poor chubby

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Hi Dragon Lady! :)

Chubs allowed to eat again!!
only small amounts, but shes doing really well, i gave her some water before and its not giving her any grief!

Shes down to 515g as an added bonus, that makes a total loss so far of 140g!!!!! :)
Great stuff!.....wouldnt want her to lose too much before winter....unless you are not breeding her?

your dragons are lucky to have you Chris!

Hello Chris,

So is Chubby back to normal?
I can't remember if you told me last time, but do you have a UVB light in the tank, or do they get natural sunlight all day?
Don't forget that if she does not get adequate UVB exposure, she wont absorb calcium properly. Sunlight is great. It is not going through glass or screen, right?
Did the vet take any bloodwork? I think that it is important considering the fact that she has been overweight. The AST levels need to be looked at. Is that something the vet talked about at all?
Also, while she is on meds, it is always good to give the probiotics such as acidophiliz or benebac or soy yogurt. Anything that is dairy free that has good bacteria in it will help to settle her tummy by replenishing the good normal flora in her GI tract.

I hope she is doing better!

thanks everyone! :)

I panicked, it was just an upset tummy from not getting warm after her worms, she got to eat on saturday, ran straight fro her salad bowl and pigged out enthusiastically, then turned around and wanted a drink! :)

i watched her carefully for the rest of the weekend and no more dribbles or anything. :)

still have to give her the needles though which sucks. :(

Thanks for posting Tracie, Chub spends weekends in the sun fro UV, no one really stays in teh tank long enough for UVB light in their tank to be any use.

what are AST levels?

the vet and i discussed her obesity and he said considering how slowly i'd been making her lose the weight her liver and stuff should be fine, he wasnt overly concerned about that.

Are probiotics necessary when giving antibiotics in injection form rather than orally? is doesnt seem to be affecting her appetite @ all.
Well done Chris!!!!!
your animals are lucky to have you......:lol:
to think of what could have happened if you didnt give them the attention you do:evil:
you could of lost her........devastating......:(:cry::evil:

Cuddles do pay off!..lol.....;) YAY !!!!!!
thanks RedeEyeGirl and Dragon Lady!

devastated would be such an understatement if i lost any of my animals! :)

cant wait to get home and see her, todays the first day i'm trusting her to keep herself warm alone @ home (bet she doesnt) and i miss her! :)
WOW :shock:

I agree with the sane people that posted on this thread...

And just to clarify what i mean by "sane" i mean the people you DONT make there beardies wear a bib, take regular "baths", watch T.V. and make them rub lotion into there corns :lol:

PLEASE! i am appealing for "pampered" reptiles everywhere.... STOP THE MADNESS!!! :evil:
each and everyone to their own...and i'm not touching this one again after all the "abuse" got hurled last time :shock:...Congrads on chubs recovery Chris glad to hear she's doing better ;)
Wouldnt a lack of heating infact be a husbandry issue?
Grimbeny, heres the reply i gave u on page 2, it still applies. :)

Grimbeny, ofcourse the dragons have access to heat, but Chub goes digging in the cool end after 20 mis of basking and if no one puts her back on the basking area that'll be it fro the day. So since no ones home she'd be cold as ice by the time i got home.

Minka. i might be insane, but i'm happy and so are my animals! :)

and thanks to all the sincere people wishing Chubby well. :)

Hello Chris,

How is Chubby? It sounds like she is recovered now. She definitely got her appetite back.
Good that she has lost the fat slowly though because the liver really cannot handle large influxes of fat release into the body. Their liver is not designed to break all of that down & can cause terrible liver damage or failure.
I think she has lost it slow enough though.
The AST stands for Aspartate Transaminase, which is an enzyme in the liver that can indicate liver disease or damage. It is not always indicative though but it is used as a baseline along with the SGOT (another enzyme), also.
If he was not concerned about it, then, she should be fine. It might not be a bad idea though sometime, to get a complete blood count done on her though.
So they get sun on the weekends only? Do they get any UVB during the week at all, or just the basking light? Really, they may not be getting enough UVB exposure which can affect their ability to absorb calcium properly. Can you get them more UVB perhaps?
About the probiotics, well, the injections are easier on their systems than the oral medications are since they are only broken down once by the liver, instead of twice. So, that is up to you. If she has a good appetite, you may be able to get by without using one.

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