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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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Western Sydney
Hey All,

I have kept reptiles for a long time, with minimal people knowing what i had or where i lived etc. I have never had incident.

However, on Tuesday this week we had a pest control company come out to spray the place. The young guy saw all of the animals, (first time in years any non family member had been to our place) as he sprayed all the rooms and around the yard. He even made the comment to my father that he always wanted a snake but had never bothered to because he couldn't be bothered filling out the forms.

Coincidently, that night someone broke into our backyard and used the appropriate tools to steal two animals. I am convinced it was this twat, or he has shot his mouth off to someone that day who has later come around to our house and somehow was able to know how to break through the security we had to steal these animals. I am also convinced this person was not a real herper for two reasons. The first, being that he took a dull looking male diamond and left behind three obviously graivd females. Second, the culprit walked straight past an enclosure that is lit up at night and contains a dozen Boyd's Forest Dragons. Whilst i am mad as heel that someone has broken in, i could get over losing my Diamond. However, any keeper on this site who knows me, knows that my most prized animal is my 12ft plus Coastal Carpet Python named Brutus. He has won awards at South Coast Herps and Macherps for his sheer size. He is a gentle giant and has an unusually large broad head.

However, he is also quite unique and he has three scars on his body which make him very identifiable. Not that i ever expect to see my long term pet again, not that i expect the tosser to turn up to a herp meeting etc but just on the of 0.01% chance of a miracle happening, could people please keep an eye out for my big boy. He was stolen from the Macarthur region. I have also left certain details out as the police are still investigating and they are also convinced that the coincidence of the pest spray bloke being there and making his comments that day only to be robbed the same evening are not coincidental.

I know in my heart these turkeys are not going to care for him the way we have. They no doubt wanted Brutus so they can big note themselves. I just hope that the first time they tried to feed my big gentle (but incredibly violent animal during feed time) giant they get their come uppence.

I also urge reptile keepers not to get complacent when tradies come to their house. We did once and it has cost me heavily. Not that all tradies are scum like this bloke, but they can easily let things slip in a conversation.
Hope you do find out mate and let a few fists to his face slip.
i would say no coincidence, i hope a quick finding of your snakes takes place. best of luck to you. do keep posted aswell as i feel for your loss
Man this makes me mad as hell, people think they can take your animals and get away with it. Karma WILL get them dont worry, i hope you get your big fulla back.
Get one of your friends to hire the same pest control people and when they come round to your friends place, hit him up about it and see what he says, you could tell if hes lying,
Thats crap , i hope you get them back mate . Did you ring the cops ?

cheer nico
Maybe Brutus will give one of them a hug. Good luck, I hope you get snakes back.
Thats Crap mate. I hope you get em back. I am always worried about people I don't know too but I have an angry dog and a cranky old codger living with me who sleeps with his shotgun haha...i hope they get whats comin to em
People like this dont deserve to breath the same air as anyone else.
Bring back the death penality.
Or at least, they should have a hand removed.
Surely the cops could investigate further and hold this pest guy as responsible? But then again my dealings with cops in the past has left me high and dry, they do absolutely nothing these days, and you wonder why so many people get away with breaking the law...cause they know they can!

I hope it turns out the best for you salebrosus and will definitely keep an eye or ear out for you down this way.
The cops cant search a place without a warrant and i cant see them getting one for a stolen snake. Sucks but thats how it is, anyhow what goes around comes around, they will get theres.
Sometimes , if you have a good idea who did it , its better to leave the cops out of it . They have to follow the rules where you don't , also if things get a bit carried away there is no paper trail leading back to you . Goodluck anyway .
Grrr this makes me so angry! We had a similar incident involving a so-called 'friend' who was desperate for cash. Never got our beautiful wee girl back either, because the cops, after advising us to wait until morning because they couldn't search unless they had a warrant or he let them and apparently the detec. who was on in the morning could, decided to tip him off by turning up at his place. Next morning at the cop shop apparently the previous nights conversation never took place, funny old world isn't it? I miss my beautiful little MD, but at least Brutus is more than noticeable. Good luck!
A real shame. What kind of security did you have in place? Sounds like they had cased the place.
thats heeps bad news. what a let down..
i like the way u sussed things out quick smart. just be prepaired for round 2 as this bloke will most probs go bragging to his mates and they'd want in on the action for sure.
u learnt the hard way but we should all learn from this - u can never drop your guard, even to customers
realy hope they turn up soon! just remember its a small world
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