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Id go and see them. Tell them the reason you take them outside. Suggest if they are afraid, you could give them a courtesy call to say you are takin them out, then they are aware they're there before they see them themselves. If they are decent people, they will appreciate the visit.
Just take them out to the backyard if it would save any issues.My neighbours do not even know we keep reptiles and that's just the way I like it.
None of my neighbours know I have 15 odd pet pythons. For the simple reason I don't want to be robbed by some kid in the street that wants a pet snake.
Take it on your own property where and when you like. At least out the front will keep pesky door to door salesman away, and if you do it just after school hours, it will keep the kids away that deliver junk mail for me!​

None of my neighbours know I have 15 odd pet pythons. For the simple reason I don't want to be robbed by some kid in the street that wants a pet snake.

Have to agree with this also, privacy and secrecy for your pets is also important.
Your neighbour obviously has a phobia about snakes, that's ok, lots of people do, but it's his problem not are within your legal rights if you have a licence and stay within your property boundaries front or back......
I agree with Jamie - but I understand from the op that the backyard is closer to this particular neighbour - or maybe I misinterpreted that?
No snakes aren't everyone's cup of tea, but there should be give and take from both sides.
I have mine out regularly, and most people come to the fence and ask lots of questions about them, and are really quite fascinated. If I can educate a few people in this manner (no, I'm not saying I'm an expert by any means, but information is vital to help people feel less afraid).
One of my best friends has a pathological fear of snakes, I don't get them out when he's around out of respect for him and my animals. Give and take. I'd pop in and see your neighbour and try to work something out. You never know it could diffuse the whole thing, and help him go a way to conquering his fear.
Just my opinion of course....;)
Can mean two things....."Hurry the ****** up" or "Harden the ****** up". Apply either to the sentence used....:lol:

To the OP. Maybe next time when u r going to get the paper wander out with a Deathy one one arm and a coastal taipan on the other.

Now that I'd like to see.

Your neighbour needs to HTFU. I wouldn't be concerned if I were you. As mentioned, you're licenced, the animal/s are on your property and controlled. Bad luck sooky la-la neighbour.

Sounds like your neighbours are douchebags. Hopefully they're so terrified they move out haha :)

what does HTFU mean haha
I'm so curious I just have to ask.... what species is the snake and how big?
One is a 5(ish) foot Bredli, and the other is a 7 foot BHP. So it's not as though I could lose them easy in the grass and decide to give up searching for them and let them stay out in the garden. I started using the backyard in the beginning, but with all the things (wood piles, shrubs, and other objects) they just head straight for them and try to go underneath them. The front is just lawn and a lot bigger area.

I hate cats with a passion... I don't go around screaming to people "Lock your darn cat up! you wildlife killers!!!" Its my problem, i mutter it to myself and move on! it's stupid and I hope the authorities think this too

Lol We 'allow' their 2 cats to roam around OUR yard at night. By 'allow', I mean I got a trap from the council after it killed a tame one eyed magpie we had out backyard and took it in to the shire offices when it was caught next day. Said neighbour this post is about came to front door and threatened me that night about not touching his cats again..

Yes we have history. I even got blamed for our other next doors roosters crowing. And doing weeding in the back yard on the weekend upsets their 3 Pomeranians that bark at anything as simple as a sneeze.

I am half done with an enclosure out back to let the snakes exercise in, and want to convert the whole back yard into a 'refuge' for frogs, blue tongues and other local skinks.

I agree with Jamie - but I understand from the op that the backyard is closer to this particular neighbour - or maybe I misinterpreted that?

Yes, our backyard is only a few meters from their front and back doors. Our front is as far from their house as you can get.
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My backyard is surrounded by flats with some not nice people. When my dogs were pups/had pups they were excercised out the front yard because the only people that would see them would be anyone walking by. Same with snakes, they will be out the front on the grass because i donā€™t want no ā€œthugā€ seeing what i have and deciding to break into my house. No complaint from my neighbours yet and i hope this isnā€™t a legal problem because if it is, for the safety of my snakes unfortunately they wont be going outside.
Lol We 'allow' their 2 cats to roam around OUR yard at night. By 'allow', I mean I got a trap from the council after it killed a tame one eyed magpie we had out backyard and took it in to the shire offices when it was caught next day. Said neighbour this post is about came to front door and threatened me that night about not touching his cats again..

Yes we have history. I even got blamed for our other next doors roosters crowing. And doing weeding in the back yard on the weekend upsets their 3 Pomeranians that bark at anything as simple as a sneeze.

OK that's why I hate cats! I have everything BUT cats and dogs. I absolutely detest people who allow their cats to roam and think it ok! He's sooo lucky he doesn't live near me OR in QLD. Those cats would never be seen again! I had a problem with cats comming and attacking my CAGED birds. I lost a pair of par blue scarlets that way. "Oh no it can't be my cat" PPPFFFTTT. RSPCA didn't care, neither did the council OR the coppers. They both said to just kill the cats! (No lie, Townsville council and coppers, told them at the time we were army and they said oh better not then!) Could say fight fire with fire but it will never end. It's on now, it will never stop. Ignore them and keep your hands clean and document EVERYTHING. I've had neighbours like them too many times, Thats why I live in the bush! Next step would be privacy screening or making the fence higher and from experience neither of those work.
Lol We 'allow' their 2 cats to roam around OUR yard at night. By 'allow', I mean I got a trap from the council after it killed a tame one eyed magpie we had out backyard and took it in to the shire offices when it was caught next day. Said neighbour this post is about came to front door and threatened me that night about not touching his cats again..

Yes we have history. I even got blamed for our other next doors roosters crowing. And doing weeding in the back yard on the weekend upsets their 3 Pomeranians that bark at anything as simple as a sneeze.

I'm liking your neighbours less and less. Hypocrisy, wandering cats and delicate Pomeranians bring out my prejudices every time. :D
Yeh mate I would tell your said neighbor to grow A set of ***** and man up. Seriously *** and if they try to do anything just get em for trespassing
I sun my tigers and red belly blacks in the front yard. Got some weird looks from people at times :) Even had an Irish lady with a heavy accent stop and say "is that a tiger snake???" ....I was impressed. But then again, maybe the stripes gave him away :lol:

I also had one of the next door neighbours kids eye to eye with one of my darwins once, then unexpectedly the mother came out and nearly had a heart attack when she saw it. You should have seen it! :lol: It would have looked pretty bad as the snake was about a foot off the ground looking at him. He's just an inquisitive snake and hasn't bitten anyone ever....some people :lol: The kid had no fear and was enjoying the staring contest.
If you are in your own yard and not disturbing anyone, there shouldn't be any problems. What can a local council really do, report you to the EPA for having a reptile out in the front of your house when you have a licence to keep it??
I sun my tigers and red belly blacks in the front yard. Got some weird looks from people at times :) Even had an Irish lady with a heavy accent stop and say "is that a tiger snake???" ....I was impressed. But then again, maybe the stripes gave him away :lol:

I also had one of the next door neighbours kids eye to eye with one of my darwins once, then unexpectedly the mother came out and nearly had a heart attack when she saw it. You should have seen it! :lol: It would have looked pretty bad as the snake was about a foot off the ground looking at him. He's just an inquisitive snake and hasn't bitten anyone ever....some people :lol: The kid had no fear and was enjoying the staring contest.

That would have been priceless the look on the mothers face

Wouldn't you have the right to cat trap the cats if they came on your land and the neighbor would need to pay the release fee? As they would learn a lesson either shut up about the snakes or cop the cost of getting cats out of the pound

as also its good to have the snakes as it stops the god botherers coming to the door too
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Pick a nice day,collect alot of empty beer or spirits cans or stubbies,put all the empties all over the lawn, a couple of rubber snakes on fishing lines to make them move,turn up some ACDC and have some fun,cops come you are completely sober playing with toy snakes,neighbour FAIL
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