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what can't you people understand the snake that was handed back is all good dah and horse how about i show some of the pms you sent me people don't believe evey thing you see on here most of it is crap

Especialy what you have been saying!!!!
Mud sticks, so even if it isnt IBD or OPMV or didnt come from the animals in question then this seller's reputation is screwed (it wasnt very good to start with anyway)
Yer and its not like his so called friend help in any way
omg! i just read this whole thread and im exhausted!!!
Horsesrule- sorry to hear about whats happened and i hope none of your other reptiles are affected..

Although this thread had turned to **** Im glad i spent the time reading it coz i didnt know much about these diseases and now i know to be more careful when spending time around other peoples animals.
Yer and its not like his so called friend help in any way

It's not like HR helped either, by jumping to conclusions and spreading the word that this seller is bad. Get some proper evidence about your IBD claims and people might stop thinking the way they do about you.
Hmmmn..... here goes nothing...

I want to quantify to all those who will read this post,my position on the situation at hand. I am not putting forward my opinion as a defence for the person Horsesrule is alluding to, nor am I trying to discredit her. My intention is to highlight the fact that internet forums seem to have become the spawning ground for many a lynch mob, bandwagons for herpers who's only expertise is being able to pay their internet connections on time.... and in my honest opinion, this sort of mentality will end up catching some of the better characters in the game out,because a mob was rallied to burn out the seller of an animal that dies to no fault of their own.

Horsesrule, I dont know how much you have read about OPMV, but your liable defence of telling the truth, couldnt punch its way out of a wet paper bag. If you are taken for liable, the ball will be in your court to prove you were telling the truth. Now tell me, how the hell do you prove that an animal has OPMV? If you can find a Vet that will give you a diagnosis of gauranteed OPMV, I suggest that you find a new Vet, as there is no way to prove without a doubt that a reptile has it, the best diagnosis would be "consistant with OPMV" which is by no means a definite answer, and will not stand in any court worth its salt. Now I bet your ticking over in your head the old " I will send material internationally to get tested then", nice try but no cigar. From the information I have read, even the international testing is flawed, ask Herp Doc, otherwise there wouldnt be various labs around the country trying to develop new tests.... the only flaw with merely transposing the international tests here is the inability to bring in the viral material into the country, though substituting the material here wouldnt be all that difficult, seeing as they would most probably be able to apply data from the previous labs. Furthermore, being a virus which already has a few identifiable strains, are your sure the flawed international tests would even recognise the strain your animals may or may not have.

I could go on and on, though I will let you chew on that for the moment.

ps. for all those ready to jump me for incorrect terminology and such.... I was making the post as bandwagon friendly as possible.
It's not like HR helped either, by jumping to conclusions and spreading the word that this seller is bad. Get some proper evidence about your IBD claims and people might stop thinking the way they do about you.

Yes I do agree with you Dan

I was just stating how childish elapid66 has acted on this topic Not saying that HR has been much better but she hasn't said stupid crap like WHAT ARE YOU WEARING and so on

This thread has to be coming close to breaking the record for longest thread / most bitchiness / most childish and most informative all in one!
What a read!
It's not like HR helped either, by jumping to conclusions and spreading the word that this seller is bad. Get some proper evidence about your IBD claims and people might stop thinking the way they do about you.

I have only stated my oppinion i maintain its yet to be proved 100%
I have only stated my oppinion i maintain its yet to be proved 100%

Yes, your opinion. Yet it still downgrades the seller and if you are proven wrong, then there is no way of taking this back, you have taken down his reputation for a veeerry long time.
Yes, your opinion. Yet it still downgrades the seller and if you are proven wrong, then there is no way of taking this back, you have taken down his reputation for a veeerry long time.

I think he has destroyed his own reputation and caused the damage himself.

Had he have sold a healthy animal in the first place none of this would have occured.

The first snake would not have died
The second snake would not need to have been taken to the vet
The second snake would not need to have been returned.

The seller has damaged his own reputation not me or anyone else for that matter.

Lets keep this in perspective.

I was the victim here of a seller breaking the law in selling sick animals.

Now i have other snakes sick.
ps. for all those ready to jump me for incorrect terminology and such.... I was making the post as bandwagon friendly as possible.

Bandwagon Friendly????? No such thing!!!! either pick up your torch and pitch fork and join em or step aside buddy, no room for fence sitters on this site!
I think he has destroyed his own reputation and caused the damage himself.

Had he have sold a healthy animal in the first place none of this would have occured.

The first snake would not have died
The second snake would not need to have been taken to the vet
The second snake would not need to have been returned.

The seller has damaged his own reputation not me or anyone else for that matter.

Lets keep this in perspective.

I was the victim here of a seller breaking the law in selling sick animals.

Now i have other snakes sick.

He bought the animal from someone, and then was selling it. He had as much chance to seeing it had worms as much as you.
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