Sexing a snake

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Yeah I wasn't sure if it was the right way to do it or not.
Ouuch, that might hurt...
Did u see that 'sister sister' video?? that Retic layed 43 eggies..!
wooow...n shes huuuuge...
mmmm, best to have someone with a bit of experience round if your going to attempt that for the first time.

pretty neat clip though.
He made it look easy though......

I was suprised at how rough their were with those eggs in the sister sister video.
in this one about half way through [video=youtube;EpMUlkOTzKI][/video]
IT must not hurt as I have seen someone pop an unrestrained wild dugite, it layed there and did not react at all.
Yeah lots of breeders in the states use the popping technique. They also probe too. There are a number of you tube vids showing you in good detail how to do this. All you have to do is do a search for popping.
I've used this method (popping) quiet a bit, it's a very good way to sex hatchlings. It does take a bit of care but once you've been shown it's pretty quick and accurate. I wouldn't recommend using it on adult snakes though, they have far more muscle mass and I think there's potential for injury.
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