Posting Virgin

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Not so new Member
Apr 16, 2008
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I've been a member on here for over a year,
Never posted a thing - maybe from fear,
That I'd say something lame or just plain dumb,
And have to leave my post count at just one.
Well I've finally got the courage to post this thread,
Albeit 3 in the morning when you're all in bed.
Well anyway Hi I'm Lemon and I have a pet snake,
I live in Newcastle out near the lake.
I have a Bearded dragon nearly 3 years old,
Half a metre long is normal I'm told.
I did a reptile handling course way back in '94,
With Blue Mountains WIRES that opened the door,
To a herpetological wonderland that I'm still in today,
Daily checking this site and what you all say,
The founder of this site is definately my hero,
I hope my friends list doesn't remain at zero!;)
welcome lemon, don't worry about saying anything lame as we all have at some stage.i'm not always in bed at this time as i'm a shift worker. so once again welcome and post away!!
lol, cute little poem.

Welcome from before I joined and congrats on your first post!
Lovely poem,welcome to this site.What sort of snake do you own.........Pictures are always appreciated on here....
lemon I dont BITE that hard :)
As you wrote a poem I thought i would return you one ...
Lemon I dont bite that hard
Dont worry mate
your not a retard...
post your threads
even if there lame....
you will either get a laugh
of you'll get flamed...
remember on here
we have the mod's...
they are like
the APS gods....
have felt the power
of their hammer....
and ended up in
the APS slammer.....
so before you post
re-check and re-think
or do what most do
and end it with a ;)


Another Novocastrian first post too. . .

I have been watching this site since taking the kids to the expo last year, however have only just joined.

My wife bought two baby Beardies at this year’s expo, so I am on a fast learning curve. I have been to a SOFAR meeting, but was not that impressed, (it was their annual general meeting so very formal).

I have tow projects that I am undertaking:

1 Build a fake rock wall for current enclosure
2 Build a fancy new enclosure.

Also interested in the WIRES or NATF in this area.

Can you send me a photo of your Beardie, (and details, Name, Sex, Personality etc

well lemon on here i guess it is trial and error some will support and some will flame you but how do u know unless u try. besides we all learn from our mistakes it is what makes us human so broaden your shoulders and have an open mind and enjoy the ride :)
Lemon, my friend,
please don"t be afraid
Put up your posts &
brave the tirade.
We wont pick on your spelling,
your grammar & such,
or your punctuation, well maybe
but not all that much!
But stand firm! Post away
Ask your Qs & be strong.
Show your pics, add your bits
You're a herper, you belong!
We have all been first timers
so remember, my dear
We've been flamed etc
but we are still here.
...virgins are always welcome, for posting or otherwise... ;)
Pythons73 wants to know what snake do I own,
"Here we go again" the veterans will moan,
Port Mac Coastal/Diamond Intergrade or something like that,
I just call him Rodney and he loves to eat rat!
I got him from MUNGUS - he's 14 months old,
Big strong and healthy - awesome to hold
Lives in a large enclosure from Darren Parker
Better manners than my Spoodle the annoying barker!
Hopefully soon I'll post some pics,
and some of my dragon doing tricks,
Facial recognition Bearded Dragons apparently posses
But simple sums not yet I must confess,
I'm fascinated by the reptilian brain,
Anyone researching a similar vein?
As you wrote a poem I thought i would return you one ...
Lemon I dont bite that hard
Dont worry mate
your not a retard...
post your threads
even if there lame....
you will either get a laugh
of you'll get flamed...
remember on here
we have the mod's...
they are like
the APS gods....
have felt the power
of their hammer....
and ended up in
the APS slammer.....
so before you post
re-check and re-think
or do what most do
and end it with a ;)
lol classic work;)
Wow that was extreemely gay 2am?? writing a poem of how ur a posting virgin. maybe its best u dont talk on this l:
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