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AMBULANCE officers treating a man who turned out to have suffered a suspected epileptic fit while behind the wheel of a car early this morning were forced to call police when they spotted what turned out to be a stolen crocodile in the front seat.
It was later identified as one of several reptiles reported stolen from a children's education centre in Gippsland yesterday morning.
Several more were found in the car when ambulance officers were called to assess the man after he was seen slumped over the wheel of the car at the corner of Havana Crescent and Bowman Court on the Karingal estate, at Frankston, about 5.30am.
Sergeant Darren Hedge of Frankston Police was further surprised by what the find would lead to.
"Upon arrival, the ambulance officers let us know that there was a crocodile on the front seat," Sergeant Hedge said.
"So we had a look and sure enough there was a crocodile and in the back there was a few lizards and reptiles and a snake."
Sergeant Hedge said he had seen a report of the wildlife theft on a television news bulletin, and guessed the find was related and contacted the victims of that crime.
"And sure enough they've come up here and identified them as theirs," he said.
Sergeant Hedge said that while the 21-year-old Frankston man found with the animals was taken "in a disoriented state" to Frankston Hospital, where he remains under observation, he had neither been bitten by something or even affected by any other substance.
"No, we don't believe so. We don't believe that's the case. We all thought that, but don't now believe that's the case," he said.
"Ambulance officers believed he might have suffered an epileptic fit or something."
However, Sergeant Hedge said, not all of the missing animals have been accounted for.
Up to $15,000 worth of reptiles were reported stolen from Wildlife Wonderland in the Gippsland town of Bass early yesterday.
Park owner Jason Watson had yesterday told The Age he was "terrified" for the animals which included bearded dragons, water dragons, blue-tongued lizards, pink-tongued skinks, children's pythons and a 60-centimetre freshwater crocodile.
Oddly, the thieves did not take some of the most valuable creatures, including several frill-neck lizards worth up to $3500 each.
thanks baz. too bad he didn't get his theiving fingers bitten off by the croc :p
and ppl say that calling beardies venomous was over the top :lol:

good to see a happy ending.
The Age has been updating the story:

Know the owners well (too well) the animals were probably taken in lieu of money owed to him, set up for Steve Irwins memory crap was bought long before his death, as a purely money making venture!! How do I know this was invited to come on board and make a killing.
They also set up donation tables at shopping centres portraying the fact they are a wildlife haven crap crap crap in it for the money nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fancy finding reptiles on the back seat WITH lizards and a snake. what next.
Know the owners well (too well) the animals were probably taken in lieu of money owed to him, set up for Steve Irwins memory crap was bought long before his death, as a purely money making venture!! How do I know this was invited to come on board and make a killing.
They also set up donation tables at shopping centres portraying the fact they are a wildlife haven crap crap crap in it for the money nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooo you don't like them then? :p
soooo you don't like them then? :p

Dont like them thats a bit harsh, bought into the park last June mmmmm when did Steve Irwin Die?
The person who stole the herps lives in the same area
Inflated prices on the value of the herps
Depise them more like
They have just managed to put everyones herps at risk general herp theiving type public will be thinking wow if thats what blueys are worth I know "joe blogs" has got such n such, so olets rip em off and make a quick buck.

Despise is a better word:x
There have been a few talk back opportunities in Melbourne. If I had not been on my bike riding home from the office at the time I would have called into 774 (abc) mainly just to set the record straight on the price thing.... but also to spruke the value in keeping herps.
The coppers do the same with drug busts, amp up the worth. Makes for a good story for all the citizens.
Sounds like someone overestimated a little bit i think, and i wonder if they had insurance? Hmmm
It is just out of control at the moment and i hope they get caught the *******s!!!
Hey... it's the children's pythons that are worth $9999 each... the blueys and beardies make up the other $2. Geez, get it right :p

Well, most are safe back now, except for $0.50 worth of blueys and beardies....
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