Lifeless traumatised Beardie

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2009
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Gold Coast
Hi everyone some friends of mine have a beardie about 6 months old who was taken out of his enclosure by their 4 year old daughter. They found them in the bathroom where she was washing him in the sink. He was completely motionless with his eyes shut and black over a lot of his body and tail. He is still quite inactive and black about a day later. I told them to make sure he doesnt have soap in his eyes and get him under a nice warm heat lamp, but i would have thought he'd chirp up by now?? Could there be anything else wrong with him, could he be suffering post traumatic stress haha??
Aargh! Did the little girl use anything to wash him with? If so, he may have "drunk" or consumed something that may be toxic... You have done the right thing by suggesting warmth. I'd be suggesting upping the day-time temps, and give him heat (not light) at night as well, just for a few days to see how he goes. Otherwise, being in the cold (if it was for a "considerable" time), then instantly warmed up (depending also on the temp the water was...???) may cause him some discomfort, to say the least...

Interesting case J_P_N, please keep us posted?

I really hope he improves for your friends...

All the best,
Oh dear,.
How long were they missing in action? - Who knows what they got up to,.
I really hope it all works out.

Keep us updated.
lol funny poor little lizard though but at least hes clean. also i would be making sure that there is a good supply of water to help wash any ingested sous etc down and plenty of heat :)
yeah told them to make sure he has fresh water. Noone knows exactly what he went through...
As a youngster I had a similar experience with some older female cousins.

Just glad that no one had a camera.
Remove because off topic.

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and perhaps suggest to them that they may need to invest in a lock for the enclosure so as the poor little guy need not suffer this sort of extreme cleaning again.....
Another reason not to have kids.

no just a reason why

1. with young kids the animals should be locked away (imagine if it was a large unhappy python :( )
2. kids should be taught about such things (and don't give me she/he is only 4, my 3yr old niece and 5yr old nephew know damn well they can look but not touch with out an adult around)

i hope the dragon recovers.
incase the kid washed it with soap/god knows what and it drank it.. if no improvement id say vet
I'd probably give him a water bath twice a day to keep his hydration up and try to flush out any toxins if he has consumed them.

I had to man handle a wild beardie to worm her and she was pretty unhappy, flat and a bit depressed for about 24hours which I thought was quite an extended period. I think theres definitely reason for concern in this case and visiting a vet wouldnt be a bad idea at all to try and avoid any potential organ damage.
IMO The child is old enough to answer a few questions. (without threat)

Was the hot tap used ?

Was the dragon held under water ?
IMO The child is old enough to answer a few questions. (without threat)

Was the hot tap used ?

Was the dragon held under water ?

I dont think the child is old enough to completely trust that answer, because she probably doesn't understand how serious the affects on the dragon could potentially be.
first off, why does their daughter not know that she can look but not touch? and that mummy and daddy will wash said lizard if it needs it (poop on underside etc)

to bath it more will only make it more frightened and it will become a snappy beardie!
the facts are kids often do things they arent supposed to even when they are told regularly what the rules are. Accidents happen. Its unfortunate that it happened but it did.

Yes there should have been a lock on the cage, maybe there was and the kid got the keys and unlocked it. My 2 year old knows she shouldnt unlock the front door yet she does and can. The keys are now up so high now I need a stool to get them.

I understand what you are all saying but kids will be kids and accidents do happen. I am sure the little girl now feels terrible, but i am also sure that at the time she was only trying to "help".

I hope the little fella is ok.
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