Rescued from the pool, advice?

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Jan 3, 2014
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I rescued a baby lizard from my pool. I get a few of the same sort every now and then. I think its an eastern water dragon, but they always seem a little worse for wear after i get them out. Could pool chemicals or something be affecting them?
they are pretty sturdy. I would say release him nearby and keep an eye out for more
It wouldn't be the pool chemicals affecting them it would more likely be the fact that pools have vertical edges and they are tired from trying to get out. Teach them to use the steps and they'll be fine. :p
A photo would help. Young EWDs are readily identified – large round head and eyes, very long tail, back and tail with a series of dark coss-bands interspersed with yellow dotted lines around the entire length of the body and tail.

As mentined, pools set up for swimming won’t have chlorine or salt in hazardous concentrations. However, as indicated, the lizards cannot climb the sides of the pool and if left long enough, will tired and drown. The easy solution is one or two of those flexible foam ‘pool noodles’ one to two metres long. Hang one end in the pool with the other end on the pool edge held in place with a brick. That way they can climb out. Even a sytrofoam kickboard or lid from a broccoli box or appropriate piece of packaging will give it something to climb upon.

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