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I think we need to make sure our spelling is correct to keep the debate on track. Is it Scarfing or Scaarfing or Scarffing? I know the first one is an interesting term in the urban jungle.........
...or Skaarfing - both seem to be acceptable...
So all seem to say that "SKARFING"....doesnt matter how you spell it feeding a snake to get maximun quality quickly...with best results .....not in conjuction to breeding snakes before a mature age!
I dont have a snake yet......but my son will shortly...........& even he at 10 yrs old would never breed a animal before 2 yrs.......the life of the animal should always remain the most important!
At the same time i will take in consideration that snakes seem to eat not just because they are hungry!
Well said Simone, and Pugsly.

Its normally those with limited experience; have read a few books;
and more often then not keep bugger all; that seem to rubbish these keepers.
Simple....talks cheap!!! :rolleyes:
Just for the record; for those that have not had the pleasure....
I personally found Shane to be one of the most informative keepers i've ever spoken with.
You will soon realise what you don't know.
His animals are very well cared for; and in excellent health....speaks for itself.
In regards to 'power feeding'..... i believe you as the keeper;
are in the best position to judge the health and well being of captive collection;
and will feed according to particular species, time of year, age. etc etc
I'm of the firm belief; within the 'FIRST' year of 'most 'reptiles lives (prolific stage of growth);
you can in fact; feed quite regularly; without causing any future problems.....within reason.
Again your the best judge towards your animals health and well being.
Also it's interesting; what works for one; may not be practical for another....each to their own ;)
Snakes, as with most animals, are opportunistic feeders. They will eat whenever given the chance, as there may not be another chance for a long time. In the wild this can be beneficial but in captivity it isn't necessary as food will always be coming (unless the owner is lazy or dies :shock:) anyway i digress.

It is my understanding that skarfing is feeding your snake more often so that it grows faster, reaches "maturity" faster and can therefore breed sooner than a snake following a normal feeding regime. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Shane or any of you other skarfers out there, but I would like to know more about it.

Is it one appropriately sized (compared to the size of the snake) rat or mouse every few days, giving just enough time for the previous meal to digest? Or is it giving them three or four mice/rats in one sitting, either weekly or bi-weekly? I have seen some pretty fat snakes before, fat rolls and all! I imagine that this would be caused from multiple rats per feed, rather than multiple feeds per week, correct me if I am wrong?
(the snakes i am referring to have been handed in to friends of mine, who work at pet stores or are carers)

If the snakes are healthy then I see no problem with it. Each to their own as far as care for their reptiles, as long as the herps are healthy. The only thing I find odd is that the snake is breeding at 12-30 months of age, which in my opinion is no different than an 11-16 year old girl having a baby. The baby is born healthy in both instances, but is it right? I suppose snakes don't really have morals though :lol:

I'm eager to know more.
Shane is a full time keeper and breeder who is hardworking and knowledgeable.

I reckon the scarfing comments come from jealousy over his ability to breed woma and childreni at 18 months
i am in to scarfing my reptiles,especially in winter,gets really cold down here so if they dont put on there scarves they dont go out side,pmsl,seriously i dont see the prob when its done in moderate levels,but if people try to get them to breed early,if they were obese there not going to be much chop breeding wise,so as an example,shane wouldnt have had the sucess hes had if it was unhealthy for them
Does anyone have any pictures of obese snakes, u always here bout it but ive never seen a piccy
Hi Penny,
Well done; you've asked some good questions :)
'Power feeding'...rather then scarffing :rolleyes: is a term used to describe a method of feeding; where as one
feeds an animal large amounts of food to obtain extreme growth rates.
Whether you feed a lot of small feeds or several large food items per week or bi weekly;
is neither here nor there....the desired result is still the same; rapid growth.
While a python is young; this method has not proven to be detrimental to a pythons health in later life....
pending species and circumstances of course.
It's interesting to look at different populations in the wild when considering food in take.
For population may have access to a greater amount of food;
as apposed to another population; which may have a limited amount of food.
These snakes have over time evolved accordingly....both in size, length and metabolism to handle;
the amount of food available.....The point being; they exist none the less.
With captive animals however; they don't have a choice and feed according to their keeper requirements....
well not always.
As expressed once having reached sub adult size;
i believe one does have to take care regarding their food in take; for obvious health reasons.
These animals unlike their wild counter parts don't do it hard; and can be prone to becoming over weight and unhealthy....
issues like fatty liver etc may be a result of continued over feeding.... as it ages.
Problems can however be avoided if one simply uses common sense; and takes notice of his/her snake; and cuts back the sub-adults food intake.
I myself probably don't feed quite enough.
I have purchased animals in the past that have been quite large for their age....what did i do;
simply put them on a diet.....feed less; and still have happy healthy animals to this day ;)
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First time I saw it Nephrurus decided it was a good name to mean power feeding. Having a dig at Shane Scarff for the way he feeds his animals.

I have met shane a number of times, seen and photogrpahed his collection, and all his snakes are in the best health I have seen anyone elses. None look overweight. Period.

If he can successfully feed his pythons at that rate and breed them at that age then good luck to him I say.

He has a woma that he has bred 10 years in a row producing 99 eggs. Personally if there was an issue with her feeding, it would be LONG dead by now.

Its more a jelousy thing I reckon.

Thanks Steve,
Your exactly right. I've known Shane for over 10 years and you will not find anyone more passionate about his animals or a better looked after collection. There are plenty of jealous idiots out there, always has been in the herp game so I guess thats what it comes down to. Obviously all these 'skaarf up buddy' comments comes form those who probably don't even know the guy. Instead of carrying on like a goose, maybe you could learn something from one of the most successful breeders in the country rather than trying to cut him down??
Jealousy is a curse, get over it and you might learn something
Just for the record those that think this is a p1ss take on Shane Skarf are wrong. The term "Skarf up buddy" came from people who use his techniques. The comments about "jeolousy" show just how little you know about how the "Skarf up buddy" term arose.
I'll second that codered! This term was fostered out of respect and many try to understand and emulate this practice. He has a wonderful collection and wonderful healthy looking animals that breed early and with large clutches. Nephrurus wasn't having a dig either pugsly (he has 1kg boodarie's at 9 months) and they look perfectly healthy.

His methods have motivated several scientific studies that are being currently undertaken to examine the effects of such practices.

Apart from this as others have said he is always available to give advice and is well respected in the herp community!
Fair enough boys.

He does cop a bad wrap on here everynow and then though, which is unwarranted. But yes I know of Henrys woma he is pumping lol.
Fair enough boys.

He does cop a bad wrap on here everynow and then though, which is unwarranted. But yes I know of Henrys woma he is pumping lol.

Yeah Henry's woma is a good example on how fast you can feed a snake.

I have a few stimmies that got "Skarfed" last year. The females were 300 grams at 10 months old. Will be intersting to see how successfully they breed next season.
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