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best of luck getting them back.
in regards to microchips, they can be inserted in the body cavity so they cannot be seen nor removed, costs about 40 dollars.
sorry to here of your loss mate i have a big darwin female 9-10 foot gentle giant it would break my heart to loose her will keep my eyes and ears open for you mate just hope you get her back regards mick
yeah from what you have said sounds like the pest control...have you had any luck since? i would approach the person to see what his reaction if he starts to sweet or get nervous speech know when there is a lying thief you can see there thief written all over...
hope you have some luck mate......
cheers steve
My Dad went down to the company and ripped into them. While he was drving home the bloke called my Mum at home and said 'honest it wasn't me' - my Mum hung up on him. I wrote and phoned a local newspaper asking for assistance. I got no response to my email and no one has returned my call.

I'll just bide my time, i won't let this drop so easily.
Maybe it wasn't him. I've been burgled before and laid blame where it wasn't due. It's human nature to want to find answers and then start putting 2 and 2 together only to come up with 3. I hope you haven't come up with 3 and accused this fella in his work place damaging his reputation when he's not even guilty. His phone call to your mum suggests to me that he hasn't done anything wrong.
Steve, this man is the only person who has been to this address and knows these animals were here. As i have just moved, no one knows my new address. Even the police were adamant it was him and said they would keep watch. In this case, i know we are right.
Or perhaps he mouthed off to someone he knows and they did it, not him.
If you have just moved, sounds pretty sus.
Did you use a removalist?

Hope you get your beloved boy back Simone.
Off topic, but my father-in-law had a late model V8 Calais stolen once (supposedly very hard to take by an amatuer), anyway it ended up being the car-cleaning business and one of their employees whom he had hired to clean the car for sale that was tied in with a vehicle re-birthing racket! Sometimes it really is that simple. Best of luck getting your animals back! I'll be keeping my eyes peeled! The rotten mongrels will hopefully come undone somewhere!
yeah that really sux maybe you should get a security system we have 2 they're rotti x sherpei wicked guard dogs hope they get caught it will only be a matter of time
Maybe it wasn't him. I've been burgled before and laid blame where it wasn't due. It's human nature to want to find answers and then start putting 2 and 2 together only to come up with 3. I hope you haven't come up with 3 and accused this fella in his work place damaging his reputation when he's not even guilty. His phone call to your mum suggests to me that he hasn't done anything wrong.

i have to agree, what's to say a person hasn't jumped the fence the night before then prepared. anyone could have taken them it may just be a coincidence, or he may have taken them. then there's public defamation on your part if it wasn't him. going into the workplace and abusing someone for something they may have had nothing to do with could cost them there job which could lead worse things happening to them.
1. No removalist used. As i only brought a carload of things. Everything else is in storage under my partners name.

2. If this bloke has shot his mouth off to someone else and they have stolen the snakes, then he is still to blame.

3. There really are no coincidences. No one knows i live at this address. No one knows i kept reptiles here except the person who came to spray the house. So you don't have to be einstein to figure this out. My partner and i do not tell anyone we keep reptiles as we really want to be left alone. Even the police said it was him. As far as i am concerned this maggot has done it. And if people on this site want to state 2 plus 2 is 3, and not take my warnings on board to protect your animals then no dramas. I just pray they are lucky and don't lose animals they have had for more than 10 years to grubs like that.

---------- Post added 31-Dec-10 at 03:52 AM ----------

defamation isn't defamation if it is proven. Secondly, i have not state the companies name. Thirdly, when my father approached the company, he never said he had done it....he said why is that the only person who knows we keep reptiles comes to our hosue then the exact same night, the animals are stolen.....people can draw there own conclusions from that.
I would believe him when I lived in Tasmania our neighbour was a tradie who would go to peoples houses to suss out what to steal.
I am so sorry for your really is so upsetting....we are renovating at the moment and have the snakes in the front room in click clacks (they are still babies).......I am getting enclosrues for them which should be ready by mid/late January and I am planning to move them in.....they will be in the I am thinking we might put it all at the moment the tradies dont know we even have snakes...........
It is a real bummer that we have a hobby that so many people are fascinated with, but can't seem to research how to enter it properly. I have to keep on reminding my children to not speak of our pets. Even when I go to feed them I have to ask the kids to lower their voices because the whole neighbourhood doesn't need to know....

I would love to teach people more about the snakes and their requirements. I have a few people at my work interested, but I am picky as to who I tell outside of the trusted few.....

Also to Fantazmic, most enclosures don't really offer much protection from theft. On sliding enclosures the lock will prevent the glass from sliding but you can still lift the glass pane up and take a side of the glass off the track. If you are building an enclosure to prevent theft it is best to have on with a hinged door. The hinges will need to have theft protected screws (either triangle heads screws or internal hinge) and a key lock, or hasp and staple, with protected screws. Anything with external exposed screws is just a deterrence, but then anything with glass is just a deterrence!
Even the electricity guy that reads the meters could be a suspect.....Once one came up the front stairs and looked through the open window and stated
"Errr YUK what's that - not a $%*@ snake is it ?..
Since then the window is never opened and the only way in is to bypass my very protective dog. :)
Hope you get a lead soon Simone
Sandee :)
Also to Fantazmic, most enclosures don't really offer much protection from theft. On sliding enclosures the lock will prevent the glass from sliding but you can still lift the glass pane up and take a side of the glass off the track. If you are building an enclosure to prevent theft it is best to have on with a hinged door. The hinges will need to have theft protected screws (either triangle heads screws or internal hinge) and a key lock, or hasp and staple, with protected screws. Anything with external exposed screws is just a deterrence, but then anything with glass is just a deterrence!

yep I is more that when the tradies are in the house the whole house is open and they are walking in and out all the moment Alvin and Elvira are up the front of the house and the tradesmen dont go there so they dont see them....but when we get the new enclosures......well they will be on show. The enclosures we are getting dont have sliding glass..they have a door on the side....but the bottom line is if someone wants to steal my babies they will and I guess I am worried it is a lot easier with my house open.

I really hate it we have to be like this.....Hubby and I are thinking one the spring...we might have a clutch...still not sure.....particularly because of this problem......I guess we will be taking lots of piccies of hatchies when it comes time to find homes for them..........

i just went looking for this thread hoping we might hear some news that Brutus is home......
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