sneezing diamond python

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2003
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ok here is a question... do pythons sneeze... my diamond is making a short sharp exhale sort noise that sounds kind of like a sneeze, today is the first time since i have been keeping that i have ever heard this....

Any thoughts on what is going on??

sure it is a sneeze and not a hiss? does it happen when your in the cage with the snake or does it happen when it is on it's own and u just happen to hear it?
definatly not a hiss he was doing it for about an hour when i was holding him, he never hisses and it sounded just like a sneeze
maybe he has the flu? jokes.

nah i think it is one for the vet m8 never heard of this before but i would take him to the vet. if you do i would be interested to see what he says.

sorry i couldn't help.
It could be getting a "cold" might wanna take him to a vet to be safe.
Did your snake shed reacently? Sometimes they do have bad shed and inside of nose scale is little bit stuck.
Yes but isn't that more of a whistle than a sneeze Slatey? Don't think I've ever heard of a snake "sneezing", I'd say off to the vet just to be on the safe side.
he did stop, it only lasted for an hour that is wjy i was asking ... very strange, he is still on his food and otherwise very active and in good health (his poo is great slatey)
Sorry afro. My bad engish. I did had hissling in mind LOL
apaarently i have heard of snakes opening there mouth to breath and keeping it just open enough to let air in it as the reptile keeper at healsville sanctuary told me he has problems breathing through his nose, also a mates scrub has to keep its mouth open and he sounds like he has a blocked nose, just wat ive heard
My Diamond had/has the exact same problem.

I noticed a few times that he would just let out a big exhale through his nose. Almost like a sneaze but with just air, as in no aaacccchhhoooo part LOL. I took him to the vet last week for a check up and while I was there mentioned it and also noticed that while I was there he was making a whisteling sound from his nose every few breaths. I hadn't noticed this one before I was at the vet so to keep safe he took a swab from his mouth and sent it off for some tests. I expect to hear back tomorrow so when I do I will let you know what he said.

The vet wanted to be sure that it wasn't pnumonea (or however you spell it) as he didn't want me to hibernate him if it was. He seems fine, if I were deaf I would not know there was a problem at all.

Hope yours is fine
Sometimes they do that when respiratory problems started. Just keep watching him.
yes thats what this scrubby that i was talking about has i couldnt think of the words thanks slatey
Well the results came back and the doctore said that nothing was found !!!

He said it could still be a problem deeper down and actually in the lung, so to make sure I keep an eye on him. Said it could also be that there is not enough humidity and the snakes throat is basically dry from it. I will check that tonight.
What about hair balls,a few years ago 1 of my snakes made a noise sounds very similar to what has been described and for some reason it reminded me of a cat coughing up a hair ball.
Hi Bondi,

I was just wondering how much your little trip to the vet cost you? Did they carry out a lung wash on your snake or did they just take a saliva sample from the snakes mouth?

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