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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
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Hello everyone,

I just got back from a holidays in the whitsunday islands and while there i found the most beautiful tiny little snake in the bush.

He was about 2-3 ft, and about as thick as a finger. Green to olive colouring on top with little white stripes across his eyes, but the most stunning thing was his bright vibrant red belly.

My best guess was some kind of whip snake, but i'd love your opinions or expert knowledge.

Don't suppose anyone breeds them? :rolleyes:

sounds like a nice snake you got any herp books their always good to flick threw and see if you can see the snake
no i don't sadly... and the internet is a garbage dump - its like trying to find needles in a haystack.

wow - no one has any ideas - maybe i discovered a new species? don't let me have that satisfaction people... i know you know.

i know i'll get whacked over the head for this, but i couldn't help myself - i picked him up for a while - he didn't strike, didn't seem phased at all, he was like my darlings at home which i missed terribly on my little holiday. he curled and grasped and constricted in a very python-like way.

it was around midday - in a fairly open bit of bush at the bottom of a very rocky mountain coming out onto the sandy beach.

that help?
we do the whitsundays as an almost pilgrimage, hard-core style - so it was camping on a completely deserted beach on hook island - my absolute favourite place in the world. (no showers or water or toilets though - yup i enjoyed home today)

and the only other thing i could say i noticed was that - being a fan of larger species generally, with their extremely fat heads, this one was smoother and had a gentler progression to the head, less defined.
curious, the only thing up near there that is even close to your description is a black whip snake... but they don't have a red belly (at best a pink tinge), and they don't like being picked up...
i discovered a new snaaaaaaaake........

i shall call him squishy and he shall be mine - he shall be my squishy.
Did he look like the one in the link I sent?

Remembering that colours can be very variable. Could've been a black whipsnake with an usually red belly? And maybe he was cold so didn't mind handling.
I was about to say it might be a whipsnake of some sort, but on rereading you have already thought of that.
PhilK.... similiar yes! Thankyou for that image - what is it?

but this guy i found was alot bigger and a bit greener on top... and with distinctive white stripes across his eyes.

but maybe that's a hatchling of the same species? unless you just have enormous hands...
so you are on holidays on a sub tropical island and you didn't have a camera?....
pics or it didn't happen!
definately not a small-eyed - he had quite big eyes actually - he was very *cute* if you can call a snake that..
I'd say a red bellied black, they can be olive in colour.... I think there's three species of whips there but none are really like what you describe. I think PhilKs pic is of an RBBS juvie

Dunno about the white eye marks
serenaphoenix said:
i shall call him squishy and he shall be mine - he shall be my squishy.

LOL - I love that quote :lol: I want a new beardie so I can call it Squishy.
so i guess no one breeds them then? what a shame - i got so excited.

i wonder if your right shro... it was admittedly my first thought.. that it was a RBB... but the white eye marks confused me.

ah well.. if so, i could have died. isn't that interesting? lol.

i guess i was a bit tough or a bit stubborn during the last week - i nearly sat on a shark at low tide while snorkelling and nearly stepped on a few morays..

i'm a hazard to myself and others..
NB (no animals were harmed in the making of recent holiday - except maybe a few rats that ate the remainder of a SPAM can - and probably died of the taste)
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