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I would have to agree with Jonno, Browns are predictable and therefore with experience relatively easy to work with. Taipans on the other hand are in a class of their own
From what i've seen, dad has had to catch many Browns etc through WIRES, and most the time i have been there, pretty much in every case they are very warm and have been stired up by one thing or another before hand, (mainly dogs and stupid people trying to kill them or something) and in all cases they have been extremely aggressive.
I have also experianced afew rough scale snakes (also know as the clarence river brown) most have been pretty well behaved but there was one that was dead set nuts, it would to anything to tag you, it actually put a womon in hostbital a week later at a reptile handling caurse:shock: (bit her through the bag)
Also there was one huge King Brown we stumbled accross up North that wanted to eat my brother, it stood up and went for him!

The most defensive Australian snake in my experience are palmerston jungles. Eastern browns are pussycats compared to them.
BAAAA HA HA HA .....thats only because PJ's arent scared of you :lol::lol::lol:
you have the elapids all bluffed ;)
I've never seen, nor heard or, a truly aggressive snake. Plenty of defensve ones though. Eastern Browns would be up there for defensiveness. Haven't seen many wildly defensive Taipans though. Most that I've seen are more interested in getting the hell away from humans. Same with Browns really, but unlike Taipans they seem to get confused about the best way out of a situation and assume it's though you rather than in the opposite direction.
You hit the nail on the head ...totally agree .
Brown Snakes have a very bad reputation and I can understand why, but for anyone who has worked with enough of them for long enough, they are incredibly predictable snakes that are all instinct driven. This is the big difference between Eastern Browns and Taipans - Browns are dumb, Taipans aren't...
Yeah but Jonno ..its the dumb ones you gotta worry about ;)
Most aggressive/nervous snake I have ever come across was a patternless childreni.
i think it comes down to the individual.

as with most species ther are always the little pri**s :lol:

cheers Fj
My adder comes into the little pr*** catergory she went absolutely nuts when i cleaned out her cage she knows she can't eat me but deffinately wants to tag me with he her little damn smile looking mouth....
There have always been stories in VIC about Tiger snakes chasing people instead of trying to escape . That is probably what your teacher is saying . Eastern Browns tag more people but only because they are common near people and get stood on a lot . But everyone knows the Darwin is the scary one .
You know, come to think of it I've never met a water python that din't have a period of complete and utter psychoticness. Even those I've seen that are placid I've been told have gone through a rough childhood or adolescence. For individual specimen examples though our male scrubby was a complete nut. So nervous at first that he'd loose just about every available bodily function when you tried to touch him and strike until he seemed ready to launch himself into the stratosphere.
I had a Taipan that would make any brown i have caught or kept look like a saint.

Cranky snakes need to be dealt with in an appropriate manner, the ease that a cranky snake is handled safety comes down to the skill of the handler.....

I had a Taipan that would make any brown i have caught or kept look like a saint.

Cranky snakes need to be dealt with in an appropriate manner, the ease that a cranky snake is handled safety comes down to the skill of the handler.....

Well to be honest I dont like any cranky /nervous/aggitated /agressive snake
BUt have to admit the hotter the species the tighter the clench butt cheeks get ...

I think alot of the high risk vens can claim to be a bit nervy and as most that have dealt with them can say Now that was a stainer in the undie strainer ...
Easterns are considered aggresive because the probably they are very common so more people get bitten by them.... Ive heard of tigers being aggresive and also taipans but it depends on the snake and how p#s^ed it is :p
Slatey-grey snakes followed by broad-headed snakes. Never handled one that didn't try and fang me relentlessly. Brown tree snakes come close too.

There's a big difference between aggressive and potentially dangerous. Taipans are the most dangerous simply because when you handle one, they tend to stop, think, look at you and figure out their options to take you down. But they are certainly not the most aggressive. Out of 6 wild taipans I have caught none has tried to bite me until on the hook, big or small, male or female. One of them didn't want to bite at all and if it was a harmless species I would have free handled it no second thoughts. Go tailing eastern browns though, and whammo- it's on. The most aggro brown I've dealt with is a speckled brown (P. guttata), the singularly most rlelntlessly attacking individual was a Demansia vestigiata which even returned to attack mode as I released it after capture, and followed me along striking at my heels. No idea why it was unusually hostile. Bad hair day perhaps?
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Hey Eipper do you mean you caught and kept a taipan from the wild?

This what I said

"I had a Taipan that would make any brown i have caught or kept look like a saint.

Cranky snakes need to be dealt with in an appropriate manner, the ease that a cranky snake is handled safety comes down to the skill of the handler.....


How do you get that Caught and kept a Taipan from the wild from that????
This what I said

"I have caught kept a Taipan that would make any brown i had look like a saint.


How do you get that Caught and kept a Taipan from the wild from that????

Easy.....Cut and copy Scott... :lol: Sorry, couldn't help it ;)
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