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It's extremely cool that you can keep salties!
Looking forward to the pics, and enjoy! :)
i have been waitin for sum1 thats gettin a croc im in sa wat do i need 2 do 2 get 1
mmmm realy jelous now, you must be realy excited. make sure you post pictures of it for us all :D
I am verrry excited! When the ad was posted they were only a week old, so they they're only about 3 weeks they're just tiny bubs!
hey shnakey girl, how long is the little fella going to last in the 4ft tank.
i have a 4ft tank spare here at home, but was going to wait till i got a 6footer before i got my freshie.
womapythons- you should probably do a bit of research before you think about getting a croc if you have absolutely no idea yet.
I am so moving back to SA, large choice of animals to own there :D
At the moment lol, we've got a four foot glass tank for him/her that my partner has attached shelves to with ramps so it can come out of the water if it wants, water pump, heating of course (my partner would be able to explain in greater depth, hes better with the technical stuff lol) We got this great gravel from our local pet shop that looks like a river bed and we're going to put some fish and reeds in with him as well.

G'day ShnakeyGirl,

I'm very jealous...we weren't quite set up for Salties when those ones became available so I missed out. I'd give the fancy gravel and reeds a miss if I were you - he will destroy them in a heart beat. I house my Freshies very simply - heater (stainless steel Jagers), pump, washed 70mm+ river rocks on the base and a besa block under a spotlight. Any fancier in a small enclosure and they wreck it.

Post some pics!
G'day ShnakeyGirl,

I'm very jealous...we weren't quite set up for Salties when those ones became available so I missed out. I'd give the fancy gravel and reeds a miss if I were you - he will destroy them in a heart beat. I house my Freshies very simply - heater (stainless steel Jagers), pump, washed 70mm+ river rocks on the base and a besa block under a spotlight. Any fancier in a small enclosure and they wreck it.

Post some pics!

Thanks heaps Johnno, I really appreciate it! the gravel isn't anything too fancy, its just really effective looking in the enclosure, looks very natural! Would love to some pics of your freshies also!
i would get a croc, but there just to dam powerful. and besides, im not having a go, but things that big should be in the wild.(thats just my op)
Well, the same could be said for Scrubbys, Laceys, bign Coastals, Olives and the list goes on and they're widely kept.
salties destroy everything. mine even goes the water heater. Unreal pets a nd when they get bigger they are great fun. It is great to lure them into launching out of the water or making them barrel roll for there feed but I found after I got my croc to do it once he wants to do it all the time now, so it makes it a little more interesting when i have to work with him. Have fun and post pics. :D
salties destroy everything. mine even goes the water heater. Unreal pets a nd when they get bigger they are great fun. It is great to lure them into launching out of the water or making them barrel roll for there feed but I found after I got my croc to do it once he wants to do it all the time now, so it makes it a little more interesting when i have to work with him. Have fun and post pics. :D

Hahahahaha thats classic! How old is yours? Any piccies?
im so jelous. what class licence do you guys in victoria need to keep a salty?

you need an advanced licence, and that's about it...
anyway, here is some pics of our lil guy/ girl, unsure on sex atm
lucion close 1.jpg

lucion, side.jpg

lucion , hand.jpg

lucion, closed eyes.jpg

snappy and quick lil bugger as well... already bit my knuckles and finger a couple times, not used to them this small :lol:
any other croc owners can add their pics on here to if they like...
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awww thats so awsome :D ! can you please post some picture of his new encloure ? and do croc bite's hurt ? or are they the same as python bites ?
these ones didn't, (yeah kinda like a python) but not something i would practice again if i can help it :lol:
will have the enclosure pics up sunday , we're stuck in melb doin, and getting some stuff for the other herps at home this weekend..
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