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May 9, 2013
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hey guys n girls
so the girlfriend has finally given in after many years and i can now finally get my first snake im thinking either a diamond or a jungle but still not ruling anything else out so im just after some advice which snake you think is best what type of enclosure or anything else you can think of
cheers in advance !
diamond is good for a first choice. :)
Yay! Bout time :lol: Diamonds are great starter snakes but they are large so a large enclosure will be required :) I have never owned one but I many others do! Plenty of info on this site and welcome :D
Gee mate I'd say get an albino Darwin but that's just me. If I was you I'd get the one you like the look of the most coz it sounds like you may not get another for a while :D
I'd go a Diamond over a Jungle for a first Snake. Only because Jungle's tend to be the more snappier type.
Having said that... My Jungle has only ever bitten me once, at the time it was my fault. Can be jumpy sometimes but is usually pretty calm.
Plus most of the time I get a warning hiss or two when it isn't in a good mood. So I know when it wants to be left alone.
I've been bitten by both my MD and Jungle (around same size). The Jungle bite seemed to be a tad worse. You might want to keep that in mind.
However this could come down to so many verables so I would take it with a grain of salt. Just a heads up none the less.
Out of these two the Diamond would be a more reliable choice for getting a quieter animal (there are no guarantees with any snake though) as you are starting out and you don't want to scare your partner early on. I have a Diamond and it has never looked like biting ...(well to be truthful it has difficulty wanting to bite its food sometimes also.....but thats another story...:D).

I have a Cape York Jungle which has a good temperament but is a lot more alert and flighty than the Diamond.....We were lucky that she has a reasonable temperament although many do quieten down with maturity and good handling.

I also have a Spotted which is our most bullet-proof snake. She was purchased from a breeder on this site and has the most comatose personality I have encountered. A perfect beginners snake or a snake for people who want to 'ease' the good wife into snake keeping.

We recently bought an adult Murray Darling which has also proven to be a very tame and quiet snake with a wonderful temperament - particularly around our children. She has never looked like biting or becoming aggressive despite never having been exposed to children or a busy household that comes with having a family.

So I hope there is a bit of info for you there - not only on the two you were looking for but a couple of others that I believe are also worth considering.
The best choice would be whichever one you like the look of. Both can be snappy, both can be relaxed, both with require you to look around for exactly what you want.
I have multiples of most Morelia and they all have their own personalities. Go with whatever you prefer. Some snakes are super tame and some are super aggressive. Much like people I suppose :)
Having said that, pure Diamonds are one of the most beautiful snakes on earth IMO. Possibly my favourite.
G'day Welcome.
Diamonds are cool.
I'm Bias tho and Would get a Coastal Carpet. Mine is so placid. 1st snake. I have 2 Jungles and they can be cranky snakes. My next snake I would like is a Diamond. What ever you get. Enjoy.
Any snake can be a good first snake depending on what you want. There are some stunning jungles around but some of them can be snappy. Diamonds are also quite attractive but have slightly different requirements to other carpet pythons. This doesn't make them any harder to keep but requires a bit more research.

Personally I think womas are a perfect beginner snake. Placid personalities, great feeders, incredibly hardy, shed really well as they don't require high humidity and I think they are quite attractive. But then they aren't everyone cup of tea and we all have different opinions. :)

At the end of the day choose the one you like the best.
I think you should choose the snake you find most attractive. I only got my first snake this year and decided to go with a jungle carpet python. I was a bit hesitant at first because of their reputation as being snappy but he is a really nice snake and definitely haven't regretted the decision.
Out of these two the Diamond would be a more reliable choice for getting a quieter animal (there are no guarantees with any snake though) as you are starting out and you don't want to scare your partner early on. I have a Diamond and it has never looked like biting ...(well to be truthful it has difficulty wanting to bite its food sometimes also.....but thats another story...:D).

I have a Cape York Jungle which has a good temperament but is a lot more alert and flighty than the Diamond.....We were lucky that she has a reasonable temperament although many do quieten down with maturity and good handling.

I also have a Spotted which is our most bullet-proof snake. She was purchased from a breeder on this site and has the most comatose personality I have encountered. A perfect beginners snake or a snake for people who want to 'ease' the good wife into snake keeping.

We recently bought an adult Murray Darling which has also proven to be a very tame and quiet snake with a wonderful temperament - particularly around our children. She has never looked like biting or becoming aggressive despite never having been exposed to children or a busy household that comes with having a family.

So I hope there is a bit of info for you there - not only on the two you were looking for but a couple of others that I believe are also worth considering.

Well done on getting the nod, and welcome to the APS family, i know it is very difficult getting the approval from mothers, wives, husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends mostly because of incorrect education and preconcieved perseptions, As Rob (Bart70) has pointed out his charglings are the most well behaved snakes imaginable ( i think there might be a little DR Doolittle influence there) and i also have a couple of spotties from the same breeder that are a delight to own and handle, so in MHO any of the Anteresia sp hatchlings would be a good deal for first time owners trying to keep the trust going with their newly decided other half, mostly due to their temperament and the fact they only grow to a max of about 1½m so husbandry is reasonably simple as is enclosure size requirements, There are a multitude of other snakes you can choose from and ultimately it will come down to your person preference. The best advice i can give you is to research everything twice and try to buy from a reputable dealer who can also give you extra advice you may not find in your research and if possible find someone local so you can see your choice in person :) .............................Ron
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Cheers for all the help guys think I am going to go with the diamond however the albino Murray does look amazing but a little bit out of my price range ATM so next thing is where to get it are there any good diamond breeders around melbourne ?? And also which is the best form of enclosure to run with first up ?
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