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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2003
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someone posted a good recipe for lizard food eg.mince,tin of fruit etc. but i cant find it in the forums and the one i printed off has dissapered :oops: .
does anyone have it or whoever posted it can you post it again please
I know it was posted by Marion Merkel, aka rochet...
She dosen't visit here much any more, but try her on Aussie Herps. In fact, if you search their archives you can probably find it there.
I came across a good blue tongue recipe sometime.Could be hers, but are you after something for an insectivorous beastie? :?
hey nicole is it possible for you to get in touch with her and ask her personaly as i cant find it anywhere on any site :?
please :oops:
Sorry RK, I don't know her personaly, and don't have a contact for her.
If you go to Aussie Herps and mail her direct she will probably help you out. I don't know exactly how their site works, but try a search on her name or something??
i give up 8)
Nicole said:
If you didn't know the web page, you obviously didn't search for it
i had the wrong web page :oops:
anyone else got any other recipes for food for reptiles :?:
I was only having a little gigle cause you should have asked for a link to aussie herps in the first place if you didn't know about it. Sorry RK, I thought you would know about em already...

I've had a look, you have to join up to be able to contact members, but probably easier still is to join up and then post a note on there asking for the recipie, label it ATT: MARION MERKLE re BLUEY RECIPE, or something like that, you should get a decent response. They are pretty into lizards on Aust herps.

Remember to come back though! They have more members, but they also treat each other pretty badly at times too. Not like our nice little APS utopia here :D
Sorry but I can't remember where I got this from, or who posted it.
Hope it helps though :)

"You need my blue tongue recipe - that has been helpful in getting my blueys
>get active again.
>1/2 kg lean beef mince
>any fruit (canned in natural juice) - at least 3 small cans, and fresh
>1 large egg
>1 generous sprinkle reptile calcium powder
>Mush up fruit in food processor, mix in with egg, mince meat, egg and
>reptile calcium powder."
hah funny thing :lol: nicole tride to sign up yesterday to my surprise :shock: im already a member :oops:
i got the recipe today 8) so its all good.
thanks vat ill have to try that one too :wink:
Hey RK,
Can you plz post or PM me the recipie as I would also be very interested in it for my bluies :lol: :lol:
Cheers Simon
i will submit it as an article for anyone else who would like to see it so it will never be lost to the world of aps again. :D
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