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dam, unlucky that i live south of the river, oh well ill get mum or dad to drive me, waste their fuel, they got money :p dont worry, i doubt there will come a day when i will every buy ANYTHING from rockingham :p

if say i realy dont want to spend more than 500 on a snake, what should i do? can you buy snakes that are abit older for a cheaper price? i know thats how we got our cockatoo she was 4 when we got her (96/100 years of painful squaking to go)

snakes cannot hear right? so a cockatoo screaming will now bother one during daylight hours? is that correct that they feel sound rather than hear it? via vibrations in the floor? becuase our cocky screams at a high pitch level when she wants my dad, and sometimes hes just not home so she can go for a good 1/2 hr with no real way of making her quiet.

so many questions, sorry
Mate if you want big, what about an olive? PM Jamie (pythoninfinite). He will look after you. Any prices we quote you here in the Eastern States will be irrelevant in WA anyway.
Licence limitations on Olives - plus slightly over the $500 price tag. More like $2000.

hehe an olive, i dont have much money, and i also have never owned a reptile before, i would love an olive later, but arent they insanely expensive?

and the lisence... thats huge too

its something like 300$+ for 1 year of that catagory (5) lisence, ill get one of those when i earn more money i guess. also sum1 has to come check out where im keeping the snake. and coz im 17 ill prolly be moving houses 1 or 5 times within the nxt 2 years i dont want a huge enclosure to slug around every time.

if i make a nice enclosure for my snake, i might make 1 or 2 more that i can sell off, what do u think :p nice stained jarrah fraiming with good strong glass inset in every pannel, with a heavy jarrah wooden lid+ strong hinges and even stronger multiple clasps?
2grand=1/2 my car.

i like snakes, but i am not unrealistic, i would prefer a nice middle ground snake untill im older and have got more $$ behind me. that said, a decent sized snake is going to be hard to find in wa i think, seems its all pretty expensive.

any WA people can give me a guestimate on a baby carpet? and can someone please give me a decent estimate of the growing span of a stimpson python?

no spotted pythons alloud in wa?

*EDIT*: snatched this from naturebase :p

Western Stimson’s Python (Antaresia stimsoni stimsoni) – Maximum length 100 cm. Category 3.
Southwestern Carpet Python (Morelia spilota imbricata) – Maximum length 180 cm (Male), 205 cm (Female). Category 3.
Black-headed Python (Aspidites melanocephalus) – Maximum length 300 cm. Category 4.

that about right? stimson sounds abit small for my tastes has pictures of stimsons for sale with weight/size - this'll give you a good idea of their sizes. Carpets are probably a minimum of $800+.

No spotted's allowed in WA
i guess ill be starting off with a stimmy, working up from there, 1m is ok for a 1st snake then, need more $$ for a carpet, there too exp right now for me
Chad- I'll help you out- we'll get you a good snake from one of the good guys :)

Jamie (Pythoninfinite) was a wealth of information for me- he's given me a tonne of advice. He's a legend!
Might be stating the obvious and not sure if anyone has said this already but you cant really keep more than one snake in an enclosure from what i've gathered..mind you im very new to all of this too.
Haha , Tate.

Just got here after seeing you're reply on another topic on wich ya found out it's possible ^__^
Chad , in my opinion, go for the lower licence req they are usually the easier snakes and therefor the better snakes to start on.
I don't have to deal with licences overhere but as far i can see when starting in this hobby it pays in the long run by starting off easy .

Lemme know how things are goin.

Cheers Tom
yeah i know, i was talking about seperate places to keep them.

would realy like a carpet python, but there so much more expensive. any cheaper way of getting one? and im talking LEGAL ways, not stealing
hey mate,
i was pritty much in exatly the same position. i'm 18 now, but was 17 when i got my girl. best hink i eva done to... i have an inland carpet. great choise for first timers i think, not bad colours as they vairy abit and good temperament. and easy to care for. and not that expensive. my girl lived in a four foot enclosure as a failry young hachling and she was fine eating and handling. great to learn as you go. then when i had the time (during my half yearly exams lol) i built her a full enclosure. with everything i could think off. look through past posts for inspiration on the style and size. get as many pictures as possibe. i'm going to make a new and improved enclosure when i leave school. can't wait!!! i breed mice also. thats kinda fun, brings back child hood memories lol.
most i think you can learn as you go and just browz this site as i do. to get an idea on various posts that come through, theres so much info here. and it realy helps.
goodluck mate. keep us posted.
And with your enclosure, no matter how small any hole or gap may seem, your snake will get out through it. Its like their mission and they're VERY good at it.
i understand that, im desiging everything to be tight.

heres the plan:

5 sides will be solid jarrah, and the front panel will be 1 piece of solid glass, inset like a picture frame into some jarrah. this is only part ill have to work on, ill need something to hold the glass perfectly in place, im thinking of using a putty like substance, or ill just silicone it in, most likely that.

i intend to make both the side pannels the doors, with strong hinges+double latches on either side. the jarrah should hold in the heat. marie has told me about tea strainers, that i will use, ill open out some holes that the tea strainer can fit into, and use strong screws to hold them in place 1 on the outside+1 on the inside for each hole. these will be good breathing holes, pleanty of ventilation.

the mesurements all depend on the snake. if i get a stimson python then it will be more like 80widex40deepx60 high
for a carpet probably make it 80widex40deepx100 high. or maybe 1mx40cmx1m, something like that, what do you think? large enough?
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