Snakes following birds ?????

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solar 17

It would appear to me that snakes in general are following trends in [cage] birds by about 5 years and have been doing so for a while [5-10] years. The albino darwins are a good pointer in themselves, ABOUT 8-10 years ago pied [double factor] rainbows just becoming available commercially [outside an inner circle of friends] with the [single factor] or splits as bird people like to call them, with the herp. community calling them [hets], and although this is not exactly how it goes before our genetics experts jump up and down from a practical viewpoint ITS CLOSE ENOUGH for this thread......about 5-6 years ago possible splits [hets] [birds] became available for those wishing to take a punt on genetics [and the breeders honesty ] but one advantage bird people have over herpers is its generally only 15 month wait [gamble], Now last year the first, l am going to call it colour reduced as everybody is still argui\eing over colour morphs....macaws [in australia] were sold for huge dollars, now l personally believe these would equal albino greens, which are readily available in the U.S.A. FOR $27,500 which l believe would equate to $90,000-100.000 here wiyhin 5-6 years, this is just a view of two cases in general with many more similarlarities or paralells between the two, other cases are locale specific versus native versus exotics [GTP'S] sorongs,meraukes,badu is. all legal before 1995 in Aust. on the NEBRS and other similar import systems....cheers solar 17
I believe a lot of the petitioning to local authorities in NSW on the licensing system has raised a similar point. Both systems in NSW are currently under review and I would imagine that a common framework will most likely be used to govern commercial and hobby operations.

I think given the fact that line development in birds has a 15 month generation increment (based on your statement on the wait for splits) whereas herps are closer to 30 months the morph diversity will be slower to develop.
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