Stimson python blowing bubble HELP

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It could simply be the snake having had a recent drink, and with movement or handling, sometimes the water, with a bit of saliva for stickiness, runs back out and can be caught with an exhaled breath to emerge as a bubble.

If a snake has a decent drink and is roughly handled or held the wrong way, the water runs straight back out again and can emerge with bubbles from the nose or mouth. With the changes in circumstance this animal has encountered, this is a very possible scenario.

Bubbles are not always a sign of RI.

if its R.I. & the seller is a decent bloke he should offer you a refund, sorry to here jas, i was about to say just before you left that day, 'you dont have to buy it, make shore it's ok'.. but a bit late now, if it had of been closer i would of went with you.. it does sound like R.I. though.. i would ask for your $$ back.. but thats me. good luck mate.. ray burton at mount hutton or sugerloaf animal hospital mark simpson is a bit dearer but a great rep vet. ive taken a animal with R.I. to ray burton, no prob, nice bloke.. $96 for 10 injection of baytril.. not bad.. let me know what happens..
not good to hear, the vet up my way does 3ml of baytril for bout $22, but you wouldnt need that much for a stimmi
ok sorry about the late reply i cant get in untill wednesday at sugar loaf im sourcing other people,

tatt2tony, yea thats cool, didnt know if you were keen on a long drive otherwise woulda hit you up to come down with me,
the seller seems like a really descent person when i met him and in the email he sent when i asked him about it, but would be nice if they could contribute some coin towards the vet ive had no bloddy luck with stimsons ay first one wont eat and now this guy isnt well geee haha bad luck atm

has not had a drink unless he did prior the car ride home ( 2 1/2hrs)as we know the ol highway is rough as guts weither this shook him up as taken him out i handled him for approx 5 mins, before putting into new enclosure couldnt help me self we are all guilty for this lol thats when i noticed the little bubble coming out tripped me out seeing it

there is no other signs what so ever, ive basically been by his side since last night when i noticed this and ive sein or heard nothing else

since last night ive thourougly disenfected his home and hide water bowl etc, fresh water 34 at hot end, havent touched since besides removing for 5mins for thourough clean
will keep updated
doesnt sound to bad, a trip to the vet will sort it out & give you peace of mind mate, if it is R.I. & you have to give him injections, dont freak out, im hear to help, ive done this a few times before over the years & will help you, alot easier with 2 ppl anyway, ive done it by myself a few times before & its not easy. let me know how it go's mate. tony
I would say, more than likely, a good drink before a car ride would cause water to slosh around in the snake and come back up with mucus to make it bubbly. If it is RI, it sounds mild, otherwise it would be breathing audibly, opening its mouth and puffing out the throat. I wouldn't bother with a vet at this stage, keep an eye on it and if any symptoms persist, then have a vet deal with it.

Raising the temperature as you have done, will, in many cases, fix a respiratory infection anyway. Antibiotics are not always called for, and it is far better for the animal if you can avoid using them.

The most certain way of telling whether it is RI is to offer food - if it eats, you have nothing to worry about.

Agree with Jamie - after having a BHP get to a bubbling stage a few years ago, you would know if it was RI. I didn't take that animal to the vet, just cranked temps and came good.
Also, Stimsons notorious for not eating this time of year, so wouldn't be too concerned about the other one. I've had them go 12 mths with no food.
That's true... should have put the usual 'Stimson's at this time of the year' proviso - not feeding is not an indication of a problem for these guys, as glacey says. When i was a dealer in Perth, it wasn't unusual for Stimmies, especially males, to feed for only 3-4 months of the year, and they remained in perfect condition. This is very likely what they do in the wild.
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thats ****** mate i wouldnt be happy with that, but hey bad luck always comes in 3s
bigtime89 dont say that i only just got a jungle too he seems in top health come from a awesome breeder with high standards so have complete trust and faith in him, ive had enough bad luck time for good luck for once lol, my other reps are in a tottally different room and had planned to stay in a different room for the 90 day qaurentine time,

and for the others replies the other stimmie i got was told he was very estabilished feeder has never ate before until tatt2tony has helped me he is about 5-6 inch long and now 12grms and he also 6months old thats why was concerned far to young to reject food,severly under weight and size

none the less had a vet "unfortunately not a herp vet" but has snake knowledge cant name this person as they asked to keep it on the quiet as its a one of favour had a quick unofficial look at him he thinks the snake is fine at this point as there is no other signs could be just other factors that should be looked into but nothing serious he thinks at this point

so i will remain to monitor him very closely and take notes of any movement apparently he is due for a feed today so im going to wait for a few days ive got the temps up for him i still think im going to take the appt i have already booked at the animal hospital or should i just wait another day or two he has presented no more symptoms no other signs of anything has bein very active over night

still keep the herp vet appt?
if you want an opinion, you can bring it round(out the front,not inside) & i can have a look. i have seen a few cases of R.I. maybe i could at least rule it out.but if your worried & have $56 (ray burton-mt hutton) for a consult it would be worth it for peace of mind. if it does turn out R.I. should only be $100 all up for consult + meds.. sugarloaf A.H. will be a bit more..

Ive tried offering food, tonight showed alot of interest, striking at the food and trying to strangle it had it in its mouth fair few times but few minutes after lets it go so there is repsonse thats a good thing IMO

nothing has changed since last update besides i have offered food he struck at it several times gave it the killer hug but after a few mins just lets it go, so there is good response there, ive got another opinion today and to confirm its not a RI, its looking like the cause is something else at this point,
My jungle had the same problem last year when i got it, I took it to the Sugarloaf animal hospital at West Wallsend they are very helpful and have a special interest in reptiles. Was given antibiotics and all was fine in no time. Price was very reasonable to.
Hi Stimmie,
An RI advanced enough to cause bubbling will also cause the snake to wheeze, make a slight whistling sound you would be able to hear. Mine aren't eating at the moment and most haven't now for a month at least except for the juveniles on constant heat, and we have very mild winters, very normal for them not to eat this time of year.
UPDATE: he blew another bubble now as i moved his hide to check his temps, since seeing this again i have now removed the water bowl something is deffinetly up and heard some strange noises as the buble was present after it cleared out his nose no more noises or wheezing etc, hmmmm ive cranked the temps up until i can get in see the vet anything else i can do at this point?
I would leave the temps raised and not disurb him until you are ready to see the vet. How long untill you have your vet appoint.
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