Snake repellant (fact or fiction)

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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This idea works with sharks, but I dunno about snakes.
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Its already been done on here,showing Baxtors Tiger snake, cuddling up to the device,in his enclosure and when set up outside he was hanging around the device without a care in the world ...maybe it just dont work on 'captive ' venomous snakes 'now ..ha ha ha ;)
We have tested a few of the chemical repellents and they do not work, the sentinal snake repellent people will not allow me to purchase their device as they do not trust snake people, no faith in their own product....prevention is the best way....nothing will guarentee a snake free area, except moving to a country with no snakes!!!
Hahahah the snake repel crap make me laugh

I think people should get used to the fact that we live in Australia and if you don't like snakes maybe you should leave. I hear new Zealand is good ;) lol
I highly doubt it would work...
it's just another scam,nothing more.
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