Scorpion ID Please

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Not so new Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Could anyone tell me what type of scorpion this is.

From the looks its Liocheles waigiensis (Rainforest Scorpion), probably Brisbane locale, but hard to tell.
it is a liocheles species for sure.
the thing is with liocheles most of the common species are all lumped together under the name 'liocheles waigiensis'.
there needs to be a further revision done for them. For now people often refer to them as the town they were found from, for example, Liocheles sp.Brisbane.
hope this clears it up.
very nice find, love this genus, i should look at getting more soon :p
Ah sweet, I dont really know scorpions. We stay further north than Brisbane.

We saved him from a fire.
Ah sweet, I dont really know scorpions. We stay further north than Brisbane.

We saved him from a fire.

did it crawl out of the firewood ?
you gonna keep it, coz if you want ill give you some care tips :)
Yea, we had some of our wood on a fire then he came running out few hours later.

Are we allowed to keep em?

We have heaps where we stay
Yea, we had some of our wood on a fire then he came running out few hours later.

Are we allowed to keep em?

We have heaps where we stay

you sure can :)
wow your very lucky!, wish i could find scorps :/
Sweet, yea tips would be great.

I have a few snakes so have spare tanks and heat mats and so on.
Yea we find heaps of things where we stay. From scorpions to red belly to coastal carpets.
Liocheles rarely sting and are great handlers and are very easy to breed, males have a 'notch' or 'tooth' in their claw (how you tell the sexes apart) - if you need help with that take a pic of the claw and ill let you know.
They can be kept together (same locale), they can be kept from anywhere from takeaway containers to 30x30 tanks, the substrate is just full cocopeat (minimum depth 3cm as they dont burrow.)
just chuck in 2 crix per scorp a week - they dont always feed, they can go months without food. They get to 50mm, so yours in that pic could be an adult by the looks of it, they wont require any heating either.

hope this helps :), they are great scorps and im going to try and add more in my collection soon :p

Ill take a pic when I get home..
What poison to they have?

Ill take a pic when I get home..
What poison to they have?

as much as a bee sting ;).
they will rarely sting you, most placid species ever,
people react differently to scorp vemon, its not harmful though
Ah yup.. sweet...

Thanks for the info.... Ill get the pic as soon as i get home.

It can do plenty of harm if your allergic to them.

i mentioned that?
edit: sorry no i didnt, thought i did.., like i said, there venom reacts differently on everyone. If your allergic to bees it will most likely be similiar symptoms
Ah yea, yea I'll be alright . Can't get that pic up with the tail but will tomorrow
Just picked one up on the weekend- a baby. Have done some research, but any extra tips would be good. We were told to keep it on a heat mat and mist once a day. Is this right? Using kitty's crumble as a substrate.
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