Lying on her back?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Hey guys.

I'm a little concerned. I just looked in on my bredli. She was in her hide, and when I lifted it off she was lying half rolled over onto her back, almost exactly like a gravid female would do. Now I did feed her a decent sized meal yesterday - do snakes roll belly up to help heat/aid digestion?

2 year old female bredli, certainly not gravid, ate yesterday and is coming up for a shed. Cage temp looks ok (27-28 cool end).

I gave her a nudge and she woke up quickly - was looking very alert and slightly defensive - she currently has opaque eyes.

Love for someone to tell me this is normal, and that I have just never witnessed it before. Thanks for your help guys!

My guess is she's doing it to aid digestion - getting the food closer to the heat. The same as they get the babies closer to the heat when they are gravid.
Mmmm i'm beginning to be less worried lol. There are no outward signs of illness and I've talked to people who have seen their snakes sleeping in strange positions like that. Having never witnessed it before though, it got my heart racing a bit lol
I have seen it in boa's, anaconda's actually, it is as you thought, she is taking the pressure off her internal organs and at the same time sourcing the heat so to aid digestion.

Have you got the male yet Sam?

With lift off hides, sometimes they are curled sideways inside the hide and when you lift it off, they appear to be on their side / back. Ummmm not too clear there, but it's the best I can do.
I understand mags, thanks, makes sense. It was a pretty decent sized meal too - I think she may have been taking weight off, she certainly looked comfortable lol.

Neil - I'm going to pick him up from the airport in about half an hour :D :D :D
Hey HIS I've never seen my Bredl's do it but I have a pair of Childreni of which the male does the same thing. If you are still worried there is a simple answer to help you stop worrying........Sell it to me :)
One of my junles does the same once in a while.I **** when i irst saw it but she was fine.A friend of mine has a murray that does the same and he was really worried too.
Rofl africa... never give up hey! I've got myself a happy little trio now, and they arent going anywhere... for their sakes you understan ;)

Yeah I think she's fine, but gawd it did give me a fright. friend of my dads was over, lifted the hide to show her off and eek! Pure panic for about 2 seconds lol.. then i gave her a poke :D
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