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Hopefully this works.
This is a picture copied over from my other thread.
Also from Swampie.
View attachment 309047
I lovely snake. Only bitten once and tht was when the dog walked passed and he freaked. hehe he got my husband on the chin!!!

That is one wicked looking display enclosure :) What are your dimensions for it? Did you make your own sandstone ledges or did you just buy pieces of sandstone.
Again that enclosure is really nice
Yeah the whole thing is a converted tv enclosure. It is currently cordened off so that it is only pretty much what you see. The barrier will be removed when he is a yearling. I'll get a photo of the whole unit. My husbands Woma is in the bottom part.

That is one wicked looking display enclosure :) What are your dimensions for it? Did you make your own sandstone ledges or did you just buy pieces of sandstone.
Again that enclosure is really nice


Dimensions for the whole RSP enclosure are 1200 long, 700 high in main section and 900 high in side section and 500 deep.

Currently the hatchy is just in 300 by 700 by 500.
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Some pictures of my RSP that I took today.

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I don't think I'll ever get over how beautiful their eyes are! [MENTION=34534]andynic07[/MENTION] what camera did you use to take those photos, and was there much light in the room?

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Also for everyone who got your snakes from swampie, just for comparison: once your snake settled in do you see it moving around much? I know they are crepuscular/nocturnal, but I'm in my room from 6pm-ish to 2/3am... and I NEVER see him in action. I know he IS moving around his enclosure because in the morning he's perched on a different branch, or pooed in a different spot, etc. He must be doing it in the early morning hours while I'm passed out dead... but shouldn't he be active in the evening too? If that's the case, all I can conclude is that he still doesn't feel very safe around me.

He's in a starmaid with a heat mat on one end, basking spot 33 degrees and cool end 24-26. He's got hides in every single corner including a long egg crate and tubes to travel through plus an extra one in the middle, and two branches that he prefers to perch on rather than use the hides (the first two days he stayed in the hides but now he likes to snuggle at the top of the branches.

It will be a week tomorrow since I got him, and I was sooooo excited about handling him, but do you reckon I should wait until I start to see more activity from him? Should I give him a feed first?

How long did it take for YOUR roughie to settle in... and how do you know when they are well and truly "settled" and ready for handling?

Thanks :)
I took the shots with a canon dos 40d and some were taken with my everyday lens EFS 17-85mm and some with my macro 100mm f2.8 usm both in a darkish room with flash.
Hi tigerlilly, definantly do see mine moving around. She's quite the little climber actually. You must just be missing him/her

Oh and I've had mine for about 3 weeks now and she's took two feeds and handles great. :)

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@tigerlilly i find my guy from swampie moves around most about 10pm-3am but hardly at all during the day. also i have a normal light globe aswell as a heat lamp to help with his day night cycles seeing i almost always have my blinds closed when im at home and i find as soon as i turn that globe off he moves around for about 10 mins before getting comfortable in a spot in ambush position (as shown earlier in this thread) even tho he may or not be hungry
[MENTION=40191]Jarrah[/MENTION] and [MENTION=39850]GlenCoco[/MENTION] thanks so much guys I think he heard me complaining because I just walked into my room and saw this!!!

The only thing I did different tonight is not use my laptop in my room so... Either he didn't like that or he's finally coming around :)))

sprawled out on a branch like that is nice and relaxed, right? He's still moving around as I discreetly type this from my phone so as not to disturb him lol (and god I hate using phones to type) anyway I'm so happy I just had to share this crappy pic bc it's such a milestone, yay I'm gonna handle him tomorrow FINALLY :)))

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during a feeding session. i like this photo for the size comparrison between his neck and his belly, its really interesting how much their necks can stretch out when eating


thats a photo of us, or mainly me, watching TV on my bed, levi decided he was sleepy so he curled up in a ball and ell asleep in my hand
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Nawwww so cute, like a little ball python!!! He's a lot smaller than I thought he was too, he must be from the same clutch as Cake! (I thought yours was older) I finally took him out yesterday and he was so calm... but such a curious explorer! Curious Cake I shall call him.

I know what you mean about their necks... combined with their markings I reckon they're the giraffes of the reptile world.
[MENTION=39720]Tigerlily[/MENTION] hes fairly long, probably 50cm or so, as long as my arm, its just the fact that hes able to squeeze into such a small ball makes him look tiny. in the video i posted on the last page shows you how long he really is.
when i first got him he didnt eat for about a month but now hes like a machine always asking for more so he might be a little small compared to his clutchmates but he will deffinatly catch up soon
hahahaha "giraffes of the reptile world" xD i agree xD My guy curls up like a ball python on his heat mat MOST of the day, he never really uses perches or hides; except once after a big upsize feed. he's still in a click clack though so i guess he must just feel secure enough. Gets active around 10-11pm, I was able to handle him the day after i got him, he fed that night too, then left alone for a couple days obviously, i didn't even realise he was in shed, but his calmness and curiosity overcame any fear he may have had. I still haven't "officially" named him :( any ideas? haha i'm thinking Ramsay the Roughie :D

He made himself at home in my yearling jungle's tank! lol I can't believe how much he's grown in the 2 months i've had him, they're on the same food size! haha (jungle is/always has been a pain in the bum to get eating though)


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If it was me I'd go with Ramses or Rasmus but Ramsay is cute!
Also with their colouring I keep thinking Chino would be so cute, short for Caramel Mocha Frappucchino haha. TimTam was another I was tempted to use... this is my subconscious telling me that I'm obsessed with chocolate...

What wattage heat mat do you use giggles?

Love that pic with your jungle: "Hello, let's be friends!" lol
i named mine Levi, short for leviathan under the meaning of largeness plus he loves being near his water at night, plus Levi sounds cute which suits his puppy eyes and fat head haha. i got my spotted as an adult, he was already named tiberius but i dubbed him as tye (i didnt like his full name too much and tye is also a nice name :) )
i thing ramsay is a great name for him :) usually if an idea for a name pops in you head its hard to shake clear of it, well for me anyway, have you looked into any latin or ancient names/ nouns? theyre always fun
if i ever get an albino i have already decided to call it Gabriel as in the angel (im agnostic so no religious bias, i just like the reference)
holy crap guys great night for me tonight
i tried feeding little levi tonight and he constricted this little rat and just held it like a teddy bear for ages, i didnt think he would eat it but he eventully did which is good.
i check on him about an hour later and look what i see
the little guys shedding! this is the first time ive ever caught any of my snakes in the act this is very exciting for me, especially when this is only his second shed with me as his owner. i tried filming it but he got some stage fright so ill just take photos of his progress :)

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sorry for the disgustingly bad quality guys, glass is kinda dirty and my phone isnt helping. plus i dont want to open his door and disturb him even more than what i am already

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his shed skins kinda split around his enlarged belly, i blame this mostly on his dinner stretching things out, plus hes a sneaky shedder, he has like no warning signs, no discolored eyes, no real fading of scales or anything, usually i give his tank a spray of water once every few days but if i knew he was coming into shed i wouldve done it morning and night to help it come off in one piece
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