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:| I grew up in the bush...on the edge of yengo national park... where I used to run through the long grass chasing snakes and lizards. :| :|

Common snakes in the area were red belly blacks (OMG so many of these!), carpets and tree snakes ^_^
I was never bitten by anything venomous... and my father NEVER killed ANY snakes... instead he caught them and brought them home for us to look at.
He captured every species he could, to help us identify them. He taught us the general shapes of different species and colours... let us examine them closely including dead specimens of venomous species so we could get a real good look.

Im not saying he did the right thing... perhaps he should have taught us to stop and calmly walk away... but his attitude was to try teach us to identify species and if it was dangerous, stop, dont move and watch as it escapes (which the vast majority of snakes do!). The snakes I used to chase were pythons and tree snakes.... the tree snakes ended up chasing me :| LOL

But... the majority of people get bitten in a couple of ways.. they didnt know the snake was there and they stood on it or within its personal bubble... or... they knew it was there and they harassed it in one way or another by trying to relocate it or destroy it.

My father taught me the importance of life, of all kinds, whether it is a huge highly venomous snake passing through our house or a giant python that ate half our egg laying chickens and then was too fat to escape the chicken pen :| ROFL Not one was killed and not one of us was ever bitten. We were taught common sense!

I taught my 5 year old daughter if she sees a snake to stop and be very still and quiet and let it go past until its a safe distance away and then move on.

I personally feel like killing the snake was not the right thing to do, especially on TV. But I also understand their mindset. However... I lived in an area teeming with venomous snakes as a child and never once fell victim. We commonly had venomous snakes in our house which Dad would shoo out of the house :| Pythons lived in our ceiling beams :D We were taught to check our shoes, our beds, our toy boxes. Be cautious when opening things and dont put your hand inside holes, under logs etc.

Having aired that event... I strongly believe they did the wrong thing. I didn't see it myself... but they have a responsibility in airing their show publicly, to make sure it is factual, legal and safe.
Killing that snake sounds as though it was none of the above! They could have chosen not to air that particular portion and they certainly shouldn't have! It wasnt live streamed, they chose to put that out there in the public eye!
This alone may provoke a bunch of "heroes" to kill the next snake they see 'endangering childrens lives'.
Whats more... I was disgusted to see them on TV having a laugh going through the damn drive through with a croc strapped up in the back!!!!! Do they not have any consideration for the wellbeing of that animal? Its a living thing and they feel it ok to just casually drive around 'oh hey lets go through the drive through with a poor animal restrained on the back of our vehicle with no shade or shelter from the sun!'

Nope... justify these things all you like... showing the public such disregard for our native reptiles is wrong. Whether this goes on and we never get to see it is no longer the point... the point is... THE WHOLE COUNTRY HAS SEEN IT NOW... and these things will influence those that have seen it, perhaps to mimic those actions. To believe its ok to have a reptile strapped up in the back of your vehicle without shelter for however long you like :| Oh ha ha its such a laugh.
i think your forgetting that people out there making a living on farms , arnt obsessed with with them and don't spend all there time reading about them and cruising the forums....they are out there to make a living not be sensitive and kind to an animal that could put him or his kids in hospital...however these people obviously weren't strangers to herps and putting it on national tv wasn't the best i still think it was wrong.
As soon as i saw this, i knew a topic would come up here xD
Did anyone miss the little kid standing there yelling snake?
i think he was educated and knew enough not to go near it
i have to agree, i dont approve of them killing it, or showing it on tv, but that opinion is shared by many farmers.

Here it is :) I watched the episode. It was just a bubba snake! Maybe someone with more knowledge can identify it for sure.
BTW... doing a quick search on keeping up with the joneses... I discover people are already mimicing this and using what they saw to identify "baby brown snakes" and they kill them with the same shovel technique! :|

THIS is my point. There are many ENDANGERED species of legless lizard that look to idiots like 'baby brown snakes'.

The damage is done.
i guess if the people or livestock is in danger rule is out there dead snakes are going to happen!!
This is the most amusing part in my humblest opinion; on one hand we have reptile enthusiasts (people who are passionate about protection and conservation of reptiles) and are expected to PAY some leech government division for the "privilage" of a relocator’s permit (not that I can be bothered getting one due to the principal of the matter) because it's illegal to interfere with a reptile (eg: moving it to prevent others protected by a legal loophole from killing it)...yet some bozo can bludgeon one to death on national television (probably to the cheers of thousands of reptile hating on-lookers) and get away with it. Yet, because I move something that someone is going to potentially kill because I haven’t fronted up (at my own personal risk) to their property to move it….I’m a target for the law? Hahahaha!
Yeah reminds me of that episode of South Park wher they use "its comin' right for us" as justification to kill anything and everything.

i guess if the people or livestock is in danger rule is out there dead snakes are going to happen!!
yes giggle you have made a lot of sense in your posts. Whatever your thoughts are on this issue it should definitley not have been showmn on national TV. Not having time to watch such garbage, I didn't realise the snake was just a hatchie.

BTW... doing a quick search on keeping up with the joneses... I discover people are already mimicing this and using what they saw to identify "baby brown snakes" and they kill them with the same shovel technique! :|

THIS is my point. There are many ENDANGERED species of legless lizard that look to idiots like 'baby brown snakes'.

The damage is done.
Has anybody done anything other than complain on the forum? Perhaps contact channel Ten and/or the relevant authority and tell them what's happened.

Make it clear to them that this is behaviour that shouldn't be encouraged, is not really very legal (snake wasn't posing a threat), shouldn't have been put on TV, misidentification is the cause of many innocent animals dying blah blah and they might put a disclaimer after the next show or something?

Probably a good idea to tell them if everyone out there tries to mimic the show people will get bitten and they can be sued for condoning the killing of native wildlife - that might make them listen... it'll certainly be better than a discussion on APS
Without getting into the debate of the action itself, I do feel the show does not depict responsible treatment of animals. I understand reality, but not to advertise it on national TV. Putting a croc onto the back of a ute exposed to sunlight like they did would stress any reptile, let alone the incident on this thread. We all know these actions happen for what ever the reason be, but many views will think these actions are the correct action to take. I wonder if someone gets bitten by say an eastern brown if they can sue the TV station as they aired it? Usually movies have a disclaimer about the actions in a movie/etc are not represenatative of the company providing it etc. I dont think there was such a disclaimer so let the games begin!!
Phill that was probably one of the best posts I've seen in a long time.

If people feel so strongly about it they should post a draft letter to Ch 10 and then ask for some input from APS members. There is plenty of info in this thread to get you started so it wouldn't take too much effort. You could even send a copy to the broadcasting regulator and get other herp/conservation groups in on the act.

Pointless bickering on APS will not achieve anything.
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On the legal aspect of it_

Here is an extract from the NT government web site regarding the killing of snakes

All native snake species are protected in the Northern Territory. For this reason, it is important that members of the public do not interfere with these animals without an appropriate permit. It is an offence to kill a snake unless; “the snake was within 100m of an occupied building; or the defendant proves that they honestly believed that it was necessary to kill or injure the snake to avoid an immediate danger of death or injury to a person or domestic livestock”.

Guzzo's opinion - Though they may be lawful in their actions it is probably not the best television and very likely may send out the wrong message.

BTW... doing a quick search on keeping up with the joneses... I discover people are already mimicing this and using what they saw to identify "baby brown snakes" and they kill them with the same shovel technique! :|

THIS is my point. There are many ENDANGERED species of legless lizard that look to idiots like 'baby brown snakes'.

The damage is done.

Do you have a link to this?
INteresting, my permit explicitly states that i cannot kill any reptiles.

On the legal aspect of it_

Here is an extract from the NT government web site regarding the killing of snakes

All native snake species are protected in the Northern Territory. For this reason, it is important that members of the public do not interfere with these animals without an appropriate permit. It is an offence to kill a snake unless; “the snake was within 100m of an occupied building; or the defendant proves that they honestly believed that it was necessary to kill or injure the snake to avoid an immediate danger of death or injury to a person or domestic livestock”.

Guzzo's opinion - Though they may be lawful in their actions it is probably not the best television and very likely may send out the wrong message.

The whole point of me starting this thread was the fact that she had a shovel a bucket the snake was 10 or so inches long and the only thing she did was to kill the snake. I know very well that there are and can be certain reasons to kill a snake and if it became a choice between a snake and my boy my boy would win every time.That bieng said my boy was 4 when he seen his first venomous snake it was a death adder in the last 4 years he has seen most types of venomous snakes including inland taipans up close and can recognise all of my snakes purely by what i have told him. This also includes down to common tigers and tassie tigers.In a time where animals are destroyed mistreated and wiped out for the pure fact of laziness ignorance and down right redneck attitudes this should not have been on tv... The best defense we have is knowledge and our ability to learn something which this show is lacking...
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