New Eastern Water Dragons

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2011
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My latest prides and joy! 6 weeks old and adorable!

They've been seemingly happily basking since I got them home, there's two rocks for basking of equal "heat value" and two branches as well, rather specifically to ensure harmony stays intact!
One has a slimmer head and body than the other which is useful for telling them apart!

Before I get the lecture...I understand they grow large, and potentially may need to be separated as they get older. I have an aviary already and I will move them once they're much bigger than now. I'll also watch closely to ensure there's no fighting and will ensure both are fed, and I won't feed them on the sand.
They have a large but not deep dish of water, with a branch coming out to ensure they never get stuck in there.

So gosh darn cute!
I've missed these guys ever since moving back to SA years ago!
Nice Dragons mate! I really want a pair of these but it's just not practical where I am, but I'm getting some Beardies so no worries! haha
LoL, they are both so funny looking and cute as hell! :D Great dragons ;)
Take good care of them and good luck!
Thank youuu :)

good too hear you're thinking about whats practical! that's a good trait!

I'm sure you'll love your beardies :)
I couldn't get myself to fall in love with beardies for some reason, but these critters make me melt!
Never heard somebody say they don't adore their beardie!

haha Atrax I agree :p they're lil hands/feets are so alien like! one had its hand against the glass and it was such an ET moment!

Promise to take great care of them :)
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wait till they grow up... we have 4 and each one has its own personality - they are awesome pets and tame down well
ahhh they look so good im envious of you i cant wait till i can get some of my own they are awesome!
Nice. I notice you seem to have called one of them Wesker? Is the other one Albert? ;)
They are soooo awesome Brett! Can't wait til they get some size too them!

Thank you everyone! They're so lovely!

I've been considering them for years, I should've given in much earlier!

hahahaha Renenet :p You know me too well already ;)
Sadly no :( I'm going with the hope there's a boy and a girl (simply so there's less chance of WWIII!)
so it's Wesker and Jill ;) still a Resident Evil character!

Please keep us updated on Wesker and Jill's progress.
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