Mad Wife Disease

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2005
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Melbourne - West
Hi All,
I'll start by saying I have to type quick. Why you ask, well if you knew my wife you would understand.

I'm 36 years old and a father of 3 kids aged 10, 12 & 13 (2 boys and a girl). I live in the western suburbs of Melbourne and have always wanted to get into Herps.

For 14 yeasr I have asked my wife if I could get a snake and she basically said (from memory) and I quote, "Get real, over my dead ?$%&@# body". or words to that effect.

Anyway I have a mate who uses APS (nixneuer) who has a lot to answer for. He has gotten me into this rather addictive hobbie or should I say lifestyle.

Anyway I applied for my permit and a day after I went to Afro's house with nix and had a look at a 12 month old Childreni (now called Monty). I explained to Afro that I was waiting on my permit but really wanted Monty (who came with a small enclosure as well). He said that it was no problems and that when the permit came to come back and we would fix it all up. ????????? 5-6 weeks later the permit arrived and I picked up Monty.

Afro you are one of the most patient, informing and genuine nice bloke's I have met and I thank you for the time you allowed myself and the kids.

Getting back to my wife. I did everything behind her back and bought a small enclosure from nix and hid it in the shed. Well my wife found it and did not say anything to me. (this was the most scariest part/my wife is only 5'2" in height but as with any women - well you guys don't need it explained to you - you women might)

The wife is fine now. As long as it is not iide and remains in the shed next to my t.v. and d.v.d., bar, pot belly stove etc etc etc. The kids well they love it and I can only hope that all 3 take herps up totally. AS LONG AS THEY PAY FOR THEM THEMSELVES.

Sorry about the long intro. Hi Bek, Nixneuer, Afro etc etc etc
re Mad

:shock: :lol: :shock: :lol: Yeh i read that matey and was laughing especially the bit where it went in the shed dude :lol: HaHa i know how you feel my wife and neighbours also just think ime mad your not alone.Yeh my wife isnt reall big either but gees shes a savage beast at times! :lol: Good to see a nice word or two about my favourite tyre kicker uncle afro,he has nice reasonably priced childreni hey. Cheers colin. :D
PMSL.... - I got my bike license behind her back and came home on a mates 250 road bike- well I learnt my lesson....Lets just say if I ever want a quick divorce I know what to do. lol.

Wifey said "Get real, over my dead ?$%&@# body" too - but she added something extra about "not in my house" or something just gotta get me an aviery...
you see when my wife said, "Not in her house". I spent $10,000.00 and built a 9m x 6m shed. Accessories included are pot belly stove, 2 bars with alcohol, workshop, t.v. and dvd player, soccer table and a hammock.

No! I have'nt been forced to sleep on it yet. It is my own little world out there. The kids spend more time out there than they do in the house. I think my wife actually likes the idea of the snake.

Actually I'll rephrase thet, I think she likes the peace and quiet in her on little world.
re Mad

I notice this topic isnt on the lord slateman revolving mouse wheel type topic avertiser thingo,gee wizz your a reall live loser hey shamous,youll die in obscurity this way :lol:
re Mad

HaHa,ok i read the last post LOL ile take the loser bit away,thats what i nead two fridges full of grog and watch the snakes in a daze in the back shed yahoo! :lol:
I notice this topic isnt on the lord slateman revolving mouse wheel type topic avertiser thingo,gee wizz your a reall live loser hey shamous,youll die in obscurity this way

Is there any chance that someone would able to explain what the above means as I have no idea what it means! Must be because I'm a loser or a newbie.
Glad it's all going well for you Shamous1 :) He is a great little snake :) The workshop part of ya shed may have to go mate! To make room for all the extra cages ya gonna need :)
I can't say i know what it's like to be in that situation, i have 30 odd snakes and a few lizards in the second lounge room but then my girlfriend has 400 something spiders in there as well :)

Don't worry about Zulu.....he's just off with the tribe :wink: :)
He is a great little snake. I have learnt to pick him up out of the new enclosure using a hook. Tend not to get tagged that way. Once he is out he settles down pretty quickly. I guess he is still gettingused to the new surrounds.

dugadugabowbow - well give me a few months and I'll see if I can match you. well not in the house. I'll clean the shed right out and stock it full of enclosures. I'll have to chnage the locks so the wife won't know whats going on.

And Nixneuer - If you are watching from work it will be all your fault. You got me into this stuff in the first place and you still have to meet my wife ONE DAY. You have to face the music my friend.
Lol, this is funny stuff. I went through the wife thing as well. Now, I am allowed to get what I want. It took a while though. :) :)
Hi diamond_python what advice can you give me to aid me in my hour of need.

I thought the best way to do things was to just do them or should I say get them and suffer later. You know what it was like when you were a kid and someone told you "NO". Well we just went out and did what ever it was we wanted anyway, right. My problem I'm 36 years old (YOUNG) and still don't do what I'm told.

Now my kids are getting to the stage where I start to worry. They had better to what they are told or they will be out in the shed with the snakes.
I always use the argument that my interest in Herps keeps me away from other (potentially more nasty) things. My wife hates snakes but they are much better than me having a motor bike or a girlfriend (although she knows that no one would have me)!! The best place a husband can be is in his shed with his hobby. Last week at the Mac Herps meeting my son had an olive python all over him. My snake resistant wife was more than happy to assist in holding the olive until she actually realised she was doing it. She is almost numb to them now.
Hey diamond_python. Thanks for all your help. It's a pleasure to meet you.

For people like me to be able to have contact with people like yourself, Afro, Bek n Luke, OuZo and nixneuer is fantastic (nearly forgot you Azztech). The kids and I could not do it without you and the knowledge that you give us we value greatly.

nixneuer you still have alot to answer for. When are you going to meet Anna. Don't be scared.................... I'm not. although it has taken me 13 years.
I dont understand all this p$%y Whipped talk :evil: ,

I have a kick ass herp collection, the quickest bike on the road and anything else i damn well please.....

What ever happened to a man being KING OF HIS CASTLE.

p.s......... Im single so its easy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the words of support. As long as I know that others have gone through the same as me I am happy.......... or should I say I am relieved............or should I say, all for one and one for all.....................or should I say - I better give up now.

It's nice to know you have people that freely offer their support, opinions and time to help further the interest in HERPS.

From me and my family (wife?????) we thank you all.
Ahhhh all this nice lovey dovey stuff is making me go all soft and gooey inside :roll:

On a serious note, congrats shamous1 like Afro said you better start looking for somwhere to fit the bank of enclousures you will soon be getting,
Its like tattoos you cant stop at just one and they keep getting bigger and more expensive. :wink:
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