Levis Attacked by Cat

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Active Member
May 16, 2011
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Hi all,

Came home to find my cat had dislodged the cover on my tank containing three Levis. Found two of them safe and sound under a hide, however found the third one on the floor not looking well.

There is wound on where the tail attaches to the body, but its still very much attached and it only looks to be a fairly small cut. There is another mark which may be a claw mark on her head. I have her in a separate container just on some paper towel at the moment. Just wondering, should I try to clean the cuts and put some type of antiseptic on? If so, which sort?

I know how cats play with animals and the fact she was on the floor, probably means she will have internal injuries, so I'm not holding out much hope for her, but if you guys/gals could advise me how best to help her it would be great.

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**** that's no good mate. Hope it pulls through. Hopefully someone who knows about levis's can give you some advise.
Thanks guys. Have had a chat to a couple of members and have put some antiseptic on the wounds. She is in a take-away container by herself with some damp paper towel. Seems to be a lot more alert now then when I first found her, so fingers crossed.
good to hear mate. Not too sure but some people bathe their injured dragons in luke warm water but might not be good for a levis. Just keep him warm and keep hitting up the antiseptic. Hope everything goes well!!!!!
The bathing of dragons in luke warm water is usually not for an injury like a puncture of laceration, it is more for internal problems often associated with the digestive tract.

Keep doing what you are doing and I hope you can see a vet ASAP, fingers crossed.
http://www.aussiepythons.com/forum/member/r3ptilian-22113/r3ptilian can i point out the bleeding obvious to you, this person OWNED the cat it wasnt some radom attack by a feral cat

maybe people like you NEED to remember SOME of us actually own and love cats and really get peeved off with comments like yours

how about respecting ALL members of this site and think before you post, i have NO idea what kind of reptiles you personally own, whether you own other kinds of animals but how would YOU like me to say something nasty and horrible about a pet of yours being injected with lead and i make NO apology to anyone for speaking my mind after reading many threads/posts in here on what to do with cats for doing what is NATURAL to them in the first place and ive finally had enough
r3ptilian can i point out the bleeding obvious to you, this person OWNED the cat it wasnt some radom attack by a feral cat

maybe people like you NEED to remember SOME of us actually own and love cats and really get peeved off with comments like yours

how about respecting ALL members of this site and think before you post, i have NO idea what kind of reptiles you personally own, whether you own other kinds of animals but how would YOU like me to say something nasty and horrible about a pet of yours being injected with lead and i make NO apology to anyone for speaking my mind after reading many threads/posts in here on what to do with cats for doing what is NATURAL to them in the first place and ive finally had enough
Cats don't naturally dislodge tank covers.

Anyway mate what everyone else said, it sounds like you're doing a good job, also, I think you should try to put the tank in a less accessible area from the cat.
Cats don't naturally dislodge tank covers

But they do use their brains to hunt for prey, that's pretty much what a cat is by definition so to hold a cat responsible is pretty naive. As much as i'm sure he is beating himself up already the blame in this situation lies on the owner in just the same way it would lie on me if one of my cats got one of my other pets(I'm not having a go at you Ryan, just pointing out the bleating obvious for others here :) ). It doesn't make it OK, it just makes it a hard lesson to be learned. I'm sure that Ryan will now take steps to ensure that it doesn't happen again and with any luck his little levi will recover and be back in the tank very soon.
People want to kill my reptiles every day :(
I used to have a garden full once :(
Im sorry to all the cat hunters out there, but i agree with you Jeannine. Although im not a huge cat person, my children are & we own 3, & i feel exactly the same about these types of remarks. Cats are born hunters, but they are still living breathing creatures. It is the responsibilty of the human owners to ensure their cats are not killing wildlife/other pets etc. My cats are all indoors, unless in their 'cat house' outside. I still find birds, rats, & even the water dragons from my 'backyard swamp' dead from neighbouring cats......& just last week i saved a baby gtp from the mouth of my neighbours cat. I was furious, but the answer isnt to hurt the cats involved but instead i have let my neighbours know any cats found in my yard from now on will be handed over to the pound......in the last week i havent had a single cat in my yard! Sometimes, if the owners are decent ones, this is all you need to do.
My Grannies cats never left the yard. Was amazing. They were fed and put to bed each day at same time. Well done taking the time Bel.
My Grannies cats never left the yard. Was amazing. They were fed and put to bed each day at same time. Well done taking the time Bel.

Spend the proper time with a cat, & do the right things to keep it from being a threat to other animals, & they really are not so bad! Its the same as any pet, you, as the human, are responsible for them! Our older 2 cats are the same as your grans, i no longer carry them to their cat house, they walk out there with me & go straight on in, the know their place. The kitten is still learning!
yeah the killing cats thing is getting a little old... especially when its the ops pet cat!

hope the little guy gets better =] any more news?
Listen this is going completely off track so stop talking about the cat he is not the one hurt I really hope your gecko is fully healed real soon
Thanks for the constructive replies and well wishes.

She's looking a bit better this morning, snuggled up nice and close to the side of the container closest to the heat mat, seemed a bit more alert than last night and I had seen her moving around a bit during the night. Having a closer look at the mark on her head and I don't think it was a puncture, I think it was just a scratch, so the tail is the only open wound. Will re-apply the anti-septic tonight and see how we go from there.

The tank now has an extra plastic cover and extra weights on top to stop this happening again. The cat is usually locked out of the room they are kept in to be safe, but she was asleep in one of the cupboards yesterday so I didn't notice her and she got locked in there with them. Can't really blame the cat, as has been said previously its her natural hunting instinct, will just make extra sure from now on that she has no chance of getting to them.
People want to kill my reptiles every day :(
I used to have a garden full once :(

me too, i probably still would if people kept their freaking CATS inside!!

oh well, thats what the pound is there for,..... :) :) :p :p
Jeannine, yes you are entitled to your opinion just as I and everyone else is. Yes it is BLEEDING obvious the cat is the op's pet, I was just stating that if it were my cat (of which I do not have and never will) it would have been removed from the house. Sure there are people on here that like cats, that is up to them. Its not that I dont like cats its more the fact that I have seen first hand the destruction that they cause as I am a part time Wildlife carer. You can say what ever you like about my pets, luckily most of my reptiles are either elapids, monitors or large enough pythons that a cat would pose no threat. Have you ever heard "THE ONLY GOOD SNAKE IS A DEAD ONE" cos I am reminded constantly when people find out that I keep reptiles or call me out to remove one from their yard, house or office. But hey thats life, sometimes you hear or read things that you do not like or agree with. I dont go off I just try to explain to them the role that reptiles play in the environment. If in any way I have offended Ryan or any other cat lover out there I am sorry.
No offence taken r3ptilian, everyone is entitled to their opinion. However I'm curious, would you feel the same about removing say one of your monitors if it attacked one of your pythons or is just because this was a cat?
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