Pet Store on SPRINGVALE RD, VICTORIA! Urgent! Need your help!

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I strongly suggest not getting television programmes such as Today Tonight involved as they have their own bad motives (they'll twist the facts to make whatever story will bring in the best ratings), and you could quite possibly end up with a story along the lines of "All reptile keepers are extremely bad, here is an example, we need to ban people from being able to keep them at all". Organisations such as the RSPCA would love to have reptile keeping by private individuals banned entirely, and such a story would give them a lot of ammunition against us

Just thought i would bring this point up again as it seems many of you have missed it.
Hey just an idea, i wonder if someone could sue the pet shop for trauma or physcological illness , because they are traumatised and having nightmares etc by the site of seeing this animals in such a poor condition.
Honeslty id say post them. Everyone on this site will back you up. Its factual and your standing up for something - not a tree huggin cause but for animal cruelty. We need to stop this store now! If I were in Melbourne i would be at there door petitioning and protesting. Maybe you need to get a band of people - say 20-50 ppl outside their doors on a weekend protesting - that way police and news crews will be attracted. Show that your more sad and upset rather than angry, as sadness wins over anger in any case with other people. Any progress anyone?
i have been to this pet store before and its smells really bad. i feel sorry for the little animals. poor things.
i dont think they look after there animals at all.
lol, i buggered up, her name is rachel, dont know what i was thinking when i typed sarah lol.
Every one has had a winge but only two people have given their details for the follow up investigation.
My girlfriend is being asked to verify what we are telling her and without your help i can do nothing!!!
Time to step up to the plate people those who have been there and know whats going on if you are serious about the conditions I need your info.
I have sent all the comments through to her but the department obviously want more specific information, I did this trying to help the situation and unless you all that know help as well these people will get away with what they have been doing for another 30 odd years!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps some of the people only read the forums a couple of times a day and not had time to add details,

It may be a good idea anyone planning to go there in the next few days to log what day/time they are there etc.

It may take a while to get it all together Odie, the sooner the better but at least some people have said they will go to get pics.
Dates and times are needed no names or addressess come on guys are we closing this meat head down or not?????
Not a real bright idea Crush,

Then it would be bad press for the reptiles and we need bad press for the owners!
Lol love the idea in theory though lol. But yeah they need details guys, anyone whos been into the store and has an opinion please give your details!
I have forwarded the pm's sent to me to my girlfriend as they were written, keep them coming in please the more the better.
Sorry if i havent answered your pms im having trouble focusing at the moment.:(
That's understandable, given what you've been through recently! :(

Best of luck with this ... would love to see something happen to these guys, they sound horrendous.
ok im in no way stopping any of you from protesting or trying to have stores closed but i need to give you a little info that you need to consider, the DSE wont close a store down unless its almost been abandoned. they need these stores to pay for there licenses (which costs a few thousand) which pays wages, the DSE will only issue fines but stores still keep there licenses. also the DSE has very few staff that can investigate stores as most of there staff sit in a building answering telephones all day so dont expect them to get around to investigations any time soon. im not being negative but theres really nothing you can do in terms of closing down the store using the authorities. the only way is to stop any live animals from being supplied, but the store will always be there as they will still sell normal supplies. try your best guys but dont get your hopes up for a victory.
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