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i think darlin you have a point but i dont think it will happen any time soon. why not rabits? i know that we can buy them but what if we got in contact with some local shooters around your area (if that is posible) and see if they can get the rabits they shoot and you can feed those, iv seen rabits about the same size as possums so that coud work.
it wasn't put clearly like that smegal, it more seemed like this dude wanted to feed some **** to his snake for youtube, the programs were only mentioned after crucification.
Actually there is nothing in my posts that suggest that.
I was merely pointing out that due to ethical/emotional concerns we kill and discard some animals but it's okay to kill and use as food other animals.

Zeeza _ much like the myna birds that we kill and dispose of that could be used as food.
they would never go for it, people have dogs and cats on a pedestal in their minds, you are socially safer sticking to rats, rabbits, chickens and the occasional homeless person.
they would never go for it, people have dogs and cats on a pedestal in their minds, you are socially safer sticking to rats, rabbits, chickens and the occasional homeless person.

So that is my point why are these animals okay to use as feeders, but other animals that are being disposed of anyway, not used?
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the more you post darlyn the more i think you have a very good point. its all just a wast why cant we use them?
So that is my point why are these animals okay to use as feeders, but other animals that are being disposed of anyway, not used?
Reptile keepers get enough flack from the public as it is, last thing we should be doing is pushing for cats and possums as feeder animals
even the dead abandoned ones are close to peoples hearts, especially if they see on the news that we want them for snake food. i guess its just the psychological effect, rats and mice are stereotypically dirty little pests and snake feed has given them a purpose to exist. even rabbits and guinea pigs are a controversial topic in some circles, personally I would feed my snake anything as long as it leaves a nice big lump and puts it closer to another shed, but because these "alternatives" are not broadly accepted it would never happen.
This may offend some but in reality what does a deceased orphan child possess that is so different from a deceased orphan dog, society will draw the line for you Darlyn.
Well up here we kill feral pigs for animal food, seems to me whats good for the pig is just as good for the feral possum.
Just so that everyone knows possums are an introduced species in NZ

This may offend some but in reality what does a deceased orphan child possess that is so different from a deceased orphan dog, society will draw the line for you Darlyn.

You can hardly liken culling ferals animals to orphan children, that is absurd!
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as are foxes, rabbits, cats, dogs and nearly every other thing running around this country.. can I ask why is it you picked possums from NZ? when there are so many ferals here? and to justify my confusion regarding your motives before, both your titles have read "kittens/possums as a food source". not "utilizing ferals" or "RSPCA no more waste" I and many others assumed you just wanted to do it.
i can understand this but can they guarantee that these animals are safe for our reptiles to eat??

their is lots off little animals that are getting put down that their is nothing wrong with they just can't find a home for it or a mum for it if its to little and needs a mum eg kittens

it wasn't put clearly like that smegal, it more seemed like this dude wanted to feed some **** to his snake for youtube, the programs were only mentioned after crucification.

i understand that mate and if thats the case his reptile licence should be taking off him i dont agree with killing animals but i can understand things like ferule cats and animals that are pest
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as are foxes, rabbits, cats, dogs and nearly every other thing running around this country.. can I ask why is it you picked possums from NZ? when there are so many ferals here? and to justify my confusion regarding your motives before, both your titles have read "kittens/possums as a food source". not "utilizing ferals" or "RSPCA no more waste" I and many others assumed you just wanted to do it.
Well I read the guy who posted kittens for sale and thought, maybe some people would take advantage and look at them
as cheap food. But would they be a nutrional meal? Then I wondered, well why don't we? There are alot of litters discarded every day. Do kittens have a nutirtional value, so I started the other thread that was closed down.
So then I thought well possums are in plague proportions in NZ why don't we use them, we can provide food from a source where they are already killing the animals any way.
So I was just interested on other peoples thoughts.
Rspca staff usually care about animals and would much prefer to cremate bodys, then for me to show up with bazza and kev my perentie disposal squad!!
Why burn.. when my boys will happily tear your beloved deceased pet a new one!

im talking about ferule animals that a being put down not someone's beloved pet and if its a beloved pet y is it in rcpca any way and if its a beloved pet they should be able to find a home for it and they are always saying they need money for their programs this cauld be a good way off making money instead off paying for them to be burnt i am sighing up to be a rescuer and doing the courses to be a rescuer but i can see the point in this even now i pointed it out lol
Thanks Smegal At least you get it.
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while i personally would see no issue with using a possum as a food source, i don't see the point in importing them for such use thats just ridiculous especially considering there are many more acceptable and readily available alternatives already here..

i have also see no problem with feeding many other animals as a food source, but would draw the line at cats and dogs, despite hating cats in general, it will never be socially acceptable, i mean how many people do you know that haven't grown up with cats and dogs as pets, i couldn't imagine feeding my dog to a snake ever and most people will feel the same..
This is what the experts say.... (sorry if it has already been said)....

Let's take a different example... Like Green Tree Pythons for example.... Are we allowed to import from USA?

Case closed...
Our big retics and burmese eat a couple of dogs or a few cats every three months
We get these from the vet who puts down the strays
Good food
No waste
Money for the animal shelter
happy slitherers
win win situation all round
Our big retics and burmese eat a couple of dogs or a few cats every three months
We get these from the vet who puts down the strays
Good food
No waste
Money for the animal shelter
happy slitherers
win win situation all round

I was actually wondering the other day, does the residual euthanasia drugs in the food item have any effect on the snake?
maybe talking about food souks should be banned format this website, unless your asking about rats or mice or rabbbits, other animals that would be consumed by wild animals should not be fed to captive snakes, does anybody agree with this rule?
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