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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Ellalong, NSW
haha so I guess I was a little bit silly at feeding time this go around..

I was carrying Floyd (Cape york carpet) around while preparing his and Sierra's (water python) num-nums (I'm probably going to get a few e-slaps on the wrist for this haha). Floyd's ratty was thawed to perfection, so I fished it out of the water with my forceps, while Floyd was happily wrapped around my arm. As soon as the thawed rat was out of the water, Floyd started getting a little excited.

Anyway, I was sitting on the edge of my bed at the time, which is right in front of Floyd's tub. Floyd on one arm, ratty on the other, I had just started shuffling forward to put Floyd in his tub for dinner when he launched further than I thought he was capable, snatched the rat out of the forceps, and began his little constricting ritual... Right in my lap.

Now at this point, I'd have gladly scooped him up and put him in his tub to finish his meal, however his tail end had latched on quite firmly to my arm and there was no getting him off. I wouldn't normally mind, except that this time he decided to squeeze the poor dead rat until some of it's insides were uh.. no longer inside. Needless to say, I ended up wearing some pretty gross gooey stuff, and Floyd didn't relinquish his vice grip on my arm until he had completely finished eating.

Was certainly an interesting experience...

Bwahaha that would have been interesting to watch.
Very pleasant. He was only sharing the rat around...
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Yes, he's very sweet... lol but if that's his method of sharing, I think I'll have to sit the next round out!

Well at least Floyd was not hiding like my girl did to me, lol i thought she was snoozing and decided to clean out some of the detritis that she had collected in her house, after i did that i got a rat for her and put it on her log while i changed her water, now for the last 5 years she would not take a rat unless i dangled it by the tail but this day she decided to have a go at it as i picked it up off the log, she must have misstimed her launch coz it was not the rat she got but my wrist followed by 3 coils, she was squeezing like buggery and then must have got a mouth full of my blood coz she let go and went up my shoulder and started nuzzling me under the beard as if to say sorry (you have to know this coastal to really believe this she is a sook, if you stop stroking under her jaw before she has had enough she will bump your hand to get more) has not done it since and even tonight she had to put her nose on the rat before she would "snap and roll" it is almost as if she startled herself as much as she startled me. at least all my rats keep their insides on the inside where it belongs lol.................................................Ron
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Aww Ron, sounds like you've got a real sweetie ^.^ Some snakes really seem to fly in the face of the whole "Snakes only tolerate us" phrase we hear all too often. I really believe there's more to them than that.
i can only hope that i will be as lucky with my 2 new spotties as i have been with Cinaman my 5 yr old coastal............................................Ron
Ah, Skippii, that's brilliant. The only thing lacking was a video camera. Besides capturing the visual record, I'm sure you said a few choice things during this event that should have been recorded for posterity.
I've done something similar.. Except with a little bit of a different outcome.. I copped a bit to the finger instead haha
Hahaha, that would be awesome to watch skippii!(Minus the rat inards...) At lest he didn't grab your arm! :p
Ah, Skippii, that's brilliant. The only thing lacking was a video camera. Besides capturing the visual record, I'm sure you said a few choice things during this event that should have been recorded for posterity.

Now that it's over, I SO wish I had recorded it, or at least taken some pictures. I wasn't really thinking at the time :(

Maybe next time I slip up! lol
Well at least Floyd was not hiding like my girl did to me, lol i thought she was snoozing and decided to clean out some of the detritis that she had collected in her house, after i did that i got a rat for her and put it on her log while i changed her water, now for the last 5 years she would not take a rat unless i dangled it by the tail but this day she decided to have a go at it as i picked it up off the log, she must have misstimed her launch coz it was not the rat she got but my wrist followed by 3 coils, she was squeezing like buggery and then must have got a mouth full of my blood coz she let go and went up my shoulder and started nuzzling me under the beard as if to say sorry (you have to know this coastal to really believe this she is a sook, if you stop stroking under her jaw before she has had enough she will bump your hand to get more) has not done it since and even tonight she had to put her nose on the rat before she would "snap and roll" it is almost as if she startled herself as much as she startled me. at least all my rats keep their insides on the inside where it belongs lol.................................................Ron

sounds like you have a dream snake there
Yeah, I am glad Floyd's got good aim and I got away with my silliness without any feeding response bites (to me anyway.. the rat got quite a munching).
He's very placid, even when I've been handling his lunch (or my parrot), and he can smell it on me, he never strikes.. He just gets excited and goes on a searching expedition for the source of the smell. He'll actually search around and even under my hands (because they smell like dinner, and he assumes dinner is hiding under them I suppose!), he never seems to assume my hands ARE dinner, which is a plus in my books.

All in all, he's an awesome lil snugglestick!

Thats awesome..love storys like this...you will either learn from this simple mistake,or learn the hard way...I can just picture it in my head if it was a big carpet-BHP-Olive or scrub...
I think they are not making rats as tough as they used to because I have also had a few gut-spraying episodes with my spottie lately lol. Thankfully it has all been in her enclosure, but it surprises me how such a little guts can go such a long way.
Let him do it again when hes 3 metres

Ive had FUN with big tough mates doing that
I let them hold the snake then feed it so they can feel the power
Every single one of them has been begging me to help pretty quickly
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