Levis Attacked by Cat

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I am not the biggest fan of cats but I am not a hater either. I dont keep cats for the reason of what happend to the gecko. As reptile's are a prey item for cats so of course the hunter will get a feed every now and then. So I only keep reptiles and no cats as accidents happen. I had a green frog get into my herp room and got into one of my thickies set ups that had no lid and ate the gecko. My fault for no having a lid. BUT A VALAUBLE LEASON LEARNT Just cause they carn't get out don't mean that something carn't get in and should always be taken into consideration.
Accidents happpen... glad the gecko will recover. Oh I keep a cat (indoor cat) as well, all my little reps that are prey items for a cat are kept in a locked room. All the big reps that a cat would/could not bother are in locked display enclosures around the house (having locks keeps the cat safe more than the reps).
Accidents happpen... glad the gecko will recover. Oh I keep a cat (indoor cat) as well, all my little reps that are prey items for a cat are kept in a locked room. All the big reps that a cat would/could not bother are in locked display enclosures around the house (having locks keeps the cat safe more than the reps).

Good call
Good to hear the gecko will be ok.

I almost had a similar thing happen with my cat once. When I first got my beardies (the were only hatchies at the time) I was sitting infront of their enclosure (which was at ground level) and had the glass open (I think to take a photo). I didn't realize my cat had walked up behind me. Suddenly he lunged into the enclosure and tried to grab one of my beardies in his mouth. Luckily he didn't manage to, only pushed him down into the sand at the bottom of the enclosure. But still when I think about it I'm sooo greatful the cat never got hold of him or it could've been a lot of damage by the time I got him to let go. Obviously the cat is not allowed in the room where my reptiles are but these accidents can always happen and show how careful we need to be.
me too, i probably still would if people kept their freaking CATS inside!!

oh well, thats what the pound is there for,..... :) :) :p :p

snakes hunt as well and kill cats as well, i am a snake and cat owner and i dont call for the killing of either!! cats kill lizards and snakes, snakes kill cats, no need to call for either to be killed OR sent to the pound.. and cats shouldnt be locked up inside all day just because they are natural predators. dont be a silly sausage. not even cat owners want their cats inside all day - they get annoying. :p
My cat is locked inside 24/7 for two reasons:
1. I don't want him hunting
2. I don't want him to get run over or killed by a cat hating redneck

He is completely happy being an indoor cat as its all he has ever known.
My cat is locked inside 24/7 for two reasons:
1. I don't want him hunting
2. I don't want him to get run over or killed by a cat hating redneck

He is completely happy being an indoor cat as its all he has ever known.

Exactly the same reasons why mine stays indoors... my cat's whole world as far as it's concerned is my house.
snakes hunt as well and kill cats as well, i am a snake and cat owner and i dont call for the killing of either!! cats kill lizards and snakes, snakes kill cats, no need to call for either to be killed OR sent to the pound.. and cats shouldnt be locked up inside all day just because they are natural predators. dont be a silly sausage. not even cat owners want their cats inside all day - they get annoying. :p

firstly, if our native animals kill each other, then thats nature, improting a predator they have no defense against isnt.

ahh, well i find it annoying cleaning up cat crap in my yard even tho i dont have one, if people want to let their cats access my yard they will have to pay to collect them from the pound. :) till they get sick of paying the retrieval cos, then theyre making the decision to have it put down themselves. I have never killed anyones cat, just for the record.

i dont understand how cat owners can claim to love their cats, yet dont want to protect them from things that can hurt/kill them,....i dont let my reptiles roam the neighbourhood cos i would be worried about injuries/death etc, doesnt mean they wouldnt LIKE to explore further than i let them,....
Good call Chris, I have just relocated our nextdoor neighbors cat to the pound for doing exactly the same thing.
I wonder if the owners think it is worth paying $500 to pick it up?

BTW fingers crossed on the gecko.
Cats don't naturally dislodge tank covers sorry but they can, what do you think they also use their claws for? keep their nails trimmed and it should help stop them opening things

r3ptilian you seem to forget cats have been on this planet longer then man, felines have been hunters for thousands of years, its NOT just something new you know, WE humans are responsible for domesticated them as well as dogs, ill be honest with you i agree with those people who say 'the only good snake is a dead one' but i sure as hell dont come into this forum and say it all the time, because i RESPECT THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO LIKE/LOVE SNAKES in here, all i ask is you give me and other cat lovers the same respect and stop talking about killing cats, i really thought people who love animals would NEVER condone being cruel to any animal, guess im wrong and it depends on what animal one is saying others should be cruel too...also you do realise that felines in some countries are still 'wild' dont you and as such still hunt for their food which would include reptiles

i wish the little gecko a very speedy recovery
no offence to anyone but you cant blame the animals only the way they are housed/cared for
ryanm I used to put a bowl of vinegar near the tanks when I had fish breeding them Cats and dogs hate vinegar.
ryanm I used to put a bowl of vinegar near the tanks when I had fish breeding them Cats and dogs hate vinegar.

Thanks Ambush, might give that a try. At the moment she is being sprayed with water every time she so much as wanders near the tanks so hopefully she will learn.
Not sure if it's been mentioned but just keep in my mind the level of bacteria cats carry - it's near toxic. I've gone to ER twice for cat bites so I hope your little fellow pulls through...
Just found this thread,...only hours after you telling me about him this morn.... :( Hope he pulls through Ryan :( :(
Not sure if it's been mentioned but just keep in my mind the level of bacteria cats carry - it's near toxic. I've gone to ER twice for cat bites so I hope your little fellow pulls through...

Yep i'm aware of it, cleaned the wounds with saline solution and have been applying anti-septic each day to try and kill off any infection.
No offence taken r3ptilian, everyone is entitled to their opinion. However I'm curious, would you feel the same about removing say one of your monitors if it attacked one of your pythons or is just because this was a cat?
I once had a Spencers monitor escape his cage and help himself to some baby Cunningham skinks I had in a flexarium, it annoyed me to the point that I ended up giving him to a mate. In the area where I live there is a 24hr indoor curfew on cats unless housed in a cat enclosure, but this didnt seem to apply to my next door neighbour's cats. I found one in my Blue tongue pit eating a newborn Blotchy, and on closer inspection i realised it had been watching the female give birth to the babies and then eat them. That day I would estimate I lost about 10-15 young from her. I reported this to my neighbour to which her reply was "They are only stupid little lizards, and the cat is only doing what comes naturally". I then reconstructed the wire top on the enclosure to stop the marauding felines but it made no difference, they just sat on top and stressed the crap out of my Blueys. So I trapped all of her cats and took them to the pound. She abused the hell out of me and said she wished they had eaten all of my lizards, so I constructed a new outdoor enclosure for some new additions but I placed some adult Tiger snakes in there. That day she spied me in the yard and asked me what i was putting in there now so I showed her, and again she went ballistic saying what if one gets out or one of her cats climbs on top of the enclosure? To which I replied i hope they do, needless to say she had an enclosure made for her cats and all is now peachy.
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