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Daniel Humm

Not so new Member
Mar 31, 2007
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Hi guys i have 2 Common Tiger Snakes and every time i tell someone about them they think im mad! Just wanting your opinion on owning elapids and would be intersted to know what sort of elapids you guys have!
Cheers Daniel
Hi guys i have 2 Common Tiger Snakes and every time i tell someone about them they think im mad! Just wanting your opinion on owning elapids and would be intersted to know what sort of elapids you guys have!
Cheers Daniel

your not mad thats pretty cool tiger snakes are a cool snake the good thing is u can put all your expensive items at bottom of tank and if someone tries to rob your house they wont put there hand in the tank now will they nah but seriously ur not mad
I don't own any at the moment but I do plan to own some in the future. I love the scaleless death adders. When I get out of the military and cease getting posted everywhere I will set up dedicated venomous enclosures, one day i will get my Inland day.

Pic is of a scaleless Death Adder....not my pic.


  • ScalelessDeathAdder.jpg
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you are not insane. I have three myself and I reckon they are the best. Apart from a bit of a pain feed wise when they are very young they are very easy to keep amd are real pussies.
I personally think their are a portion of elapid(and reptiles in general) keepers who are insane, but the majority seem fairly normal to me. If you are keeping them for an image, danger or macho thing you are probably insane, if you keep them because you like them you are most likely sane.
Well thats the thing i just like their colors alot but some ppl just dont see the picture like we do. They don't no what their missin out on!
no they dontc wat theyre misin! i hope 2 keep some elapids one day and hopefully i wont b crazy lol

I intend on getting a pair of Death Adders in a couple of years. As far as being sane or insane snakes are snakes in the eyes of the non-believers and we are all insane.

When people tell you that you are insane just shake your head a twitch a bit and tell them you have gone off your meds!:lol:
I wouldnt own elapids myself, i dont see any need to own venomous, potentially dangerous animals like that, but thats just myself. i dont think you insane, if you like them for the snake they are, your now stamped SANE!
I wouldnt own elapids myself, i dont see any need to own venomous, potentially dangerous animals like that, but thats just myself. i dont think you insane, if you like them for the snake they are, your now stamped SANE!

A coastal carpet is potentially dangerous, ill have it if you dont want it ;) The majority of elapids are more harmless than the bigger pythons. Its just unfortunate that the majority available are the deadlies.
I love them...I dont own any yet, cos i need to upgrade my license (which i will be able in a bit over a year), but id love a few death adders, browns etc...Most of all i absolutely LOVE the RBBS, but unfortunately cant keep them over here...

I was going to say
without reading the post..but after reading it..
Ofcourse you're not insane.
Those people who are shocked are either a) boring and not willing to think differently or b) just not used to it and suprised but accepting. In my humble opinion. :p
I would personally like to get a ven or two in the future and don't think this is because I am naturally insane already. :p
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my partner would like a death adder and I like tiger snakes. I would also love a dwarf crowned snake. an elapid but not deadly (hey if anyone knows someone who has one of these, please plz plz let me know! :D)

nah, you aren't insane.

Insane, I'm not insane. Insane people are locked up and I'm free as a bird ;)

I've got a house full of elapids, they're fantastic critters. But you do have to be on your toes if you keep them. Some can be quite unforgiving.
A few of the kids in my street love coming over and looking at them and their parents know I don't get the critters out or do anything stupid while the kids are there so they're fine about the kids coming over.
It quite good 'cause the kids are learning to respect the animals and ask heap of questions so they're actually leaning stuff about them at the same time.

Just tell those people you were forcibly removed from the Asylum because they didn't like your pets.

nothong rong with having venomous stuff, i know what you mean people take you different but most people i know i very interested in my hobby and want to get into it for them selves and i dont have a problem with that
Hi guys i have 2 Common Tiger Snakes and every time i tell someone about them they think im mad! Just wanting your opinion on owning elapids and would be intersted to know what sort of elapids you guys have!
Cheers Daniel

I don't intend to keep any venomous species myself. If you keep elapids because you like them, and if you're a responsible keeper, then I don't see the problem. I think tigers are pretty, but I don't want a pet that could kill me. :?
how about some pictures of these two 'common tiger snakes' would love to see them.
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