm with butters and would not offload some of my animals, especially pygopodids, to you. You need more experience and knowledge - both theoretical and practical.
So legless lizards aren't lizards that got drunk? Total mind blow!!!
I know that me claiming to have 7+ years experience sounds like a bit of a lie at my age but its not a lie.
Your (You're) in title (entitled) to your opioun (opinion) besides that I don't have a photo to show you and I don't know if he still even has it like I said I haven't seen or here'd (heard) anything from him for a few years now for all I know the burtons could be dead by now. Have a look on the web I'm sure I've seen a couple of websites that agree with me and be leave (believe) that it is possible. google search burtons legless lizard eats a cricket or something like that.

Didn't even bother with the punctuation and grammar! For me, kids lose all credibility about their education in reading up on reptiles when it appears they haven't read much on any subject in their short lives....
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Sames again reptiles4me it wouldn't matter if you were 30. In the southern states the keeping of these is problematic. If you had experience feeding tricky small elapids or clutches of hatchling small pythons it would be a good learning experience for force feeding Burton's. Which is what you would have to do if you kept them where you are.

If you had that experience I would consider it no matter your age. We all started somewhere but Burton's are not a good starter and I think you would be better off getting experience with another species first.

Other Pygopods such as hooded and common scaly foots are a piece of cake to keep if you can find them.
I know that me claiming to have 7+ years experience sounds like a bit of a lie at my age but its not a lie.
its not that mate we don't think your lying at all

what it is is that at such a young age 7 years "experience" isn't exactly "7 years experience" if you get what i mean , its more like 7 years of interest , you will understand what we all mean in a few years time and you have really started to delve into the hobby , as has been made very very clear by your many posts that you haven't delved that deep into it at all , you've still only scraped the surface so using the term 7 years experience is a little silly , thats why people have pulled you up on it , some people here may only have 5 years under their belt but have gotten so invested in the hobby they've bred all sort of animals and have faced some of the more challenging tasks the hobby can throw at them

as others have said we commend you for your interests but please for your own good stop saying you have 7 years experience , as that isn't the case
7 years experience and he doesn't even know what license he needs? I call bull fecal matter (as scott would say :) )
I know that me claiming to have 7+ years experience sounds like a bit of a lie at my age but its not a lie.

its like me claiming that my 4 yr old has 3 yrs experience with snakes. Yes she's held, fed, cleaned them out etc over the last 3 years but she doesn't mean she could look after one without major supervision and help... IMO you are only just making your own experiences now.
7 years experience and he doesn't even know what license he needs? I call bull fecal matter (as scott would say :) )
i dont call bull i just think its a kid classing his very first pet lizard as the day his experience started , it sort of is but really it isnt when you compare it to someone who has been in the hobby only for a short time but has invested alot of their time learning about them , instead of what a kid would naturally do and enjoy the lizard , meet its needs but not really learn to much more about them like diseases and other challenges presented to hobbyists

sezzzzz has said it perfectly above me , its also a bit like me saying i have 15 years plus experience because my dad had a coastal when i was a kid , but really ive only got just over a years experience as thats how long ive really been interested in them and had to look after them entirely on my own
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I only asked about the licence thing because I was not 100% sure.

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The "7 years" is not "7 years" interest because during that time I was keeping reptiles as well as trying new things like habitats and diets for my reptiles. I also looked at reptile behaviour in some small species.
I only asked about the licence thing because I was not 100% sure.

an EXPERIENCED person would be.

The "7 years" is not "7 years" interest because during that time I was keeping reptiles as well as trying new things like habitats and diets for my reptiles. I also looked at reptile behaviour in some small species.

my daughter tried to feed the snakes banana and milk, shes tried new things with their diets! Shes a child genius and an experienced herper!!!! i'll ask her for advice from now on :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
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Mate, you really are persistent aren't you..? There have been quite a few responses in this thread from many experienced keepers that make your "7 years" experience look like 3 days of owning a bluey...

I don't mean to offend/attack, but just take in what others have said and continue your learning process. Don't try and correct experienced keepers' on a subject/species you, personally, know nothing about.

I could go tell a friend of mine tomorrow that my pythons eat salads weekly, he can then relay that to a bunch of other people that believe it, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's true now does it?

In my opinion, it is your persistence in claiming you're right (when you're definitely not in this situation) that would stop any responsible burtonis keeper from selling one to you. By continuing to tell them "I'm right, you're wrong" it shows your inability to take in advice and learn something new to you. So why would anyone want to sell you a specialist species after that? I know I wouldn't in fear that you won't correctly look after it by ignoring proper advice...

Also, if you want to continue with this debate/discussion, stop mentioning your age. It doesn't matter how old you or anyone else is. If you're right about something, you're right, if not, you're wrong - simple as that.
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When I was 5 the girl next door was my girlfriend. We used to play house in the cubby, had a doll as a baby... By the above logic I had two years experience of being a father and partner by the time I turned 7.
I only asked about the licence thing because I was not 100% sure.

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The "7 years" is not "7 years" interest because during that time I was keeping reptiles as well as trying new things like habitats and diets for my reptiles. I also looked at reptile behaviour in some small species.
:facepalm::facepalm: ok kid , we've said all there is to say , if your still adamant that your "7 years " is of experience and not more of a 7years of liking reps than thats great , people of aps , please lets just let this kid believe his great , just pull him up on his bad advice as his sure to preach when he does it

i ask you to look over this thread on your 21st birthday , it will make alot more sense than ;)
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Red-Ink I found this race please o' please may I join in with the other kids? Ronny gets too play and he's really good at it he's been watching the Melbourne cup for 5 years and now his mum is going to let him because he's an expert!
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