reptiles in the house,backyard or near your house

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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SA the 1 and only state!!!!!!!
what reptiles do you get on your property,near your house and in your house ??:D

i saw a huge metre long juvie BS (brown snake) in my dads shed.:shock:
In summer i look on our gum tree and find marbled geckos:D.Across the
road we used to have a beardie when you walked past it ZOOMMMM up the tree.:D

Stumpies across the road too.:D
in the woodlands near my house i find stumpys, jacky dragons, blue tongues, cunningham skinks, brown snake and ive seen a black snake before but i didnt get close enough to see what it looked like:)
We get heaps of shinglebacks. Besides that, just a bunch of tiny skinks, I dont know what their proper names are.
where i used to live always seen heaps of dragons, and about 10yrs prior to that always sein green tree frogs love them :) and now im seriosuly lucky if i even see a garden skink really its sad the impact of surburbia/people/pets has caused

Meggz i think there just called garden skinks if we are both on the same lines
Garden skinks are all I ever see anymore..... :(
Eastern browns, keel backs, yellow faced whips and eastern beardies are the main ones i come across here.
People near me get diamonds. i haven't seen one but i get blueys, Browns, Beardies i got cold blooded and cold hearted next door neighbours does that count?
lol @ sterlo comment reptiles arnt everyones cuppa of tea, let me guess she is mean old lady with a angry jack russel or one of those overgrown rat breeds lol
We used to have the tiny garden skinks , but now have asian geckos and a really large sking about 30cm long.
our house is full of those tiny white geckos no idea what kind, they climb all over the ceiling at night i think they increased in number when brisbane had some sort of giant moth plague a few months back. 1 fell from the roof and landed on my computer tower, i was afraid it was hurt went to touch it and it bolted off under my desk xD when i was a little kid we used to get big blue tongues in our back yard sometimes that was cool i remember 1 being super docile i picked it up and held it.
My dogs attack anything,but the national park across the road rocks in summer stumpies,bluies the occaional beardie,BS and black two gold lined skin.The other dragon i saw was at morieltia
(national park) which was a female tawny drogon skittling around the rocks,i have one crummyphoto you have to zoom up just to c it because it was runninc around like crazy :lol:.
Goannas, Frill neck lizards, olive pythons (nearby not in home)
Home ~ gecko's geckos every where
My place backs onto a Swampy type water reserve we always get these Black snakes with yellow bellies, found a brown in the pool the other day. Also after the rainy season up here in townsville my back yard becomes covered in frogs. Each step a little wave of frogs jump away from me its pretty cool also they just cover the back door counted over 50 one time. Big green frogs they just hang around named the biggest one boris hes gotta be the biggest one ever!. Only ever see him on the group I think he's to fat/heavy to climb anymore lol. No bugs in or out the house geckos control inside, frogs outside.
I remember that as a kid in southern Sydney I used to find shingle backs, blue tongues, I once caught a huge beardie, eastern long neck turtles, red bellies, EWDs, Eastern water skinks, garden skinks, fence skinks and once I caught a leaf tailed gecko. There was another kind of worm skink with a yellow belly that was fairly common too but not sure of the exact species.

I had a resident Shingleback and a number of bluey's for years that were very tame and would eat snails and banana from my hand. Not sure what the biodiversity is like anymore, I haven't lived there for years.
We mainly have asian house geckos at my place , but when the kids go looking around the yard and lifting up the bricks around the garden they find legless lizards ( not sure what type ) and garden skinks . Where i work we have a big group of eastern water dragons that hang around while we eat some of them are huge ( around 2ft) . We have only seen 1 latly that came out for a bit of sun but the rest are burminating .
i have a pic somewhere , ill try and find it when i get home from work .

cheers nico
umm auounc, shingle backs don't live in sydney I think you should try looking up their distribution.
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