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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Does anybody know where I could get a frozen or live (prefer frozen) rabbit about the size of a medium rat within the western sydney area?
check the research labs for them
they are good grade rats mice and rabbits and usualy nothing wrong with them they are SPF
which is Specific Pathogen-Free they just would get frozen and thrown.
otherwise and sometimes breeders have over stock?
:shock: Is It? havent been there. please tells us about it?
Sharon, the owner is just tooooo good for her own boots. I have many bad experiances, one was I went in to buy a heap of stuff and 1 of the things I wanted was an ordinary fluoro tube, anyway it was for my carpets.She proceeded to argue the fact that I was wasting my money by NOT buying an expensive u.v tube. I tiold her it was for a carpet and they don't need it like Diamonds, and it was so I could see my snake and the light is screwed to the top of the cage and the snake curls up around the outside for the warmth, but she knew better and the flouro doesn't put of ANY heat and I would need a heat mat and thermostat and rah,rah,rah. Anyway the place is also run by 15 year old school kids that really should be at school.Tooooo many bad experiances there and she is to condasending.Oh and I got mites from her baby chickens she sells too. That was about a year ago.
Reptile Barn is a bit overpriced on some of their products, but they do supply some excellent products (e.g. habistat thermostats, I am in love :p ).
There is a young fella in there (who I think Adam is reffering to) who really seems to know his stuff, and has given me some pretty decent advice in the past. As for the lady in the shop, Sharon I think, I would steer clear. I've heard many horror stories about her, plus the fact that she only gives advice that, in return, will put money in her pocket.
So if your a newbie and you go to the store, I would reccomend researching what brands of products are best value for money, before you get burned, because you will get burned.
No he isn't the one I am reffering to. He is o.k There is a few young ones that are really annoying.
I heard Sharon has sold it. Anyone know for sure?

There's a young blonde haired kid there named Shane. He's pretty cluey.
Sharon must be a decendant of Ned Kelly I reckon.
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE NED KELLY ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was a bloody hero. She is bloody ZERO!!!!!!!!!!
The shop has just changed hands, and i was told its about to get bigger and better.
Ok, thanks for tips. maybe we should leave non positive info about the place alone now? Never know who reads public forums eh? Think theres a forum for trade info. My bad . :oops: :lol:
Yeah sweet. If it has changed hands well good. I hope the new owners do well.
Me too adam, it cant be easy to run any buisness these days. :wink:
Tell me about it. I run a Limo Business in Sydney and I am about to start a Herp Business with Tennille.
Cool stuff indeed mate! If I ever need a limo I'll give you call. lol All the best with the new buisness! :wink:
Thanx mate.I do 10 % discount on Limo's for all APS members. I actually done the Crusty's gigs in Sydney, made a few bucks too I can tell ya.
It did change hands, I think it was around April or May, not entirely sure but i know its definately changed owners.
I went there not long after to get a couple of heat mats and stuff. Walked around looking at all the goodies and didn't even get spoken too (about 5 or 6 people working aroung the place stacking shelves and counting stuff - maybe stocktake). Only time was when i paid and even then it was very blunt. not happy, pay good money expect good service. herptrader much more pleasant. :oops: :cry:
I was there about three or four weeks ago and Sharon was still there. And the Noticeboard was back up.

They have a wide variety of accessories, and I just enjoy wandering around and drooling at some of the great tanks they've got.

If you're looking for an odd item, or a specific one and the local pet shops don't have it, then the Pet Barn would be the best place to look. But for more common things, compare the prices first (as has already been said).

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